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Everything posted by CaptRico

  1. I like the Metal Siren, don't get my wrong, but I still prefer the VF-2SS and the VF-2JA.Also, is the mod just the fighter mode? or can it transform? =3
  2. Sad to say I like the english dub, since I grew up on it when it came on on Encore and what not. XD
  3. I personally like Macross II, mostly for its mecha designs. I thought the VF-2SS, the VF-2JA, and the Metal Siren were bitch'n at the time. The only thing that could make the OVA better was a better storyline with more depth in it.
  4. Which scale size is this one, with the opening battloid cockpit? I want to see if they have one on eBay. Can someone tell which scale model thiso ne is? 1/60? or 1/48? or 1/55?
  5. What scale size valkyrie models are these? I'm trying to look for one with the opening battloid cockpit, like the VF-1D.
  6. I already bought two VF-25Ss. Now I want that Full Armor Pack. That way, I'll have one with Full armor, the other plain. I just hope that Full Armor come seperate like the Super Pack.
  7. Yeah, a Space penis with teeth! XD
  8. I posted these in the VF-25 1/72 topic, but I think they be better here: I manged to get my VF-25S into the famous VF-2SS pose for the Macross II opening, but I didn't have money for a stand, so I made my own with legos. Here's the pose, plus photos of the custom stand I made - As for this "Valk porn" idea that's been passing around, I can only come up with Ozma playing pimp with my Naga plushies - and how the hell did my ALIEN plush get in one of the shots?! - YYEEEEEEEHHHAAAA! RIDE EM COW-VALK!! - That's all I got for the moment. I'll take more pictures tomorrow.
  9. I got my VF-25S a few days ago, and I manges to get it into my favorite Valkyrie pose - the famous VF-2SS pose from the opening of Macross II But since I didn't have time to buy the display stand, I decided to build my own LEGO version that actually work well. Here's the pose: And here's pics of the custom stand I made: ..And now, some silly VF-25 randomness! -This is how Omaz-sama got kick off the squadron for playing pimp with two Meltran twins (played by Naga the White Serpent and one of her clones). And.. How the hell did an Alien chest-buster get into one of the shots?! - "YYYEEEEEEHHHAAAAA!!! Ride-em cowboy!" enjoy!
  10. I've just gotten my VF-25F 1/60 model myself the other day in the mail. overall the model is b*tch'n - one of the BEST valkyrie model kits I ever got. I notice the neck is short as you said. If I may ask, Negotiator, if I flip the neck up to that angle as you have illustrated, will that make the neck look better. Will the head still be able to look upwards? As well as downwords now?
  11. Moya, Babaylon 5, and Enterprise for me: Moya (Farscape) 94% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 88% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 81% SG-1 (Stargate) 75% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 75% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 69% Serenity (Firefly) 69% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 69% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 63% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 63% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 50% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 44%
  12. Funny comic! And yes, I've seen about every episode of SG-1 since the it started by in 1995-6, I think? I like the episode "1969" when they go back in time. Very good episode.
  13. From the looks of the synposis, it's going to tell the origin story first, then go a couple years after Superman left Earth, to when he returns, only to find Louis Lane married with a daughter, and Lexx Luthor planning some revenge, all while trying to make amens with his absence. Sounds good.
  14. In Japan, this series was called "Tekkaman Blade." However, it didn't last long here in the US.
  15. Did Michael Jackson play the voice of Mash? Cause in the End credits, I "MJ" in the voice credits...
  16. DUDE!!! (Air guitar solo) I never saw a live-action version of the series. I just saw the movies and the animated series. I thought they were all good. I have both movies recorded on video.
  17. Here's my list: Battle Beyond the Stars (EXCELLENT Opening Theme! :3) Critters 1-4 (Love the first one. The end credits theme ROCKS!! :3) Ghosts of Mars Rat Race Total Reality Batman Forever Batman and Robin Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III The Blob (1988) The Fly II (1989) Super Mario Bros. The Movie Macross II: Lover's Again Macross Plus Planet of the Dinosaurs The 3 Worlds of Gulliver Voltage Fighters Tenchi Muyo! The Movie Sonic OVA Guyver OVA Guyver Movie 1-2 Virus Supernova Sphere Here's a list of kids movies that also fit the same category: Prehysteria! 1-3 Alien Arsenal Warriors of Virtue The Kingdom Under the Sink The Shunken Kingdom Josh Kirby, Time Warrior Adventures in Dinosaur City The Clockmaker Jack and the Beanstalk Dinotopia
  18. I'm into both Robotech and Macross. I mean, without Robotech, I would never have know about Macross. I'm not aginst anyone or anything. I enjoy both series and their respected stories right down to the letter. They're all good, in my opinion, and I for one am glad to have known both series.
  19. These are the movies I liked, including my own personal star rating: Batman (1988?) 3 out of 4 stars <- Great Story! I PREFECT introduction to Batman and Joker. Batman Returns (1992) 3 out of 4 stars <- Same as above. Great Intro for Catwoman and Peguin. Batman Forever (1995) 2 out of 4 stars <- Not a good, but the origin story for Robin was just right, so it's good IMO. Howard the Duck (1985) 2 out of 4 stars <- the story was funny and cute! The Hulk (2003) 2.5 out of 4 stars <- good origin story, IMO. Spider-Man (2002) 4 out of 4 stars <- GREAT ORIGIN STORY, PERIOD! Spider-Man 2 (2004) 3.5 out of 4 stars <- Great intro for Doc Ock. X-Men (1999) 2.5 out of 4 stars <- IMO, it was good introduction story into their world. X2 (2002) <- Good story about the X-men going up again Striker. The X-Jet was HOT! Judge Dredd (1995) 2 out of 4 stars <- Story wasn't good, but the action was pretty good. The Phantom (1996) 2.5 out of 4 stars <- Solid Story, since it took place in the 1930's. The Shadow (1994) 2.5 out of 4 stars <- 1930's story, again. GOOD! Spawn (1997) 2.5 out of 4 stars <- Origin Story good. It could have been longer, and more detailed, IMO though, like the HBO Cartoon Series was. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) 4 out of 4 stars <- GREAT STORY! The Setting was EXCELLENT! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) 4 out of 4 stars <- Same as TMNT 1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Turtles in Time (1993) 2.7 out of 4 stars <- this one could have been given a different story, IMO. But it was a pretty good time-travel movie none the less. *** The rest suck IMO, they just aren't good in story. IMO, A good Story is what makes the movie good. And the movies I have listed above are Good Stories IMO. (Except for Judge Dredd. I added it due to the Action. It counts to me...) This is just my opinion on what I think is good, so please don't be upset if you don't like any of these movies above. ^^;
  20. Farest I got was about 1128 ft.
  21. We should this to sites that prmote bad things.
  22. Now this is a game I like to rent sometime. When's it coming out?
  23. My Dad loved DS9 and TOS. But My heart goes to The Next Generation. I will always be a TNG fan.
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