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Everything posted by CaptRico

  1. D*nm 0_0 Well, at least we get to see how this happens to Skywalker...
  2. That is one COOL SPIDY!!!^^
  3. Bascially, this is him as a young PROTOFORM. NOTE: In the lego pics, I know his being a jerk - giving the finger and all. I must apologizes for that. I don't have time to edit it. I'm posting these two right away to see what you guys think? Does he look good or not? Anyways, he's fully poseable as you can see. And I just got done with the anime sketch today. I just hope I'm not causing any trouble posting these. As I said, I have no time to edit. I just got done working out, and I am T I R E D. Peroid! I need some rest now. C-ya later. Oh, if the upper pic seems a bit distirbing, I'll see about editing it later...^~ Later, -CAPT. RICO SAKARA
  4. I then made an anime sketch of him:
  5. A while ago, I made a lego model of optimus Prime:
  6. Being a Macross 2 fan, I would go with the VF-2SS VALKYRIE II and the VF-1MS METALSIREN.
  7. CaptRico


    Oh! Well, I decided not to put the rest, since I wanted to get to coloring it right away. Sorry about that. ^^;
  8. CaptRico


    I tried doing the shading and highlights my own way, but also tried making it like Albert's. At least I've tried.
  9. CaptRico


    I think Albert did the same on his, I think. Besides, I tranced over his lineart almost exact. However, I could have gotten it wrong. I'm not sure since they both look indentical:
  10. CaptRico


    I see.
  11. CaptRico


    Yeah? Tell that to everyone else... :crying: Look, I understand. I just put the coypright down for the fanart itself, not the character. I just put copyrights down to show who did the drawing, which was just Albert and Me. I don't own Misa/Lisa, I know Bigwest does, and I know they have full crdit and copyright to them. Believe me, I'm not trying to steal or hurt anyone, please, understand that, PLEASE? :praying: ... But I guess it doesn't matter, everytime I come here, trouble soon follows... I'm sorry if I said and did anything wrong considering this whole thing. And sorry if I did anything wrong in the image. All I wanted to do was impress everyone and do the right thing. That is all I wanted to do.
  12. CaptRico


    I'm not making any money off this. The CGI version is by Me. The Sketch by Albert. The Character is Copyrighted to BigWest. *** Do you guys think I should have added "MISA copyrighted to BIGWEST"? If that's the case, I can do that.^^ *** But anyways -- back to my point: As I'm saying, I'm not doing this as a money maker - it's just for fun, a hobbie. I just like to draw. The copyrights on my images are just to show who did the drawing itself, and also to make sure no one steals the pic from us without permission. That's all. I know, I could have just put "Original Sketch by ALBERT, 02" and "CGI by CAPT. RICO SAKARA, 04," instead of "Copyrighted," but what would happen if someone here steals my drawing? That's why I put the "copyright" down, so that the two fanarts themselves belong to Albert and Me. I think I should add "Character Copyrighted to BigWest," that must be the problem... Is that correct? *** While we're on the subject: Personally, every time I post an image or talk here, I feel as if I'm being ignored or being put on trial for a crime. What did I do wrong? The only crime I've commited of is posting my artwork, with just simple copyright stating who did the drawing and the original sketch(namely Albert and Myself). What do I have to do to not get judge like this? What do I have to do to please you guys? :crying: Do any of you guys know how that feels? I feel like "internet public enemy #1" here. Listen, are you guys saying that I should just put just my NAME, and "Original Sketch by ALBERT"? If that is truly the case, I'll do it. But still, this is Albert's Sketch, and My CGI. Therefore, I should leave the copyright there, but if you feel that that's wrong, or I'm forgeting "Character Copyright to BigWest," then I'll change that ASAP. But for the love of god and all that is holy and sane, PLEASE just give my a break. I'm trying my best not to screw up. I'm trying to please you without hurting anyone, I SWEAR! :crying: I'm trying my best to please you guys. :crying: ... (sign) What the use, I'll never able understand or please anyone here. I'm betting I'm not welcome here anymore, right? :leaves:
  13. CaptRico


    I am not rich. I'm copyrighting so that no one else can steal this from Albert and me. The original is Albert's, and this CGI version in mine. I just put the copyrights on so that no one can steal. That's all. Sorry if I'm screwing up on that. I hope I'm not doing anything wrong. I hope I didn't do anything wrong.
  14. CaptRico


    Yes I do - even the MISA pic has the copyright notices to both ME and ALBERT.
  15. CaptRico


    Here's something I'm adding as an extra - it's a sketch of a VF-2SS I did in class today: NOTE: It looks funny because I scanned it in 4 pieces - it was on 14" by 17" paper. Enjoy!^^ AND PLEASE COMMENT on the Misa pic, PLEASE????? I need comformation!
  16. CaptRico


    I finally got it done! Now, before anyone says anything, sorry to put this in a new thread, I just want to get a freash start on this one, that's all. The original sketch is Copyrighted to ALBERT. This CGI version is Copyrighted to Me. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** GIVE ALBERT FULL CREDIT FOR THE ORIGINAL!! ** Thank you, and enjoy!^^
  17. Well, I'll get to this CGIing later on. I'll be sure to give him full credit for the original. I just hope this pic turns out O.K. BTW, here's an example of my artwork:
  18. Anyone remember this image below of cute nude Misa with her armor breaking apart, done by Albert? Well, I would like to ask Albert permission if I could trace this into a fully colored CGI version. I just want to ask permission first. You would get full credit for the original here. Again, I just asking permission because I really think this pic is really adorable and cute, and I think it would be cuter if I could make color it in PhotoShop. I hope it's ok. Here's the original pic I'm talking about. Is it OK, Albert, if I could CGI this?
  19. Just the list will be fine!^^
  20. *** YOUR CLASSIC VIDEOGAME LISTS *** Before you go off to another thread, I REQUEST that you REPLY to this by doing the following: Before PlayStation came out, before 3D games came into our lives, we use to play 2d games for the Nintendo, SuperNES, and Saga Genesis, and GameBoy -- and we ALL had some favorite classic games. I want YOU to write down which game system(s) you had, and a list of your favorite classic games that go with the system(s): MY OLD GAME SYSTEMS -Nintendo -SuperNES <-- STILL HAVE! -GameBoy MY FAVORITE CLASSIC GAMES: NINTENDO: Super Mario Bros. 2 & 3, Gradius, Life Force: Gradius 2, Pac-Man, Galaxin, Pin-Bot, Blaster Master, Bubble-Babble, Hedson's Adventure Island, Journey to Sirius, The Guardian Legend, Air Fortress, Captain Skyhawk, 1943, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, MegaMan 1, 3, & 4 SuperNES: Super Mario World, StarFox, Gradius III, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat 1, 2, & Ulimate 3, Primal Rage, Alien 3, Super Metroid, & MegaMan X GAMEBOY: --NONE-- (Sorry, I only had 3 games: Spider-Man, MegaMan, and Space Invaders) Now, list your current systems, and favorite games: CURRENT SYSTEM(S): -SuperNES -PlayStation -PS2 MY FAVORITE CURRENT GAMES: PLAYSTATION: RayStorm, StarBlade(This is a Classic), Blaster Master(New Version), Armored Core 1, 2 & 3, Colony Wars 1, 2 & 3, Spider-Man, ForSaken, Driver 1 & 2, MegaMan X4, N2O: Nitrous Oxcide(with music by <i>THE CYRSTAL METHOD</i> 0_o), Spawn, Reboot, Animorphs: Shaddered Reality(loved the music), & WipeOut 3 P2S: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, Robotech: Battlecry, AlterEcho, Armored Core: New Age, Armored Core 3, Armored Core: Silent Line, The Thing, & Artic Thunder That's my two cents on gaming, now give me YOUR FAVORITE GAMES!!!! -CRS
  21. Wallpaper of Sasami and Zaburo and the Balsam:
  22. This is an original character I made. Her name is Zaburo Chan-Chan, and she's a cat-girl officer of the GPX. ...Now that is one big gun she's holding. 0_o
  23. ...Did I mention "BIG SWORD"?^^....
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