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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Just watched ep. 2 of Lucky Star. There's a scene in it where they play the opening bars to the Gunbuster theme.
  2. Where are you getting DVD-R from?
  3. Go to www.animesuke.com to get the files. You will need to download a bittorrent client. There are FAQs and links on that site as well that will help you with this.
  4. The small ships not fitting the stands annoyed me. Otherwise, they are pretty cool. Need a set of rules now to play space battles with them.
  5. Ummm... Yeah... http://blog.wired.com/defense/2007/04/never_again_wil.html
  6. Looks like we're getting a legit Orguss DVD release: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-...rom-imaginasian
  7. Cool site. I like the comparison pics between parts 1 and 2 (glad there's no part 3 ). Personally, I always liked the part 2 designs better, myself, but then I actually saw that one first (it's what got me into anime, actually...).
  8. I seem to recall martial arts world and dating sim world too. Not an all out parody show, but still it's there. I think one could argue that Eva has become a parody of itself.
  9. Abenobashi was without a doubt a parody. Mahoromatic had heavy parody elements. I'll give you that Ebichu (and the other Modern Love's Silliness bits) was not a parody. Yeah, Ugly/Beautiful World was crap. So was Melody of Oblivion. I didn't bother with the other two because I'm not into dating sim based stuff, so I can't say.
  10. Outside of Honneamise, Kare Kano, maybe Nadia, hasn't everything Gainax has ever done been a parody to some degree or other?
  11. If you just stick with the original mini-series, V was pretty good if dated. You know, if there was ever a show that could use a BSG-style re-immagining, V is it.
  12. I think you might want to look up the word, "innuendo." There's nothing sublte about that what-so-ever.
  13. I thought the whole new Thundercats thing was debunked a while ago. Something about it being a proposal that had been rejected a few years ago (don't have time to look it up right now). Personally, a re-imagining of the show would be fine with me. It's not like the original episodes were that great (which is unfortunate since the designs were nice and the premise had potential).
  14. It's from the Daicon IV film. It was a fan made film made for the opening of Daicon IV, a Japanese science fiction convention. They guys who made it would later go on to form Studio Gainax.
  15. Something called QuovadisZ, according to the credits. Never heard of it and I'm not finding anything online by that name.
  16. It's a spoof of fighting shows. Pretty funny one too.
  17. Didn't see a topic about this (if I've been scooped, then my apologies. Anyway, very cool video about the Itano Circus: http://www.burningcourage.com/ftp/Anime/It...he%20Circus.avi Just be warned that it's over 250 megs.
  18. I wasn't aware of Gainax being involved with this one. It's never listed in any of the catalogs given for them. I wonder if it was just something they did inbetween work for, and not one of their own productions. It's a great show, that I haven't seen in years. I figure since ADV got Prefectural Earth Defense Force, they should go for this one next. Or maybe Bakuen Campus Guardress.
  19. Yeah, but glue hates me. I believe the barrels are gold because they're actually made of metal.
  20. From Anime News Network: Press Release: http://www.bandaivisual.us/pdfs/PressRelease_FR_0320.pdf Sounds like Bandai is smoking crack. There's no way something like that will sale well over here.
  21. I managed to get it to go through finally this morning. I left my shopping cart open, so it kept the sale prices. I hope ADV honors it (if they don't I'm going to have to take the money back from them through Visa).
  22. IIRC, they used a tape master for that DVD like they did with a lot of their other older titles. As for something along the same lines as They Were 11, Toward the Terra is pretty good as is Please Save My Earth (basically shoujo science fiction). Wings of Honneamise is my all time favorite film and I'm happy to finally be getting a good DVD release of it. One that few I've met have seen, but I really enjoy, is the Time Stranger movie (not Goshogun). I'm also partial to Future Boy Conan, which is from all the way back in the 70's and a work of Miyazaki. A more recent title that I really like, but seems to have gone under the RADAR, is Violinist Hamelin. Don't let the cartoonish designs fool you; it's a very dark and gritty fantasy show.
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