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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Peter doesn't keep the powers. He can just use them when he's near someone else who has them. He did use Sylar's TK. If you look closely when the locker doors got thrown at him, he deflects them around himself.
  2. I definitely will, though I don't need another remote (have four already). Hope they sell it without one as well.
  3. I'll be in my bunk.
  4. Plastic-ish is how they looked in the show, so it seems pretty accurate to me. Could just be the lighting though.
  5. How would he get it from Mr. Bennett?
  6. Peter's cough: the two theories I've heard that make since is a. Ted is somewhere nearby and he's starting to channel the radioactivity and b. he picked it up from Claire (they mention she had a similar problem as a baby in an earlier episode). Eden obviously killed herself to prevent Sylar from getting her power. I think Mr. Bennett was using the Haitian to nullify his power when he visited Sylar. When Eden visited him, the Haitian was with Claire. Speaking of which, man I want to see what's up with him going against orders to wipe Claire. Oh, and best line: "I really need to get that sword."
  7. Not this again... No. They look fine.
  8. Wii Sims looks cute: http://boku-sim.jp/ No US release planned for it yet, though.
  9. Sure, the powers are the result of genetics, but they're powered and controled by the brain. Dr. Saresh said this flat out in the last episode. Control the brain (a la the Hatian) and you control the powers.
  10. They established in the last episode that all the powers are mental. The brain is the source.
  11. Wolf: is there a larger version of that comparison pic?
  12. I assume it was the Haitian doing it. They kept focusing on his face whenever Eden trid using her suggestions on Mr. Bennett.
  13. He just needs to use his TK to help him lift stuff.
  14. You mean Hakkenden? Yeah, the animation really drops in quality towards the end, though the last two episodes are better. I quite like the story myself, but it does suffer from being a condensation of 106 novels. I haven't watched it in years, so I can't honestly say how well it's held up.
  15. Doubtful as that doesn't fit the theme. The 'taking them apart to see how they tick' fits him being a watch maker. You also had the books on anatomy and brains in his apartment.

    Robotech RPG

    You notice that he says "anticipated return" of the license. They don't even have it yet, and they're advertising it. This is why Palladium produces more vaporware than all other game publishers combined.
  17. Number: 1321 5374 2555 9361
  18. You can find your system's Wii number in your addressbook. From the main menu, go to the message board (lower right), then choose 'create message' (lower left). I'll post mine when I get back home.
  19. I got in line at the local Target at 5:30 AM and waited a little over an hour and a half. I ended up being number 11 out of 24. I got extra controlers, but I haven't gotten any other games yet (I plan on playing Sports with my brothers after Thanksgiving, so having the controlers was a bigger priority). So far, I'm really liking the game. I rock at bowling and am getting better at golf. Boxing is definitely the hardest (and very tiring).
  20. Apparently Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who) is also going to make an appearance in the series.
  21. So what's the issue with the price? It certainly doesn't look any smaller than the VF-1 FAST packs, so I can't see why it would cost any less than those.
  22. Cool. Great find.
  23. I'd love to see them do an SoC Aestevalis, especially with interchangable bodies. But since Nadesico appears to be long forgotten, it's just a dream.
  24. I would so buy this.
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