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Everything posted by CaptRico

  1. It's like he's saying "I got my eye on you, motha f****..."
  2. "SHE'S GONE FROM SUCK TO <span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'>BLOW!!"</span> Where's Lonestar when you need him?
  3. I see his PowerPuff Girl Manga on DA every Sunday. Excellent stuff. In fact, that PowerPuff Girl pic I did above is actually a FanArt HE ADDED TO HIS FAVORITES! ^__^ Of course, he does that with all fanart he gets! Here's another pic I did: RIDDICK!!
  4. If you know tutorials on flares, give me links and I'll check them out. ^__~
  5. I thought Roughnecks was good. I didn't see how it ended though.
  6. I'm a member of DA just check out my gallery: http://captricosakara.deviantart.com/gallery/
  7. I vote ALL the Armored Core games. Both the PS1 and PS2 AC games.
  8. I thought Droids was kick-@$$ too. I mean, the opening theme was pretty damn good for the time and all.
  9. What a funny concept and joke! It's just like Attack of the 50 Foot Woman all over again! Although I liked that movie.
  10. Peter is definitly who I am. At least, that's how I feel right now.
  11. That's a ton of Joes!
  12. I thought this was pretty cute and adorable!
  13. Awesome! Rubber-Metal! SWWEET!
  14. Good trailer. This sequel shouldn't be that not. It may still be a bad-man by the story's plot, but it should make up for it in the special effects, as usual.^^;
  15. I loved playing all those MegaMan NES games. They were great!
  16. I must agree. The Nazi story was done already. However, since this is new, might as well see what happens to Archer next in Season 4. I wonder how they'll get out of this pickle? Hmmmm....
  17. At least the site looks good.^^
  18. I thought TROY was a good movie.
  19. I've been checking out some goodies drawn and made by bleedman - http://bleedman.deviantart.com/ He's re-create the Powerpuff Girls, Dexter, Samurai Jack, and Courage as an anime in his very own Doujin manga. So far, he's up to chapter 2. Just check out his stuff. This guy is a godsend to me. Just check out his work. This is cover for chapter 1:
  20. I downloaded a program on Thursday called "Active @UNDELETE" With it, I was abel to cover about 90-95% of everything I lost. I was able to recover most of my music files, including my anime themes. :3 I was also able to recover most of my class work and my anime drawings that I've work on for DA.^^ Also, recover zip files, fonts, etc. The only thing I could NOT recover were my movie files. Which is no big deal since most of them were pornos anyways.^^; Anywho, it took my ALL DAY on Thursday from morning til midnight to recover everything. Right now, I got everything I recovered stored on my Dad's computer, in an I DRIVE. Right now, My computer STILL having problems, thinking that D is C due the some error in C drive, saying it can't re recognized. Well, I just hope my Dad and I can get this computer to work right. Also, once my computer is back to normal, I'm going to put all my files back, but I'm going to keep back-ups in Dad's I Drive. Plus, I might also save my music files and PSD files and ZIP files to disks. I just hope we can pull it all off.
  21. Does anyoen ahve the short version to the Macross 7 opening theme and Outlaw Star opening theme?
  22. I've just download and install Active@ UNDELETE - the demo. So far, I think it's recovering some things, but I don't know if this is going to work...
  23. We tried using File Savanger, and could only cover jpgs. PLEASE, someone, just tell me, does anyone have the Short version of the opening theme to Outlaw Star, Macross 7, and DragonBall GT? Anyone?
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