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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Bleh. Okay, name the five members of the Godhand in Berserk.
  2. Can't say if I like it or not just yet...
  3. Central does awesome work. These guys are true perfectionists when it comes to subtitling. I've been watching their Yamato releases as well and they're doing an upstanding job. It's especially nice to see that they're using real R2 import DVDs for source and the notes during the credits of what must be the results of 30 years of fan speculation.
  4. I just picked up my season one set of Hogan's Heroes today after running all over Omaha looking for it (all the Best Buys and NFM were sold out, and the Wal Marts and K Mart I tried didn't have it at all). It's 32 episodes on five discs and they look really good (remastered). I'm really digging the show, which I hadn't seen in years. The world needs more shows with stupid nazis. The only complaints I have is that I'd forgotten how annoying laugh tracks are and there aren't any extras on any of the discs. I think some interviews with the surving cast members (and there aren't that many anymore) would have been really nice. Oh well.
  5. Times up! The answer is: Taiyo no ouji: Horus no daibouken (The adventures of Horus/Hols, Prince of the Sun) New question: Name four manga, besides Giant Robo itself, that were used as sources for characters in Giant Robo: The Animation.
  6. Ah, so they are gone. I'm going to fire my source.
  7. Not to sidetrack this conversation but... Studio IronCat went bankrupt? When did this happen? I saw Steve Bennett back at Anime Festival Orlando in August. I must have been living under a rock (ok, so Im more of a follower of the RPG industry than the manga industry). I think they're still around as a company. Bankruptcy does not mean going out of business. Personally, after seeing how they handled some of their titles, I kind of wish they had gone out of business.
  8. We probably won't know until after the new owners take control and start working on things. At least, six months, I'd say.
  9. I buy most of my toys (LEGO mainly) from Target and TRU. The local Walmart has three, very short aisles for their entire toy dept. It's gotten so that I don't even look there anymore.
  10. You forget, this is the internet. Literacy is rarer here than your average preschool.
  11. Akage no Anne. Bzzzt
  12. I like the chara designs. Story is what will decide it for me as well.
  13. He directed that one, so nope. Here's a hint: pre-Ghibli.
  14. I don't think it's necessarily a market issue. I think ADV has simply been trying to do to much and has met with a lot of failure.
  15. Is it me or did someone here actually watch Figure 17? Your turn, JELEINEN. I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet, but I did rent the first few discs. It's not bad, but I've got so much stuff to watch at home already that it's a ways down on my list. Anyway... On what film was Miyazaki Hayao promoted from key animator to "Scene Design." a position created specifically for him?
  16. I'm not entirely surprised. ADV was very agressive for quite a while, but has been very quiet for the last year or so. I think it was apparent that they had over extended themselves.
  17. The story goes that the staff named it after the Sizzler steak houses.
  18. Knowing Mangle, they'll just do their typical VHS dump.
  19. Figure 17 and End of Eva
  20. OMG. Yamato's got to get onto this. Yammie! I want one!! WOW Is that thing real? Or is this a joke site? Real.
  21. I just watch the first ep. and I really enjoyed it. The guy playing the Doctor did an excellent job of getting the character right. Overall, it was updated, but still felt like Doctor Who (nice to not see a rock quarry for once). I like that it's not a serial. The conspiracy theory stuff was a lot of fun, though it'd have been nice to have seen pictures of earlier incarnations. I liked the companion. I think Comickaze is very wrong in his assessment. She's definitely an everyman (everywoman?), which is what the Doctor's companion needs to be. She certainly didn't come across as stupid or incompetent, just your average person (albeit, a pretty hot one) who managed to keep a fairly level head through-out the crisis (especially compared to all the other humans). I also thought she was very well acted. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more.
  22. You mean the ones they did for the anniversary LD set? Those are in the new set, but for whatever reason, they didn't get remastered with everything else.
  23. Sorry, but Knight Rider is one piece of childhood nostalgia that permanently needs to stay that way.
  24. Not as good as the Kodomo No Omocha/Eva spoof intros, but still pretty good.
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