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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Yes. I haven't heard the dub, yet (and likely never will), but I don't imagine that can be any worse than the original dub.
  2. What's funny about Bakshi's LotR film is that it was hyped at the time as some new break-through in animation. People were really disapointed when it was found out to be rotoscoping, which, as has been pointed out, had been around for fifty years already. Another film guilty of using it was Heavy Metal; easily one of the most over-rated films ever. I wasn't aware of the opening to Knockin' On Heaven's Door being rotoscoped, though. As for this movie, I'm still in shock that it's being filmed at all. This is one of Philip K. Dick's more f'd up novels. Everything of his that's been filmed before was based on one of his short stories. His short works conform more to standard SF, especially of the Twilight Zone/Outer Limits type (always some sort of twist at the end). Much of this gets lost in translation to the screen, but that's to be expected). It appears to me that the rotoscoping in this movie is to make it look sureal, and really not to animate it. I'll definitely be curious to see how the treat PKD's work. It's been rumored that this will be first time anyone's ever tried to do an actual adaptation of his stuff (Blade Runner, Screamers, Total Recall, etc. all change the stories signifigantly).
  3. Who knows. ADV currently has the license for the show in the US, but that may not extend into merchandise. I'm sure we'll find out for sure as it gets closer to an actual release.
  4. I kind of wish they'd go with 1/18. The action figure looked way too small sitting on the prototype.
  5. Ummm... Look two posts up. Media Blasters announced they have the show yesterday at Katsucon.
  6. So many hinges on that thing, I wonder if it splits into the two Buster Machines.
  7. I wonder why they had a copy of Adam Warren's P.O.S. Bubblegum Crisis comic book 'Grand Mal' behind the BGC toys? Very weird. Because someone has no taste?
  8. Looks kinda Giant Robo-ish. I wonder if the name Yokoyama has anything to do with that.
  9. Must... have... Garland...
  10. Ah. You should put a smiley up when you do that, otherwise it's really hard to tell just from text.
  11. At least that beats ADV's two episodes per Gantz DVD. Episode-wise, but not length. Gantz has full length episodes. Either way, someone at both companies needs to be shot for this sort of decision.
  12. Here's the same trailer that's a higher quality: http://filebox.vt.edu/users/jkbrooks/pictu...hikersguide.mov
  13. Here's what the IMDB has to say about it (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0406941/):
  14. Looks interesting. Makes me wish someone would sub more of Zipang.
  15. Here's the Japanese release: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-2022
  16. I need to work myself up into a masochistic mood so I can watch it.
  17. What I've been told is that the editors would create the covers first then make the writers come up with stories to fit.
  18. http://www.nationallampoon.com/supermanisadick/default.asp Absolutely hysterical.
  19. Learn to READ! Right here the very first thing I wrote: Spoke of a modified EVA - even then made no mention, or even any intention, of baseing this assestment on the inner workings of the design. In short if you want a mecha to perform like a human, be able to navigate a wide variety of terrain, jump, climb, pick itself up unassisted from a fall, carry a variety of weapons ... well its going to have to be basied on a humans joint, mobility and weight bias structure... Votoms, Labors and Heavy Gear fail because the legs shift weight bias tword the feet...and togther with Gasaraki, they all overlook the drastic importance of our backbone and flexable shoulders...EVA takes most all of that into consideration, and thus if you scaled them way, WAY down and took off those fin things on thier shoulders you end up with a very plauseable design able to mimic most human motion and flexability. And if the human basied mecha can't run through an obstical course like soldiers do...includeing crawling around on its hands and knees, climbing rock walls, balanceing on beams, and picking itself up from a fall...then the mecha is far to specialized to be of much good especialy in combat ... it was a guy in a suit, held up with wires and support beam out the back...it was not real, wasn't even made of metal...and the design, speaking for itself, has lots of problems - number one is that it could not lift the cargo containers without some form of counter balance to offset the additional wieght placed on the design...additionaly it doesn't have the physical mobility in the legs to carry such loads... I did read it. Even at the height you give, it's still incredibly far-fetched. Much more so than most mechanical robots. In the real world, people who suffer from gigantism are incredibly frail. The Evas, especially with their thin proportions, are just going to be that much more so, even at only 20' tall.
  20. So you're saying every giant robot is unrealistic except a giant human clone which completely ignores the square-cube law. Whatever, pal.
  21. The Heavy Gear designs are VOTOMs with just a few cosmetic changes.
  22. Fansubs didn't even exist at the time.
  23. No, you don't have to pay US income tax while working overseas.
  24. The difference between spelling it "re" and "er" is if you're Brittish or American. Same weapon. And, Lucas didn't originate the idea. He borrowed it from old pulp SF from the twenties and thirties.
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