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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. All of yesterday's episode was awesome, but the ending blew me away. This is like a fan dream come true. Absolutely can't wait for next week.
  2. Voted for the VF-4 'cause there's nothing else like it. My runner up would probably be the 17, also for its uniqueness. I can't believe there's that many losers here who liked Macross II...
  3. The subs on the longer lines were cut off on either end when I watched it. I think a big part of the reason that closed space stands out so much in the book is because the book spends most of the time in the first person naration mode and devotes very little to descriptions of any kind. The fact that the closed space is described in detail makes it feel more removed from the real world.
  4. They really managed to drag that one out. Still a good episode though. Anyone else have problems with the subtitles?
  5. I seriously doubt it floats. As has been said, LEGO bricks aren't air tight when they connect, so it'd rapidly fill up with water. And it'd roll over before it sank, because it's got a flat bottom and would be very top heavy. If you look at the pictures on brickshelf (http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=126969), you can see he's got a platform underneath it in the water.
  6. It appears Titania has fallen off the face of the Earth. I'm a huge fan of Tanaka Yoshiki's stuff, so I was really looking forward to this. Speaking of whom,I actually re-watched the first LoGH movie last night and that thing is still one of the most amazing things ever.
  7. Sorry Graham, before my time .... 411176[/snapback] Search is your friend. Still a good build though. The thing I can't figure out is for all the work he put into the ship, the planes are pretty meh looking.
  8. Double post. The IT people here at work are idiots.
  9. Well, I got some good news and bad news... Speed Grapher Licensed Without "Girls on Film" 410725[/snapback] Yeah, I saw that the other day. Oh well, one less title for me to collect. The few episodes I'd seen weren't bad, so I was on the fence about whether I wanted to buy it or not. Keeping the cool Duran Duran opening might have pushed me in the other direction. This will probably just end up on my rental list. I'll be curious if they can keep all the music in Beck when that comes out.
  10. nah, it's pretty different. those are only surface similarities... the characters, their motivations are pretty different. Besides, quiet short haired mysterious type girl character is pretty much a standard feature in anime. 410677[/snapback] They're all anime tropes and were before Eva. That's part of the fun with Suzumiya; it's specifically playing with with common SF/anime/manga themes. Both the novel and the anime are very self-aware. I think Chrono is completely missing Kyon's personality. As I've said, I don't think I'd have his patience with dealing with Suzumiya, but calling him ball-less is totally off base. Really, he's the only one who makes any effort at all to counter Suzumiya's more whack ideas and tries to minimize the damage she can cause. Considering that she could very well be some sort of "god," I'd say that takes a lot of balls.
  11. Yes. And it rules. 408089[/snapback] Well then it's HELLA different from the manga! Which is on the boring side while feeling like a rip-off of NGE and just makes me wanna shot the b@tch(Asuka-clone). So... it's like FLCL then. 410589[/snapback] There's a manga too? And it's like NGE? Weird, neither the anime nor the novel(s) it's based on are anything like Eva. I'm curious to see the manga now, just to see how different it is from the novel.
  12. I don't think there's been any real filler. All the flash forward episodes contribute a lot to the style of the show. Had they just stuck with the first novel, I don't think it would have been nearly this good.
  13. Definitely. This episode really helped my tolerance level for the character.
  14. She stops doing the hair thing right after Kyon brings it up to her.
  15. Looks like I'll hold off buying one right away.
  16. I hadn't noticed Haruhi doing this until ep. 12. Koizumi has been doing it from the start. It is odd though. As for what happened 3 years ago, it's said in the novel and I suspect we'll see that scene in episode 13. And it's never said that Kyon doesn't have a name, it's just that no one uses it and we, the audience/readers, aren't told what it is. I was just curious as to if it's ever even revealed.
  17. Those are over a month old. Here's something recent and very interesting: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/news/comments/?entryid=335931
  18. Crap. I'm stuck at work for the next five hours. I ended up reading the first novel last night. Awesome stuff. Started on the second one and came to the realization that I really don't like the character of Suzumiya herself. The others are fun, but Suzumiya is just a selfish, spoiled brat. Kyon must either have the patience of a saint or be a complete moron. Speaking of Kyon, do we ever find out his real name?
  19. Love and Monsters was an absolutely brilliant episode. They need to do one like that every couple seasons or so (too often would ruin the effect). It was a neat little story and even though the Doctor was barely in it, it really reinforces the mythology factor of his character. I loved it. As for things that compare to Dalek, both School Reunion and Girl in the Fireplace are both very comparable in terms of story telling and emotion. The only thing that Dalek has over them is the "Doctor as over the edge bad ass" which was part of the Eccleston run and not Tennant's. I enjoyed the Cyberman episodes (especially part 2), but The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit episodes were probably the second best 2 parter of the new run after The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (IP/SP easily beats out the finale of the first season). Another thing with the current season is that I'm getting a much bigger sense that it's building towards something, in spite of not having something like the glaring Bad Wolf reference in every episode, than I did with the first season.
  20. After having read the first novel now, I think the filler was necessary. Otherwise, the series would only have been about six episodes long.
  21. These are the ones I downloaded a while back as well. Most of them were very nice quality, but a couple were obviously recorded off TV. It's fun to watch the progression of the genre. Also, they didn't limit themselves to super robots, but they did limit themselves to just TV series. Including the openings to OVAs would have been very interesting, but immensely huge.
  22. GAH! Yah, that was pretty blatant filler. Some fun stuff(and me criticizing AFK for flagging the reflector a mirror*), but they spent almost half the episode just showing Yuki reading. I mean, I like Yuki as much as/far more than the next guy, but... that was a complete waste of time. Not even a good screenshot in the scene. *Can anyone figure out why Haruhi is using a reflector in that photo sequence anyways? They won points for including it and using it appropriately in the movie(Koizumi is seen using it to get sun onto Mikuru's face in the scene he's not supposed to be in), but I can't figure out why it's there in Rain. I suppose Haruhi might just be thinking "Pros use reflectors, so we need one too!" but they still used it RIGHT in the movie. 409248[/snapback] Maybe because it was overcast outside and they needed extra light? Sorry, not a photographer, so that's just my guess.
  23. A recent conversation got me thinking about this. I love the old WB shorts, and there's so many good ones that I have a hard time picking a favorite. Some of the ones I like the most are: Daffy the Commando - It's when Daffy is still umm... daffy and not the annoying later version and it makes fun of nazis. What's not to love? Oh, and the line "Messerschmidts! A whole mess a'Messerschmidts!" cracks me up every time. What's Opera Doc - Wagner + Bugs Bunny + Elmer Fudd = awesome. Spear and magic helmet! Duck Amock - Okay, this is a later Daffy one that I actually like just for it's sheer brilliance. One Froggy Evening - This used to be my all time favorite, but it's gotten so much over play in the last few years (mostly due to the WB network) that it's dropped in my mind. Still a great bit though. So, which of the old (or new, I guess) WB cartoon shorts are your favorite?
  24. What does Kyon's sister have to do with anything? 408073[/snapback] Took me a second to get that. It sucks that there's only three episodes left to go. That is unless they really do go for 15,498...
  25. The M7 reference totally came out of left field. I loved it. I also liked that the episode seemed to draw a lot from Legend of the Galactic Heroes;.
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