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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. I'm going off the fact that the OP listed Area 88 as a mecha show, which is entirely correct. "Mecha" just means anything mechanical, including spaceships and vehicles. But, if you want it to just be giant robots, there were thos hunter robots (which got borrowed by FASA for the Battletech game).
  2. Vision of Escaflowne Aim for the Top! Legend of the Galactic Heroes Wings of Honneamise Di Gi Charat Giant Robo: The Animation Ususei Yatsura Move 2: Beautiful Dreamer Future Boy Conan Daicon IV Film Robot Carnival
  3. I just remembered an awesome film that got missed: Crusher Joe.
  4. Plus it, and the original Go Lion and Dairuger are getting DVD releases, so definitely qualify.
  5. I don't own Robot Carnival on DVD myself (and believe me, I would know if it was a bootleg if I did), but I seem to recall that Streamline did have a very limited release of some of their titles on DVD at the very end (can't remember who the distributor was, but I think it was after they split with Orion). You had Area 88 on your list, so I don't think Venus Wars would be any less qualified.
  6. No, it didn't. I didn't catch that part of the topic. Mea culpa. Remove Starship Troopers from my list as well, for the same reason. Dangaio and Robot Carnival are kind of iffy, because they did get DVD releases, but very substandard releases at best.
  7. You got to really feel sorry for the guy. I mean that last message from his wife telling him that she didn't think it was his fault she had cancer, but you know it probably was.
  8. Not sure if I'd call the 80's a golden age (if anything it's way too soon to tell), but off the top of my head, you missed: Dangaio (1987 -1989) Super Bestial Machine God Dancougar (1985) Megazone 23 part 2 (1986) Space Runaway Ideon (1980) Venus Wars (1989) Robot Carnival (1987) Starship Troopers (1988) I'd also take the Appleseed OVA off your list. Man that thing was a stinker.
  9. The plot was pretty good. It was a much more adult show than other super robot shows and it borrowed a lot of sensibilities from the real robots. It also had an awesome villain. I might have to get one of those re-issues... When are they coming out?
  10. Other than the fact that it's an utterly unoriginal piece of drivel with a paint by number plot and bog standard characters, the fact they ret-conned much of the original film condemns it as a bad sequel. It's not quite Highlander 2 bad, but still bad enough. Really, the film is quite good, and you really should check it out.
  11. Bean says it's not true. IMDB is very unreliable, because anyone can add what they want.
  12. Can't be any worse a follow up than Blood+ was. I'll probably see it.
  13. Someone on another board posted a close-up of a news clipping pinned next to the map in Sylar's apartment. It's a copy of his birth anouncement, which lists him as beiing Paul Sylar and being born in 60's. The thing that has me most interested is who Mr. Bennet works for and whose side is he on.
  14. I'll be in my bunk.
  15. It's not a common trope, but using TK to affect temperature or set things on fire has been used in fiction. I think you're reading a bit more into it (being able to make groups of molecules vibrate faster or slower is a far cry from the fine manipulation needed to initiate fusion), but one way or the other we're both just speculating.
  16. So, who has the best price for the Gunbuster?
  17. Why mess with the air molecules? He just needs to manipulate the ones in the object he's freezing (i.e. the guy's head).
  18. Well, a lot could be explained by him having access to a private plane and not depending on airlines. Plus, yesterday's episode proves that not all the stories are taking place in the same time frame (it was night for Niki and DL as well as for Hiro and Ando, but it was daytime for Claire and Mohinder).
  19. You can hear the bullets hitting the ground after he gets done shooting, if you listen closely. As for thermal control, heat is nothing more than moving molecules. Just use TK to move them faster or slower to control the temperature.
  20. Sure, there are the two basic sub-genres (super robots and real robots), but one isn't any less "mecha" than the other. In the end, they're all giant robots. There's also a lot of cross-over between the two.
  21. This has to be the most bizarre question I've ever seen asked.
  22. I'm re-watching Kidou Senkan/Martian Successor Nadesico right now, and can definitely recommend it. It has a lot of comedic and satirical content, but it's intelligently written and well put together. I'll second Escaflowne, GauGaiGar, Aim for the Top! and Patlabor. You might also try Giant Robo: The Animation.
  23. Excepting regeneration (which we have no evidence of, that I've seen), all of these are doable with just telekinesis.
  24. Just an addendum. The second OVA series was actually released as bonus episodes on the TV series LDs in Japan. It's not a big deal, but it does make somewhat of a difference in the Griffin story arc, which works much better when spread out like its supposed to be.
  25. Same here. At the very least, I've been buying LEGO regularly since high school.
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