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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Nah. Apparently one show with space ships in it is enough for the SF channel.
  2. Stupid quicktime. I have to wait till I get home to see it.
  3. That's a pretty good price for a DVD with all those extras.
  4. I assume you're using the term "translation" loosely.
  5. Is this console only or available for PCs?
  6. Probably because your loading from a cache since you've been there before.
  7. The wookie sets don't do anything for me, but I'll be getting a couple of the ones with the tank just for the treads. Those things have been hard to find since they haven't made a Technic set with them in many years. The Jedi Starfighter's cannopy is nice, and will definitely get some use. Need to pick up a couple more of those sets. I'll also be getting an Arc fighter just for the cannopy (no more need to hunt down an A-wing or a Naboo fighter for them). The big wheeled thing looks like it has some nice pieces, but I'll wait for the price to come down.
  8. All I got when I clicked on the link was forwarded to some spam.
  9. The LEGO version is pretty nifty.
  10. That sucks. It's a good, if slow forum.
  11. I absolutely love this manga. I really wish more would get translated, as I'm going through serious withdrawal right now. It's a wonderful slice of life story set in a post appocolyptic setting where things are going out with a whimper rather than a bang. The atmosphere and feel to the whole thing is so meloncholy, yet the characters are very much alive. It's just awesome. Must... have... more...
  12. It looks like it's made of cheap plastic.
  13. The movie story is much tighter, has a lot better pacing, and is all around better. The OVAs just didn't flow at all and suffer from unnecessary scenes.
  14. From what I understand (wasn't a lit major), that would still be a hero. An antihero is the complete opposite, for example Willie Loman or Don Quixote. People who have are less than average and lack any heroic qualities. Hero = moral person is a fairly modern idea.
  15. Almost forgot: Ming the Merciless
  16. Frank from Once Upon a Time in the West.
  17. The Priss one is definitely original series version 2 as it has the flip down knuckle guard on the left arm.
  18. They are guys.
  19. IIRC, Shiro completely re-did the art for the flipped version on the second series, but that's a unique situation. Most manga artists hate having their artwork messed with, but getting it all re-drawn for a US release on every title is impractical.
  20. Love the job that's being done with it (I'm so glad DH didn't use Studio Proteus), but the one volume every three months thing really blows. Whats wrong with Studio Proteus? Because we would have gotten it flipped and in comic book format. Of course a moot point now since DH bought Proteus a couple months ago.
  21. Love the job that's being done with it (I'm so glad DH didn't use Studio Proteus), but the one volume every three months thing really blows.
  22. Unfortunately, the story hasn't progressed enough in spite of the number of volumes. Also, it's very serialized, so there isn't a nice, complete story arc like they were able to use for the TV series. I seem to recall that the author was also fairly adamant about not doing more anime until the manga was finished.
  23. Sweet. C'mon Yamato and get this thing States-side already.
  24. They've always been foils, and the truth of it is that Rose, so far, has been rather intelligent. And since it obviously went over your head, I'll explain what happened in episode 2 for you (and I'll try to use small words): When people are all of a sudden in very strange situations or different groups they get what is called "culture shock." This is what happened to Rose and it happens to people in the real world all the time. The fact that she was not only capable enough to cope ("You two go pollinate, I'm going to talk with Michael Jackson."), but she kept her wits about her (only one other companion ever noticed being able to communicate with aliens in English). Personally, I thought the episode was great. It was as cheesey as Doctor Who has ever been, but presented so well that I didn't care. It was fun! I also liked the little jokes (the Ipod bit) and it had some good lines (the one mentioned above, f'rex). The metaplot bits are also good, as we get a bit more information about the war mentioned in ep. 1. I think there's a lot of rampant speculation that the Daleks were behind it (he avoids saying who he fought against in this episode).
  25. Same as every other companion: a foil for the Doctor.
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