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Everything posted by CaptRico

  1. CaptRico


    This is just some Macross female pilot character I made. I outlined her in Photoshop 7 using the pen tool. I hope this looks good. I got it done in about 4 hours. I really love the hair-style I gave her. I think she be a decendent of Max and Milia.^^
  2. They look like this: http://www.galactica2003.net/cgi-bin/view....cgcenturion.jpg As for my intake on Galactica 2003, the story SUCKS!>< I'm telling ya, they screw up another good sci-fi show! I was hoping for this: The begining would start with what happend 40 yrs ago during the war. Then, after a few mintues on the epic last battle, we move on to the present. 2. The ending should have been showing the Galactica and Co. heading out into space and head straight for Earth. 3. They should have not reveal Boomer to be another Cylon. That's NOT FAIR! Boomer's a hot chick! She's suppost to be the hero, not a cylon in disguise like #6 and those toher weirdos. 4. They should have added more sound and attack to the battles, like the original. I've been disappointed with movies before, but this? Man, someone please fire those jerks at Sci-Fi who remade this series. If it were me, I write and do the story RIGHT. But it seems like writers and producers just don't care anymore -- all they care about now is special effects and action, because it sells. SCI-FI - storys sell, you idoits! A movie with good special effects with a BAD storyline WILL NOT SELL. There is one thing I've learned about good movie -- and that's the story. IF THE STORY IS GOOD THEN IT SELLS. One thing my Dad told is that a reall magic that makes a movie good are the actors AND ESPECIALLY the WRITERS and DIRECTORS. Those are the 3 main keys to making an EXCELLENT MOVIE. EXAMPLE: ID4 - INDEPENDENCE DAY: 1. Great actors. 2. Good Storyline. 3. Good Writer and Director. I rest my case.
  3. I thought it was a great kick'n movie!^^
  4. I really miss watching that Gall Force movie - first time I saw it was on Sci-Fi. The same went for Tenchi Muyo. I really like the Balsam craft. Excellent design. Would make a great valkyrie... But, I figure no one here wants to talk with me. Sorry I'm intruding...
  5. Here's a new one, featuring Apollo and Starbuck:
  6. I thought up this Love Hina fanart image as an idea for a PS2 game. Pretty funny though:
  7. I did this Battlestar Galactica anime fanart just a few days ago. I thought I show it to you. If you wondering where I got the new Galactica image, go here: http://www.galactica2003.net/ That site's got everything on the new miniseries - images, info -- the works. Anyways, enjoy the image. C-YA.
  8. An Armored Core anime? That'll be interesting... Yeah, man! I agree.^^
  9. I got episodes 10, 15, and 19 on my computer. They're Japanese with English subtitles. I downloaded 10 and 19 cause they focus on my favorite character, Kaolla Su, who pretty much is exactly like Edward from Cowboy Bebop, since she's extremely hyperactive. The show is great as far as I know. I really think Su is sweet!^^
  10. I haven't watched it yet. I don't really care much about it. Sorry.
  12. I too thought T3 was excellent. My Dad like it since it had a good ending - leding up to the war. As for AVP -- I too agree that they should stick with the storylines of the comics. This present day crap isn't really what I want. But since it IS still AVP in general, I'll take a crack at it and see how this movie turns out. Besides, it could turn out like T3 did for all we know! :-/
  13. For ALIEN and PREDATOR fans, Please check out this address: http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/avp/ "Whoever wins...We lose."
  14. Isn't the Death Star 1 & 2 suppost to be the size as Earth? I think they screwed up on that part.
  15. Awesome! Could I post this on my site, M2M: MACROSS II MECHAS? Please?
  16. I myself can't wait til this movie comes out. I want to see who wins: Human, Alien, or Pred?...
  17. Awesome renderings of the Enterprise, man! I love em!^^
  18. Sounds cool! Ca't wait to see it!^^
  19. Totally awesome! Max looks great!
  20. Next one, the evil EARTH COLONIAL NAVY:
  21. My COLONY WARS set: First off, the Valkyrie color scheme for THE LEAGUE OF FREE WORLDS:
  22. Sylive!!! :lol:
  23. Thanks, Omni. It's good to hear from you again. BTW, the girl is at the beach. Anyways, yes, I have been getting better, and this is why: For a couple of months, I've been browsing anime tutorial sites. The follwoing are ones I HIGHLY recommend: How to Draw Manga: http://www.howtodrawmanga.com/tutorial/tutorial.html BakaNeko: http://www.bakaneko.com/howto/ PolyKarbon: http://www.polykarbon.com/ These tutorials kick-a$$ BIG-TIME! If any of you macross artists want to increase your skill, these site are for you!
  24. You guys want the color version? Here it is! Plus, go here to check it out at my gallery: http://www.deviantart.com/view/3205302/
  25. I got a new funny pic! Check it out: BLIND DATE!
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