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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. No. His eyes are different colors.
  2. I started watching Kyou no Go no Ni. At first I thought it was a midly amusing, but trite and stereotypical comedy show. Then I realized that all the bits were nothing more than set-ups to put fifth graders in sexually suggestive positions. At this point I turned it off and deleted the file.
  3. I'll second the LoGH ships. I especially like the esthetics of the Reich's designs. The Spartanians are a gret fighter design as well. The Soyokaze from Irresponsible Captain Tylor is a wonderful ship, though obviously cribbed from Matsumoto's work. Most of the other ships in the show are pretty ugly, though the Raalgon designs do work as being very alien. Glad to see the Sol Bianca got a mention. It always seems to be under appreciated. For Star Trek, the Enterprise A is probably my favorite. B-wings are definitely my favorite Star Wars design. For Babylon 5, I'll have to go with the Agamemnon-type ships. Yeah, rotating sections in warships is stupid, but they still looked cool.
  4. Just the OVA, and I don't recall it being there either. Maybe something like of the Burn Up series?
  5. "School Reunion" was an amazing episode. Good villains, a good story, and Sarah Jane/K9 reuniting with the Doctor was just awesome. So well played. This easily ranks up with "DaleK" and "The Empty Child" from last season.
  6. One of the problems with the background material in Rifts is that it's changed quite a bit over time. In the first couple of books we're presented with a pretty bleak picture of the setting. It was definitely more post-appoc than anything else. As the books came out though, the setting evolved radically to the point where it no longer resembles its original presentation. The latter books had some cool ideas to be sure, but if I were ever to get back into the game (a slim to none chance of that happening, unfortunately), I would definitely limit the material used. I do agree Phase World is definitely neat and I really wish they hadn't decided to tie it in with Rifts so much. As for the system, its biggest problem is a lack of uniformity. You have one set of rules for combat and a completely different set for skills. On top of that the attributes are all over the board in terms of what they do and how they work (not to mention that low attributes are meaningless). Cleaning up the rules and using a single task resolution mechanic would go a long way in making the system viable to modern gamers. Also, MDC while a good idea in theory, was implemented very poorly and would need to be re-worked from scratch.
  7. Technically, it's a live action adaptation of Star Blazers. It's a thirty year old show, and if they do a good job, I don't have a problem with it. Maybe we'll finally get a decent US release of the anime out of it.
  8. Yeah. I'm not sure I agree with it either. I was more meaning to just pass on why some think it's a bad deal for RPGs as a whole. Honestly, I buy most of my game books from regular book stores or online these days, and I think that's becoming more and more common with a lot of people.
  9. I don't believe they own the rights to the RT RPG... I think they are a licensee of Harmony Gold. All they own is the game system, to which they applied the RT license they got from HG. My guess would be if they are in a money crisis they might not be able to afford to pay HG for the license (I don't know exactly what their agreement is mind you) and they could stand to lose the license, which would mean they could not legally make the RT RPG books anymore. That is the problem making something that hinges on something or someone else, you are always at the whim of your licensor. Hell, HG could up and yank the license or just price it out of their reach if they felt PB was "Bad for business" right now. 393575[/snapback] PB lost the Robotech license a few years ago. My understanding is that HG wanted too much to renew it. This letter was the first news I or anyone else that I know of had heard of PB trying to get it back.
  10. Zegapain is okay so far, but nothing great. I highly suspect that the whole thing is going to turn into some sort of Matrix parallel, where it turns out that the high school bits are all in some sort of artificial reality and the robot fights are the real part. That Gothicmade has me very interested. What's the air date for it?
  11. Something I've seen people in the industry bring up is that one of the likely results of PB going down is a big loss in retailer confidence in RPGs as a whole. PB still has a relatively large share of the market, even if it's been slipping the last few years. If it goes under, then retailers are going to wonder about the health of all RPGs which could result in them not wanting to stock the books. The RPG industry, excepting D&D and possibly White Wolf, hangs by a shoe string anyway.
  12. Where'd this come from? I own a number of games he's written, and there's nothing munchkin-ish about them. As for disgruntled ex-employees, the only former writer for PB that I know that isn't disgruntled is Eric Wujcik (though technically, I believe he still writes for PB on occasion). In regard to the situation in general, being robbed sucks and having investments go sour is no fun either, but asking your customers to bail you out with charitable donations is just wrong. If KS needs funds, then he should either start selling his back stock at a ruduced price or go public and start selling stock. Either way, it sounds to me like getting cash is just going to be a band aid, as there's no sign that he plans on changing how he runs his business any time soon. And if PB goes, you can rest assured that its titles will never see the light of day again, because KS is never going to let anyone else have them.
  13. The first episode was less than stellar, but the second rocked. Kung fu monks, a werewolf, and Queen Victoria plus both the Doctor and Rose really shined in this one. I loved it. And of course next week we get Sarah Jane and K9!
  14. Oh, another good one: John Hawkins vs. The Spanish Armada
  15. Actually, Greek fire wasn't really Greek. It was a weapon of the Byzantine Empire after Rome had fallen. Your book is right in saying that we don't know the exact mixture, but likely it included naptha and sulpher. Another important commander/battle was Don Juan - Lepanto.
  16. Great news if true. I just hope it's relatively cheap. I'm dreading having to chuck out $20 every other month for just four episodes of a long series. Hopefully its age will keep it reasonable.
  17. Farragut - Mobile Bay Themistocles - Salamis John Paul Jones - Bonhomme Richard vs. Serapis (don't kjnow if the battle has any name)
  18. Time's up. It was the USS Wasp. What unusual physical feature does Oskar von Reuentahl (Legend of the Galactic Heroes) posess?
  19. In Zipang, what aircraft carrier does the US send out to hunt down the Mirai?
  20. What is Speed Grapher? The song is better known as "Girls On Film" by Duran Duran. (I really hope they can keep the song for the US release)
  21. If Artland/Artmic wanted him to die, they would have made it clear he was dead in loving detail. Come on, all those hentacle spearings, Shinji and Tomomi's horrible deaths... they were hardcore into that. When someone dies in Megezone, they die in the messiest way possible. No way would they have passed up showing BD's internal organs erupting or something. The question is, "What the hell did he do when he took off?" Maybe there's something that wasn't totally destroyed in the FX fleet and they just flew their *Saus onto it and took off. Hmm, there's an idea. BD hooks up with another Megazone and establishes his own BDocracy in a world where no one knows they're on a spaceship but him. Hmm, maybe BD and friends could even violate the Bahamut on that ship and could literally alter the world to their whims. That's a fun idea. "Welcome to BD Land!" 390402[/snapback] Don't get me wrong; I fully believe he survives. Last time I brought the idea up on these boards, I pretty much got shouted down. The other thing I've always wondered was how much of the Megazone's population survived. There's a throw away line about evacuating and we don't see bodies in the final scenes of destruction. In my imagination, BD is out there leading a rag-tag fleet fleeing the Diezalg tyrrany.
  22. There's already been a live action version, and Wicked City the anime was pretty light on the tentacle rape (in fact, I don't recall there being any at all, but it's been years since I've seen it).
  23. The theory that BD sruvives is very unpopular around here. I'm not sure I really want to see another MZ. Anime has a really bad track record when it comes to re-visiting older shows. The prequal or other Megazone focused series would be the best route, IMO, if we mush have another one.
  24. Still waiting for a link to those CDs mentioned above...
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