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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. I've read the second book, which is them making the movie. Future Mikuru didn't show up at all in it. Also, the bit about Haruhi bit remembering Kyon is a reference to Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, which is the only short story in the third book that didn't make it into the TV series.
  2. Perfect Dark is one of the few FPS's that I could actually do well at and really enjoyed. I'm hoping it's one of the titles I can download for the Wii.
  3. I know that. The fact that I was taling about the content of the books should've been a pretty good indicator of this. You also completely missed my point, which was getting people to speculate on what would be used in a theoretical sequal. The problem with using the second novel is, as I said above if you'd bother to read it, is that we've already seen the movie itself. It robs the story of its impact. I can see *maybe* doing a single episode of them making the movie (or a two parter, either way, it'd condense down fairly easily). Can you cite a source for this movie/OVA? There was a false rumor that someone started about a second season, but other than that, I haven't seen anything on any of the news outlets.
  4. I believe Sci Fi channel is supposed to re-broadcast the episodes on Fridays.
  5. I can't wait for next week.
  6. The question is, what would they use for a second series? We've seen almost all of books 1 and 3 and we've already seen the punch line from book 2. I'm really liking what's been translated of book 4 and wouldn't mind seeing that animated. Also the short story from book 3 that didn't make it (Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody) would be nice. In some ways though, I wonder if not animating more might be the better decision. Can they keep up with the same level of quality? As we've seen time and time again, a bad follow-up can ruin a show completely.
  7. The hands look to be about the right size, actually, going by design works. As long as they grip well, I'll be happy with them.
  8. http://www.palladiumbooks.com/press/press2006-09.html I don't care for Palladium's house system and I've never actually seen Robotech, so I won't be getting this myself, but I thought it might be of interest to some. Edit: looks like it's not guarenteed yet. Sorry about that.
  9. Odd. I found the 0 to be much easier to transform. Getting the arms on the 1/48 to stay in place in fighter mode is a major pain in the rear.
  10. I think it's more of a fetish thing. Not that I'm into it, either. They even made a recent anime of it called Sky Girls.
  11. Someone posted this on another board I frequent. It appears to be an instructional course in English using lines from Full Metal Jacket. It's really messed up. Given the source material, these aren't really work safe, so be warned. A full example: http://learnenglishfma18.ytmnsfw.com/ A bunch of the lines being quoted: http://maritan.ytmnd.com/ The web comic the characters come from: http://pixel-maritan.net/
  12. This picture kind of makes it look like the intake covers might be built in. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=36382
  13. Removable landing gear is just more crap to potentially lose. I'll be much less likely to buy a toy that uses them.
  14. There's going to be a new Votoms series out next year.
  15. Glad to see Animeigo isn't dead. Yawara isn't a bad show, or at least the early episodes aren't. It's so freaking long though, and my brain shut off after about episode 30. I'll pass on this one.
  16. There are no words...
  17. I'm going to have to jump on the 1/48 for everything band wagon here. For fighter mode, the fact that it's the only one that doesn't have its head hanging down is an instant win by itself.
  18. Oh, and this: http://www.projectblue.jp/character/03.php has to be the most unintentionally funny name ever.
  19. Official website: http://www.projectblue.jp/ The special edition version of the first volume comes packaged in a model box (and includes a model). I am seriously considering starting to import this (which will guarentee a US releas...). http://www.projectblue.jp/goods/
  20. Yeah, and complaining here is going to make anything happen.
  21. Me too! 424316[/snapback] Me three. I think it's kind of pointless to be nitpicking on how the fricken thing looks when we all know anime proportions on a variable mech doesn't translate well as a perfect transforming toy in the real world because a lot of the proportions can be attributed to anime magic. The whole 'it's too short/long/fat/thin/right/wrong' everytime Yamato releases a new product has been beaten to death. It's either you do or you don't. 424342[/snapback] Welcome to Macrossworld where whining and battying is taken to a whole new level.
  22. Well, it makes a lot more sense with translation. Anyone else get the fealing that this one isn't going to have a happy ending?
  23. Wasn't he the guy who did Tubular Bells?
  24. Blazing Transfer Student is fun. By the same people who did Prefectural Earth Defense Force, which is another obscure gem. Horus Prince of the Sun - Late 60's Toei film that helped give Miyazaki his start. It's very different from most anime and very cool. Future Boy Conan - Miyazaki TV series from '77. It's a great story and you can really see a lot of elements that got used in his later movies here. Hamelin the Violinist - Some of the worst animation ever and silly character designs hide one of the best dark fantasy stories of all time. Uninhabited Planet, Survive! - An old school SF adventure story that is aimed at a younger audience, but still has plenty of appeal for us older people. Wings of Honneamise - It's a sad day indeed when the greatest film of all time is considered obscure... Bakuen Campus Guardress - Another great whacky fun show with an awesome ending. Sorry, BSU, but I just can't see Harlock as being obscure even today
  25. Awesome series. I'll definitely be picking up the DVDs.
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