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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. While it doesn't come across so well in places, Lucas has specifically stated that the Force is not dualistic and there is no "light side." Balance was supposed to mean eliminating the Sith, but the choice of phrase muddies this.
  2. Something based on the novels might be interesting.
  3. I'll second (third, whatever) Dangaio, Escaflowne, Venus Wars, FSS, Sol Bianca, and Appleseed. For Escaflowne, I'd definitely want more than just the titular robot. At the very least Schaherazade and the Alseides would also be musts. For Sol Bianca, I'd insist ont he OVA version. To contribute an additional title, I'd love to see toys based off the Crusher Joe designs. Edit: Oh yeah, and the various fighter planes from Wings of Honneamise as toys too.
  4. Since I just started on Figmas, the TV series versions are my only real option without spending unreasonable amounts of money.
  5. I plan on getting all five of the BRS TV figures and posing them in the mexican standoff chain pose from the opening.
  6. Right, because Disney is a single monolithic entity where everything is handled by the same people.
  7. Just finished Dougram. Overall, an excellent show. The politics and characterizations were definitely the highlights of the series. My biggest complaints are the handling of the fights (though the overall war strategies seemed sound), a few annoying characters (well, primarily Giorgio), the poorly thought out attempt to parallel the occupation (sorry Japan, it's not all about you and you are not a victim), and those godawful clothes. So now I'm left deciding between L-Gaim and Xabungle for the next 80s giant robot series I watch. Anyone want to chime in on this?
  8. [ Thanks for the response. Looks like they're sold out as well, so I'll probably just have to depend on a re-release/new color scheme now. Given some of the past Yamato toys, this might not be such a bad thing.
  9. That one was surprisingly scary (and had some really good character interaction to boot). The show I found the most frightening has to be Mouryou no Hako. I think what helped Nekomonogatari was its short format. It didn't allow for as much indulgence into things outside the main story. I've tried reading the Aria manga, and I don't get its popularity either. The characters didn't do anything for me and the setting (the part the fans usually rave about) was unoriginal and uninteresting.
  10. It looks cool, other than the synchronized kinect operating system used to pilot them (I can see one person doing that, but two just looks really silly). I'm also having trouble imagining how those double bend legs would really work (they can't be very fast and look really unstable).
  11. Any place that might have these? Yamato picked the worst time of the year to release this and there was just no way in hell I'd be able to afford or justify buying myself a toy around the holidays. I see one on eBay, but paying $500 is just stupid.
  12. Got my BRS the other week and didn't have any problems with it. It's my first Figma and I'm very impressed with it. Good details, very posable and the joints stay in position pretty well. I want more now.
  13. It's kind of a funny irony that in spite of all the changes to the show to add more WWII references, the hot-headed, junior officers going off on their own authority aspect gets thrown out.
  14. As I said above, it's Riddley Scott, expect a director's cut. I'm willing to rent the DVD just to see if the additional scenes help the film.
  15. As awful as Stirlings Dies the Fire series is, at least he gets the fact that modern technology suddenly failing will result in the deaths of billions. Seriously, go back and watch James Burke's wonderfully awesome Connections series from the 70s to get an idea of just how dependent on high tech we are to stay alive. For instance, most modern cities only have a couple of days worth of food stocks for their population, so if the transportation system goes down, it's mass starvation. The promos for this series that basically say that everyone would just quietly revert to a laid-back, rustic lifestyle once the power goes out is offensively stupid.
  16. Glad I'm not the only one who remembers Tenimon. Always a fun show to freak people out with.
  17. Got my volume 2 last week and just watched it Saturday. Very beautiful and I find the changes to be good for the most part. It's interesting that they're going a bit more into the Pluto base guys as a conquered people and really humanizing them. I do miss the native Pluto life forms though (I was amused by the reference to Pluto as a dwarf planet). Anyone else picking up hints that
  18. I liked the large battle scenes, or at least the one at the very beginning. It took me a while to get used to the new voices, but I'm not big on the new character designs (too rounded). Another thing I noticed is how sparse the BGM is. Overall though, I enjoyed the movie.
  19. It's been a while since I've seen a tank design witha multi-barreled turret. It used to seem like they were everywhere in anime.
  20. I prefer the original twin-tails Drossel to the hime-cut Drossel in Charming. Too bad I missed that release, because now they go for more than I'd want to spend on one (unless I get a Chinese knock-off).
  21. Dear Lord, why? It's not even April first.
  22. I saw it on Saturday and thought it was an OK film. Visuals were great and it had some good (if not necessarily novel) ideas, but the pacing, the idiot ball game of catch and the plot holes keep it from being a truly good film. It's Riddley Scott though, so I expect to see a directors cut at some point.
  23. What do they do with Paypal orders? I couldn't find any of this on their site, so thanks.
  24. Ordered volume 1 after catching a rip of it raw. I plan on getting the rest, but can someone tell me, does CD Japan charge for pre-release orders right away, or do they charge you when they ship?
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