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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. The fact that all the people he kills are specials is itself an assumption, although a likely one given the map in his apartment. As to why, well there can be any number of reasons ranging from just wanting to eliminate the competition to him just being a whacked out serial killer.
  2. I've seen the "Sylar steels powers" meme elsewhere, but I'm just not seeing it in the show. He appears to be a really powerful TK is all. The interaction between Hiro and Nathan was fun, and Nathan has got a serious set of balls for how he handled the mob guy blackmailing him like that. Mr. Bennet really screwed up with Nathan; they apparently forgot that he's ex-military. But, seeing him in the hospital was awesome. He definitely cares for Claire, and I'm more and more leaning in the "he's not a villain" direction.
  3. The first episode of Torchwood was really good. I had a lot of fun watching it and the twists were excellent. The second one was okay, but had too much of a gratuitous, "look how adult we can be" feel to it. Anyone catch the almost, but not quite cameo of the Doctor?
  4. Ah, I don't recall having seen that pic (and I've been following these threads all along). Answers my question though, so thanks.
  5. Graham: can we assume that this will come with its own stand adapter pieces like the 0 did?
  6. I think they're forward swept on the 19 for esthetics (in other words they look cool).
  7. The x-29. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-29
  8. The one I want to see is the US vs. the pirates of the Barbary Coast.
  9. Man, I hope they do a Babylon 5 and give us that scene from the other perspective later on.
  10. Very awesome episode. Future Hiro was great. Trenchcoat and katana prove he stays a geek.
  11. I think he means the homemade one that Isamu and Guld built as teenagers.
  12. Nope. AFIK, it's simply because it looks cool.
  13. Is that a new costume for her? (all we see is a big white box that says "Image has been deleted.")
  14. Well, the OVA wasn't really Giant Robo. It was all of Yokoyama's manga characters put into a whole new setting. While this new series doesn't look to be a direct adaptation of the manga, it'll probably be closer than the OVA ever got. As for how old the OVA is, the first episode came out almost 15 years ago. I'm not so sure of the character designs either. When I see designs that simplistic, it makes me think that they're going to really skimp on the animation budget.
  15. I kind of like the idea of a disposable gunpod. I can imagine a giant recycling bin at the hangar, that the pilot has to drop his spent pod in after a battle.
  16. Wait, I thought Mikah was the son and D.L. was the father.
  17. Super smart, if he actually has a power at all. I get the suspicion that he's going to be the one to crack the "gibberish" in Dr. Saresh Sr's computer program.
  18. Just watched the first episode. Meh. The designs were nice, but the set-up is trite and the characters are annoying. I think I'll skip this one.
  19. It's on my list of shows to keep an eye out for this season. Glad to get a good review of it.
  20. I think the time would be right for something like this. WWII nostalgia is still very big. Plus, while in times passed, such a project would require a lot of real planes (making it near impossible to make, or at least make well), now computers can be used to supply planes.
  21. Fan translations online. A quick google search should get you to the right place (at work right now and don't have any links handy).
  22. Here's the German film I mentioned above: http://www.redbaron-themovie.com/
  23. So how exactly would a realistic WWI dog fight be? What I know of the planes is that they were very slow, had a very low stall speed, didn't have a lot of power (looping the loop was a big deal), and wer basically made of wood and canvas. I seem to redcall planes blowing up in the preview. Is this something that would happen, or just a Hollywood-ism? I plan on seeing the film, but I'll probably just treat it as an adventure movie. I'm curious though, what a historically accurate film would include. Oh, anyone see anything about the German biopic of Manfred von Richtoven that's supposed to be coming out?
  24. I had a couple of the toys back in the eighties and picked up a couple of the more recent imports a few years ago (shortly after which they started coming out in the US).
  25. Okay, thanks for the clarification.
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