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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Thank u man .. i can finally be at ease ( lol ) .. still i wished for a remake of the original Getter Robo better than the New Getter Robo which dissapionted me a lot ( espically the ending ) Thanks again
  2. I just happend to surf through Bestanime.com looking for anime OP/ED to download and i found few Getter Robo ( i'm a new fan of getter ) Titles and downloaded their OP & ED but i came across an OP that depicts many Getter Robots and Many Getter Pilots with a cool flashy sketchy style. It was put under ( Shin Change !! Getter Robo : last day ) ... but the problem is after checking the this show pics .. it has nothing to do with the OP i found .. actually it has completely different Openings and its art style is very different from the OP too. O_o I went around looking for the series of that OP in every freaking Anime Info site on the internet but i found nothing .. not even a single Pic .. i searched many Getter Robo anime lists but it wasn't in any of them ( checked the names and art styles .. non of them match with OP !!!? ) It ain't ( Getter Robo ) or ( Getter Robo G ) or ( Getter Robo Go ) or ( Neo Getter Vs Shin Getter ) or ( Shin Change !! Getter Robo : last day ) or ( New Getter Robo 2004 ) or any of the other Getter Vs Mazinger/Grandizer OVAs .. is there a missing Getter Series that no one knows about or what ... !!? I will put some captures i took from the intro hoping for someone to identify which Getter Robo Series this is All Getter Pilots with many Getter Robots ( even Musashi is here !!!! ) Close ups on characters Even more Close ups on characters The Dr.Satomoe ( i think ) looks quite wierd in this OP The Dinosaur King ( so they fight the dino empire in this series !!!? ) One of the two Dino Generals The second one Some cool Robot Designs !!!! The only info ( no company name, no year of prod., no credits ) found in this OP is the title ( it says Getter Robo in red the ( something in blue ) then ( ! ) .. can someone read the letters in blue for me ) Anyone who knows about this series plz tell me about it A.S.A.P .. sorry for the large topic .. But if this series is a remake of the Original i would really like to see it .. Thank u for reading
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