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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. I should have it backed up on a disc. Let me dig it out at home later. As for those Altier Sai toys, are they any good? They look pretty nifty. Sort of like a Stikfa.
  2. Actually, I'd say the Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers serials were an even bigger influence. The original story did look a lot like a Hidden Fortress remake, but very little of that survived into the final film. As for Titan A.E., I've only ever seen bits and pieces of it, but what I saw didn't impress me.
  3. Just got mine today and it's pretty awesome and it has a lot of really cool details. The sections don't fit together all that great though and the really big problem I'm having is that the two tail fins won't go on. Anyone know the secret of attaching them?
  4. That's probably what all the Disney crap is for.
  5. It's a lot of stuff and the large sized figures are especially cool, but it just seems completely unfocused. It doesn't look like he collects so much as just spends a lot of money on whatever is new at TRU every week.
  6. Anime Suki doesn't actually host the files. They just provide links.
  7. BLASPHEMER!!!! I was raised on Python and love it all, though some parts of MoL were dumb I admit. Man as an engineer you practically have to be able to quote half of Holy Grail to graduate, especially the witch/duck speach. 357702[/snapback] Actually, you just named another big reason I hate this film. People who insist on quoting it ad nauseam.
  8. The only movie I can think of off hand that I absolutely hate, but is considered a classic by most is Monty Python's Holy Grail. It's not funny. At all.
  9. I might get one of these from you. How much is shipping?
  10. This was a surprisingly good show and on my list of things to finish watching at some point. The longer episode length gives it a different pacing than most shows and in itself makes the show worth checking out.
  11. I want this so bad, but there's a good chance I'll be getting it as a Christmas gift, so I have to wait till this weekend. Arg!
  12. Well, it will have a commentary track and deleted scenes at the very least. I believe there some other bonus bits, but I can't recall what they are off the top of my head.
  13. I think all the Gundam series have naval battles. I remember an anime series which featuring statue like ship involved in a space battles, I think the title is Maps or something 352814[/snapback] Maps is right. ADV had the license to it at one time, but I think they've dropped it.
  14. For actual naval battles, try Zipang.
  15. Aim for the Top! (Gunbuster) Megazone 23 part II Irresponsible Captain Tyler? (can't really remember if they ever had an actual battle in the series) Voices of a Distant Star
  16. They're also great hard SF with elements of flim noire (the first one) and political thriller (the second one). They do have Oshii's (in)famous pacing, which is what I think turns some people off, but others on. I know non-anime fans who love these movies.
  17. Lunar here as well.
  18. Well, they haven't actually said anything about having the Honneamise movie itself, but I can't imagine them using the name if they didn't. It would be nice to finally get a really good release of it over here.
  19. I'd say Gunbuster, but I'm not entirely sure if he should be counted because it's really more a deconstruction of the genre and not in the true spirit as a real super robot show. Same for Dangaiou. I'll go with GauGaiGar in that case.
  20. I don't recall any major gaffs other than a few typos.
  21. I completely disagree with you on the dialog. I think the discussions were very interesting and give a lot of perspective to what's happening and a good insite into some modern Japanese views of the war. You're also going to miss out on the big conspiracy that's behind the whole story. The story isn't perfect, but ignoring it outright is senseless. 349566[/snapback] Fansub is what I saw. Hunt around the torrent sites and you should find it. So urmm...is this out on fansubs or are you guys watching HK DVDs or something? 349602[/snapback]
  22. I completely disagree with you on the dialog. I think the discussions were very interesting and give a lot of perspective to what's happening and a good insite into some modern Japanese views of the war. You're also going to miss out on the big conspiracy that's behind the whole story. The story isn't perfect, but ignoring it outright is senseless.
  23. I actually think that the people who own the actual properties have seen what a mess some of the titles Manga released have become (Dangaioh for one example). It could be that what was once a promising anime distribution company is now going into the toilet. Admit it, there have been times when one or all of us have been pissed off at something they did. 349470[/snapback] Maybe, but then Gainax was very happy with the work Manga did on Honneamise (excepting the video transfer gaff on the DVD release). I've never heard any confirmation of this theory, other than fan speculation. Honestly, I think they probably don't have it, but are unwilling to admit it (much as they did with Giant Robo and now Patlabor). The best evidence so far was from the poster on the mailing list contacting Anchor Bay for information.
  24. I got all of it from d-addicts.com
  25. Debunked here: http://www.brollywood.net/index.php/115/se...ci-fi-original/
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