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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Dang. I hope it's still in stock next week when I get paid...
  2. I can't really say there's ever been an absolutely realistic space battle in any medium (outside a hard SF novel). LoGH is awesome in terms of verisimilitude, but falls apart if looked at with a mind towards real world physics. This is a great article on the subject (the site is absolutely awesome for realistic space travel in general): http://www.projectrho.com/rocket/rocket3t.html
  3. The actor that plays him is 41, which is easily old enough, even if his character is a few years younger. My guess is a college indiscretion. Since Hiro has made Star Trek references in previous episodes, I'd say it has to be part of the Heroes universe.
  4. Just re-read my post above. Any alternate readings are purely unintentional. I swear.
  5. DDR is coming for the Wii: http://wii.ign.com/articles/760/760878p1.html
  6. I just finished the first disc, and other than the aforementioned problems, I thought they did a pretty good job. The translation of the dialog is much more accurate then the old USR version, and looks like it matches up with what I remember of various fansub scripts. The subtitles are clean and well timed. I'm on disc 2 now.
  7. It's there, but untranslated. I'm really not liking the lack of text translation. At the very least, if they didn't want to clutter the screen (which is understandable), they should have included the translations as liner notes.
  8. Since you obviously can't carry on a civil conversation: welcome to my ignore list, Tom Cruise.
  9. As for the music issue, I plan on writing Bandai a letter (a real one, not an e-mail) stating my disapointment in their decision (politely though). Honestly, I think the complaints expressed in this thread have been reasonable and level. I take it some people never venture into the toy section of this board.
  10. I have mine. The packaging is okay. I'd have preferred a nice art box to just a slip cover with promo stuff on the back instead of more art (the promo info could have been an insert inside the shrink wrap. That's admittedly a minor nitpick. The biggest problem is they used a cardboard case with plastic trays. I've found the disc holders on those trays to be brittle and easily broken. Unlike a regular case, once it breaks, you're pretty much SOL. The art is good though and I like the design on the discs themselves. The book is very nice as it gives not only extra information, but an actual analysis of each episode. I'll be watching it all later this evening and may post more thoughts.
  11. I seriously doubt that was ever a consideration. Now stuff like the Karaoke/debate transcript bit I'll be curious to see got in or not. I'll let you know for sure though in a few hours.
  12. RSI is showing my DVD set shipped yesterday and they billed my account. It should be waiting for me when I get home.
  13. Wait. Does this mean no "Welcome Home?"
  14. That's not true. Copyright can't be lost like that (you own it until it expires). The defend it or lose it principle is for trade marks.
  15. Yes. It it is. Thankfully, I already own the R2 release. I'll get the R1 (already have it pre-ordered), but this does diminish my joy at getting it. The no text translations is just amateurish.
  16. Go to the globe view.
  17. There are shows I'd gladly pay that much for. This is not one of them.
  18. Well, they've already come to pass, so not needed anymore, so maybe Mr. Bennett let him have them. Guess it all comes down to if he was lying about remembering or not. We just don't know for now.
  19. They require you to be registered with the site to see images, apparently. Knight26: would you mind posting copies of the pics here?
  20. If you find it, please share a link, if you can.
  21. Continuity errors. Like their club room is supposed to have a window above the door, but it doesn't show up in some of the episodes.
  22. Linderman is future Hiro!!
  23. Here are some comparison videos someone did showing the changes made for the DVD release: http://www.dannychoo.com/otavid_detail/eng...changes+part+A/ http://www.dannychoo.com/otavid_detail/eng...changes+part+B/ http://www.dannychoo.com/otavid_detail/eng...changes+part+C/
  24. The naked Misa the briefly shows up in someone's monitor is the most obvious cameo.
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