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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. There's always this bike: http://www.dolmar.com/755.php
  2. Nothing wrong with Di Gi Charat.
  3. The current story arch is really awful. It's about ready to put me off the show completely.
  4. It's based on a book, and a film just simply can't go into the depth of background that a book can.
  5. Is this the version we've been watching at Anime Sunday these last several months? Any chance Yamato will ever see a subtitled release in the US? 365921[/snapback] Yep. That's the one. As for a subtitled release, who knows. I'm pretty sure that who ever did the TV hack from the 70's still has the rights to it. I know said TV version got a full VHS release (I know a place in CB that has it all for sale), but I don't think it's ever been put out on DVD. I think now would be a really great time to release a good sub/dub DVD version as you'd catch both the current popularity of anime and the nostalgia wave of the people who watched it on TV as kis.
  6. So what? There's still not enough Americans willing to blow ninety bucks on one movie. Nope. They're clueless and I fully expect them to re-think their pricing, drop the super deluxe verions, or just go out of business rather quickly. The maybe a thousand of us or so in the country who'd be willing to pay those prices (and as much as I love the Patlabor movies, I probably won't) aren't enough to support the effort it takes to make them.
  7. The reason for the similarities is that they're both creations of Matsumoto Leiji and technically are part of the same universe along with Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, Queen Millineum, etc. Central Anime has recently released the first season of Yamato fansubbed, which I've been watching. The show still holds up quite well and I've been really enjoying it. In fact, I've enjoyed almost everything of Matsumoto's that I've come across so far.
  8. Like I said, Manga Entertainment had nothing to do with that. Manga UK got it first. They're the ones that cut the heck out of it. Trust me, Manga Ent is just as pissed as we are. Manga UK never sent them the sound effects and music track. So they simply can't do an uncut release. Keith was being quite forward about many of the things most companies would never admit too. 365402[/snapback] They didn't have any problem repackaging the US Renditions Gunbuster release, I don't see why Dangaiou should've been different.
  9. Why would being close to HG matter for Plus? HG had nothing to do with that show. Honestly, since it was Bandai who chose not to renew the licenses, I expect most, if not all, of these will go to the BVUSA/Honneamise line.
  10. I already have, but I think we're the exception, not the rule.
  11. What little windshield the Garland has appears to be there. It's just darkly tinted.
  12. But sadly at R2 prices as well, it seems. I get the feeling they aren't going to last if they don't get a clue about the US market really quick.
  13. Part II is what got me into anime (I agree you people are crazy with your imaginary part III). This toy will be mine.
  14. Accuracy of translation, proper grammar/spelling, and good timing are all very important to me. Now, of the groups that are putting it out faster than Lunar, which is the best in those areas?
  15. The Exo-Force sets are already out in the US. If you mean the Kawamori design, it's just a set of instructions that were published in a magazine using two of the EF sets.
  16. I'm waiting for Lunar to catch up. I hate switching sub groups in the middle of a show.
  17. You mean nothing but square bricks? They stopped that back in the 70's. Some of us like having bricks of all shapes and sizes to build with. And for the record, LEGO has been pretty good about not making overly specialized parts. Take a look around brickshelf.com to see what people are doing with LEGO these days.
  18. The next license is Batman: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=163185 http://brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=162655
  19. Excellent stuff. Thanks for sharing. I like how it also shows his use of LEGO in making some of the Macross designs.
  20. Very nice, but I still say that it would look a lot better with rubber sleeves to cover the joints. Edit: Needs a cloak too for Buster Shield.
  21. The animation and designs are both pretty. It looks good enough so far to be worth checking out when it gets released. Obviously I'll reserve final judgement until after I've seen it.
  22. I always thought it looked more like a horse. The exterior is definitely ugly (intentionally so?), but I love the interior. Stuff like the pop out sinks and toilets in the crew quarters are just awesome little touches that make it seem real.
  23. Looks like Lego to me. 361355[/snapback] It is. Rikiryou asked for it above.
  24. Here's the Gla Gla armature:
  25. I love mine. I asked this in one of the other threads on this toy, but how do you get the tail fins to go on? I can't get mine to go on and stay on.
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