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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. I prefer ease of play and cinematic style. The problem with Runequest was that starting characters were incredibly incompetant.
  2. Ethics aside, I think there is a chance that posting links to such places could get the owners of this board in trouble.
  3. I agree that AC and escalating hit points are absolutely unrealistic, but they've never kept D&D from being a fun game for me. As for favorite systems, Talislanta's is my all time favorite. It's very simple and a breeze to use. Outside of that maybe Unisystem. Right now I'd really like to give The Shadows of Yesterday a try and I tried starting a play by post Macross game using FATE, but couldn't get any takers.
  4. Name of the song is "Baba O'Riley"
  5. Eh. It looks good at first glance, but if you start looking at the details, it falls apart. I'd say it's a good first draft, but definitely needs work.
  6. They did: David Pulver. Not that I agree with you. Engineering has jack to do with making a good game.
  7. I did some research and found out that Geneon is handling the DVD rights in Japan. Perhaps that answers the question. If they can release ultraviolent titles like Hellsing and Paranoia Agent, as well as excessively ecchi titles like Ikki Tousen and Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite, licensing Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan should be no problem. But then again, who's actually gonna buy it? Somebody had to like it enough for it to get made in the first place. Plus, I know enough people who have no taste when it comes to anime. You know the kind who think, "If it comes from Japan, it's automatically good."
  8. The main character was voiced by the same person who does Hare's voice, I noticed right away. I'll be curious to see who licenses this (you know it will).
  9. I normally like bizarre, off-kilter anime, but this is a horribly lame show that isn't funny at all.
  10. Now that I remember, even on satelite, the show was censored. The first I saw of the show was a rip directly from the original airing and there were parts blocked out and there was a bunch of bleeping (which was done at a really high pitch, so it blended in with Ebichu's voice and I didn't even realize what it was until I saw it uncut).
  11. It aired on a satelite channel, not broadcast television.
  12. He's been confirmed to be in the movie.
  13. If it's licensed, then probably shouldn't be posting links to it. Anyway, I watched the first couple eps and thought it was pretty good. The animation is wonderful, as are the designs especially the chara designs. Music is forgetable. The story looks like it could be good, but hard to say yet at this point.
  14. If you want really lame, check out the web comic thing here: http://www.robliefeld.net/shrink.htm Easily one of the most un-funny things I've ever seen.
  15. That all looks like realatively new stuff. I'd be more impressed if it was filled with stuff from the '70's and '80's. The room itself is pretty nifty. Looks like he put a lot of work into it.
  16. So this is similar to Cowboy Bebop? I remember someone posting on here that this show's creator was influenced by anime. Sure sounds like Cowboy Bebop though...which isn't a bad thing. Not really. Bebop isn't anymore western than any other space opera, but rather takes its ques more from film noir. Firefly is much closer to actual westerns both visually and stylistically.
  17. Maybe they had to go through CPM first.
  18. Freakin' awesome episode. It had a lot of emotional intensity. The Doctor's reaction to the Dalek was well done and they made it downright scary. The "You would make a good Dalek" line was wonderful, as was "hairdryer."
  19. Is this getting released through Diamond or other distribution? Nothing against our fine e-tailers, but I'd rather buy local if I can.
  20. Re. the sound in space thing: Whedon said from the very beginning that it was something he was willing to compromise on with the studio if it meant the movie got made. Hopefully the DVD release will have the option of turning it off.
  21. I sort of had this same thought myself when I got the new version of Pirates. I don't know if I'd go full blown MMORPG, but a multiplayer option in the game would rock.
  22. See.... That right there is an example why I miss Boston so much. Stupid Redneck Savannah.... Once again the almost entire frickin' middle of the country gets ignored.
  23. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getart...k20050421ks.htm
  24. Already some awesome lines. That bit at the end with Mal and the assassin is just pure Firefly. I am so wanting to see this!
  25. Here's what www.browncoats.com has for a good description of what the show was about: In addition, the show had a great cast that played characters who interacted wonderfully with each other and included some excellent dialog. The episode plots were pretty good as well. Probably the best TV SF show in a long time. Damn Fox.
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