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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hey Hikaru. Now i know that this is proabably asking a bit much. But would you ever consider do a fandub for the Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta Compilation Movies because honestly it would be worth it if you used the same voice cast that you used for Macross Zero
  2. Keep up the good work. Again. the DYRL & Zero fandubs rock. atleast before you hang up your gloves please finish off with zero & dyrl. hopefully you'll get to II: Lovers Again and PLUS movie edition. It's really a big frustration for me. i mean when i was young i loved robotech. but when i got the dvds i was like, WTF!. This really sucks. this show is crap-o-la i mean i again like robotech from what it is. its a campy classic. it really laid the foundation for taking anime to where it is now. so i don't spit on it. but i'd prefer a more accurate dub of Mospeada and Sounthern cross. don't even get me started on the so-called "remastered" series. Hopefully funimation and HG will do a "REAL" remastered series someday. so it was then i started to appreciate Macross for what it really was. but let me tell you somehting i NEED my anime's in english. japan and the japanese languange/culture is very alien to me. hearing the fast, high-pitched phonetics of the japanese language really give me a headache and don't allow me to relate to characters. But when the DUB is bad it makes that problem worse. but again as we all know Robotech ruined all that. so there really isn't any continuity between the dubbing and the quality of the performances within each of the MACROSS dubs being that they were all done a different times and by different dub teams. macross, thanks to robotech will forever be confused as the contuniation of the Macross Saga of Robotech and anime new comers will get confused. so giving us this will helps ease things. i like the fact that gundam was held off til 2000 and now both Ocean Group and the other Dub company on the west coast along with bandai ent doing the distrubution have put out a series of 5 star dubs IMO. also is what you're doing legal. i guess it is. i guess as long as its a FAN thing i guess it doesn't matter. and not to go off the subject but you mentioned making dvds and dvd menus and so on. glad you brought that up i'm actually interested in learning how that process works. could you send me some links to some sites that explain how it all works? apparently the process is called DVD AUTHORING. but there is a science to it that i don't understand. ya see i'm also a gundam fan. and while i LOVE the Gundam DUBS i think that Bandai -Ent when they switched over to doing dvds. alot of their 1st dvds were really CRAPTACULAR and most of their 1st dvds were gundam dvds. thank good they RE-RELEASED Cowboy Bebop the menus are so much better too. and i want to someday make my own personalized gundam dvds, something better than what bandai put together and so on. but its really a complex process apprently , but i can't help it i know you understand the idea of taking something too serously, unfortunately i'm a nitpicker like that can you help me with some links or tutorial or maybe even a book on it?
  3. well 1st i just want to thank Hikuro. really. . i mean its been a real pain that the whole legal battle over the liscensing of Macross Zero and DYRL. has prevented that liscensing of them both. honestly. i think we should thank god that Harmony Gold allowed ADV to dub the original series. don't get me wrong i mean i like robotech for what it is. and i'm looking foward to shadow chronicles when it FINALLY gets released but the whole Robotech thing really messed it all up. i still think its a shame that a dub from MAcross Plus movie edition was never released. the OAV version of PLUS sucks. and don't even get me started on how bad the Macross II dub is. if we're lucky maybe by the time our grandchildren are born maybe well get a real dub release of zero and dyrl/flashback 2021. but with these dubs you're putting together. will surely hold us over until that day comes. i mean the voices are alittle rough in certain spots but for the most part the voice cast and the performances are really solid. It's pretty close to a real professional dub. this must've been a really ambitous effort. maybe these fandubs will motivate those dub companies and HG to allow the liscening of all other macross stuff. i can't wait to get it all burned onto dvd-r's and watch em at home. god bless you. also great Job on tekkaman Blade too! the teknoman dub from the 90's really sucked!!!
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