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Everything posted by CaptRico

  1. Here's something I did on Sasami! Here, she's older and she's dawned her sister's battle suit, and Tenchi's sword - which is now a BIG SWORD!
  2. Here's a close up of Sasami.
  3. Looky, looky! It's RYO-OHKI! :3
  4. I've been doing some new art pieces lately. These are just some art pieces I plan to upload to deviantart.com. First off, the Space Pirate, RYOKO:
  5. With the help of that little lineart of the BALSAM craft from GALL FORCE, I was able to create this little number:
  6. CaptRico


    He-he!^^ FUNNY!^^
  7. If you all think you saw everything there is about Macromedia flash websites, think again: http://www.kmgi.com/ ENJOY!^^
  8. CaptRico


    Good one!^^
  9. CaptRico


    Oh! I made tis for Macrossclub: http://macrossclub.deviantart.com/ Right now, deviantart.com is down - they're always having server problems, but it's no big deal... Enjoy!^^
  10. CaptRico


    I guess what she's saying is this: "JOIN MACROSS WORLD TODAY!"
  11. CaptRico


    OH! I did notice the difference in the feet. Well, you see, I was trying to get the illusion of distance between the two feet. I guess that's just how I draw them. Sorry. My bad.^^
  12. CaptRico


    Hey, I'm trying my best here. I'm still improving.^^
  13. CaptRico


    Free hand, I think...
  14. CaptRico


    3 THINGS: -Airbrush Tool -Dodge Tool -Burn Tool
  15. CaptRico


    Image 2 completed:
  16. CaptRico


    Image 1, FINAL:
  17. I made this little baby just about a month or so ago. It's a "Proto-form" Optimus Prime. His Robot-Mode is very simple and HIGHLY POSEABLE!^~ His body has about 12 points of accurency. His Vehicle-Mode is a hovering racer. BTW, he's very young, like back when he was know as "Brain Packs."^^ ENJOY! WARNING: In one of the pics there (if you can see) he's being a real jerk, giving the finger. I made him do that just for laughs. Sorry. Anyways, enjoy.
  18. CaptRico


    No, just making something for MacrossClud over at DeviantArt.Com: http://macrossclub.deviantart.com/ I'm a member there. Oh! Check out my gallery at DA, but WARNING: There's hentai there, so you have been warned: http://captricosakara.deviantart.com/gallery/
  19. I love this movie! It ROCKS!^^ I also use to play the NES game - it wasn't as good since the GunStar looked like an X-Wing when it turns around.
  20. CaptRico


    BASE COLORS for pic2:
  21. CaptRico


    BASE COLORS for Sumika are now finished: Here's pic1:
  22. CaptRico


    Oh! One last thing: You made a mistake in coloring the eyes. You must have thought those were her complete eyes. What I hade showing was her pupils. I didn't make the out line to the white part of the eye. Just fill in that whole pupil with the color blue. K?
  23. CaptRico


    Not bad, AncientAngel, but you should post your copyrights on there: 1. Put "Lineart copyrighted to Capt Rico." 2. Then put "Shadowing and color copyrighted to AncientAngel." 3. Finally, put "All Rights Reserved." That should do it for your images.^^ Anyways, got a new pic here:
  24. CaptRico


    I made some adjuctments to the left arm - it was a bit big. Fixed it.^^
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