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Everything posted by CaptRico

  1. A new lesson: NEVER SMOKE!
  2. Nice job, Bake!^^
  3. Aaawww! She's adorable! :3 You have got to post this on deviantart.com - people there are going to love it!^^
  4. Looking at the Macross like that in the light and shadow, I'm think "Armored Core." I guess the shadow and lighting is bringing back memories...
  5. Kawamori? The creator of MACROSS???
  6. I just made this image. It's suppost to be for a "Land of the Giants" fanart, but this also makes an EXCELLENT Macross fanart as well! As a Macross fanart, what would happen if a meltraedi and micronina went on a blind date - without ever knowing the meltraedi is still at her normal size? Answer: CHOAS!!! She seems happy about it, cause she just got herself a new little friend! But the micronian is just having second thoughts!
  7. Sweet!
  8. Hey guys. I hope things are going great here. As for me - I've been having a ball at Deviantart.com! Great gallery - they allow all types of artwork - including ecchi and hentai(warning for those who don't wish to view). They serve anime, photography, screenshots - everything but the kitchen sink!(Of course, someone might have already posted an image of that) They even post flash files - and here's NO SIZE LIMIT as far as I know. I even posted my ALIEN: ANIME EDITION theme there - and I've over 7 MB!0_o Anyways, I just thought I post my link to my gallery: http://captricosakara.deviantart.com/gallery/ WARNING: There is hentai material posted there! You have been warned! If you don't wish to view, LEAVE NOW. Anyways, I hope things here are peachie - I don't want to cause anyone any stress.^^ Anyways, if any of you artists here want to post your artwork, sign up to deviantart.com - it's FREE! You get a gallery for all your works - no matter what the content. Also, you get access to the forums, a Journal, and more! So what the heck are you wait'n for?! COME ON DOWN!! Anyways, don't want to cause anymore mischief - got to go!^^ Oh, and Nanashi, hope things have returned to normal - I hope no one else has given you any hard times. Well, I better go before I cause someone else another fluke.^^ C-YA! B) Hit me back, just to chat! -CRS
  9. Thanks. B)
  10. uuhh...Nevermind, Burn. If you don't want to distribute these images anywhere else, that's fine. I was just asking if you like to have the VF-2SS one hosted on my site, but forget it.^^
  11. Hey Burn, can I ask you a question: Would you like it if I could host your VF-2SS image with the aircraft carrier over on my M2M: Macross II Mechas site? Just wondering if you want to send me your fanart? That's all.^^
  12. Awesome drawing, man!^^ Great job!^^
  13. A friend of mine said he wanted me to give you this, John Busacha.^^ His name is Luis Venegas. Here his address where you can thank him for the images: mailto:neosandrockkai@hotmail.com Here's his image. Don't ask why he sent me - he saids he has no time to sign up as a member for this forum.^^ Thank him!
  14. Ya think so? Sounds like a good idea.
  15. This flash movie took my A MONTH to make! This intro was made for my Outlaw Star/Cowboy Bebop crossover and reamke of the 1979 Sci-Fi hit making a come-back this October! WARNING: It's 7 MB! PLEASE be patient!^^ Just follow the link and go to the Download icon (The down arrow) ENJOY!^^ http://www.deviantart.com/view/2881775/
  16. I have some macross related material posted at deviantart.com. Devianatart is a great place to post lots of great works - from cgi, hand-drawn, and even flash art. Here's my gallery - with some Macross images inside! Enjoy!^^ http://captricosakara.deviantart.com/gallery/ Also, here's one of pics I've done: enjoy!^^
  17. Wow. He did that? Dude, I'm honnoring this guy. He must have been some great collector.
  18. I like Mylene! She's hot.
  19. Seen it, been there - JC1 was better - but I'm was glad how JC2 ended - cause(no to spoil) let's just say that the Creeper has some time to think abot his ways....
  20. If you want to see something that will scare you (or laugh) senseless, here's something from the G1 era: http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/cover.jpg http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/map.jpg http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/hound.jpg http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/meg...gs_pimpride.jpg http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/the_end.jpg This is definately wrong. I'll never look at Optimus Prime the same way again!
  21. I can hardly disagree with you, Skull Leader. I know going public with this was wrong - basically since I not use to using private messages. Now that this has been resolve, LET'S FORGIVE AND FORGET.^^ I've learn my lesson on that one, and next time, I'll just ask Nanashi or anyone else if it's ok to post the images. I'll wait for a reply, and if it's NO, then I'll understand. Man, I HATE MYSELF!>< I tell ya all, I SUCK. This is one reason why I don't like getting along with people outside of home - it just leads to choas. But, I still got to learn that you got to get along with your follow men and women. (I always learn the hard way.) Well, that's it. I'm done. Sorry for embarassing you, Nanashi. Please forgive me. I'll respect your request andjust post a link to the page. Hope all is forgive soon. I don't want to keep this sin on my conscious. Now that this is over, I like to ask Nanashi one question: Do you know where I can find these images else where? It would really mean a lot to me if you could at least answer me this, just to help me out in finding copies of my own...
  22. Well, I finally made a final decision: Mr. Nanashi, After sleeping on this thread's deal for a night, and thinking about this message I got from twick, I iwsh to extend my apologies (BIG TIME) for stealing your images. I now realize how wrong I was (even though I did had a point - at least, I thought I did). I was so obsessed with getting those images to add to my M2 collection, that I didn't even realize I was disrespecting your wishes. And also, when I first saw your "Don't copy" notice, I quickly thought you were just being greety (I mean hey! Your site is THE ONLY ONE on the world-wide web that has posted these images - can you image how many M2 fans are willing to do ANYTHING to get these images as well?^^). But, I just kept at that point all that time, that I didn't realize the truth of what I was really doing (even though I don't think it was illegal to leech them away - was it? ). I would finally like to say to everyone here I'm once again sorry for all the trouble I cause. You see, once I see something I don't like - that doesn't sound fair - I just jump right to these quick conclusions, and I just start fighting for those causes. Thus, I never do realize the truth in my actions until it's too late. Well, I finally realized the truth of my actions here, and I feel terrible - almost like I kick someone in the head for no reason. Nanashi - I've made my decision: I will happily RESPECT your request, and just post a link on my site to your VS-XS page. I'm so sorry for making you so angry, please accept my apologies. I still got the VS-XS images saved on my harddrive - and I don't plan on using them since they are yours. Nanashi, I was a jerk, an idoit, and an obsessive loon. For that, I'm sorry. Please forgive me for everything that I've done to upset you. Everyone, I've realized what I've done was wrong, and I should have just waited for Nanshi's first reply when I first ask if I could use those images. I just grew impatient, and it led to choas. Well, what's done is done. I'm going to post a link to Nanashi's page as by his request. However, I still have to decide weather or not I should post this link anyways... I hope I didn't get anyone else here shoken up over this little argue, and I hope we can be friends, Nanashi, cause I don't want us to be fighting anymore. I'll understand if you don't want me posting the images, and I'll happily just post a link to the page instead. I PROMISE. You got my full attention, Nanashi, and for that, I'm thankful. Let hope we don't get into another fight over these rare images again. I would still to ask if anyone else out there knows where I can find the original scans of the VS-XS, so that I can post them without any trouble. Does any out there know anyone else who has the original VS-XS scans and is willing to let me use them on my site? If so, please rely at my addresses: mailto:chrisrgay@yahoo.com or at mailto:chrisricgay@comcast.net. AGAIN, sorry for the trouble I caused. Thank you for at elast letting me post a link, Nanashi, and at least I know you not keeping these personally to yourself.^^ Sincerely, -Capt. Rico Sakara
  23. I seen it today, and it was alright. I didn't really care much...
  24. (Please forget and forgive these posts. Thank you.)
  25. (Please forget and forgive these posts. Thank you.)
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