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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. I just can't abide by non-transforming Transformers... even if they're models... Oh - and are those SCALE models? Or, in Transformers tradition - is everything completely non-scale? :-) Pete
  2. I don't get the feeling Fox got fired for bringing up Hitler in some anti-semetic way. It seems she got fired for being stupid. For stupid people, "Hitler" = "really bossy person" - and Fox apparently meant to say that Bay was really bossy. I'm sure if you asked her "like Stalin??" she would say "like who?" If she really was all that dumb, then yes - I think dumb people should be fired :-) And in any case - I never thought she was hot either; her stupidity oozes into her femininity at every step (thus the "porn actor" comment) Looking forward to the movie.
  3. Personally, given how utterly broke I am - I'm not angry about Bandai not releasing these immediately. Take your time Bandai - maybe the economy will get better and I'll be able to pick these up... That said - I'd definitely love to get these in 1:100 scale - the Hi-Metals I already have are very good. I love how the 1:100 scale is in scale with my Mastergrade Gundams. I do have 2 1:60 VF-1s (one of them is the T, the other is a cannon fodder), and on principle, if I see 'em on sale, I don't have anything against buying yammies - which are great... But the YF-21 and 19 would work better for me in 1:100 scale. The transformation of the 21 in 1:60 scale was just such a pain in the butt :-) Pete
  4. This youtube video made me laugh :-) I think it fits in the Arnold thread :-) Pete
  5. VT-1 has both shoulders with cracked panels like everyone elses. Real bummer. Used super glue to hopefully secure them. I have transformed it a few times and it seems "fine" - but it's certainly not as it should be. I guess I'm just so used to Yamato QC issues, that even with the cracks, so long as it doesn't explode into a million pieces, I consider the toy "fine" Pete
  6. Glad to know I'm not alone :-) But seriously...I don't like the hair on those kids. It has a Dragonball vibe to it... but whatever... I've got wierd Gundam taste as is...I like the original MSG, Zeta I've only seen the movie compilation and have mixed feelings about it... Turn-A I love, and Victory Gundam is great too... I saw the trailer for Unicorn and wasn't liking it..but...whatever... I'm mainly into Gundam for the model kits anyways :-) I will probably give this series 5 episodes worth of my time...like I did with OO...if it doesn't click after that...whatever... the mecha - on the other hand - always interested in good mecha designs, and new Gundam means new designs. Be interested to see those. Pete
  7. The answer is here: http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=1057 :-) I'm hoping to get around to another 3-4 episodes next week. Pete
  8. Recently, I've been watching the second half of Turn-A-Gundam, which I initially strated watching two years ago... I also want to watch the following: Groxier X Daimos God Mars But I can't find anywehere to download them...for now :-) Pete
  9. Interesting interview - and indeed you can see with the release of the RGs (in terms of Gunpla) as well as something like the smaller super robot pseudo-SOCs that they are economizing... sort of... Oh well.. At this point, the longer the economy keeps tanking and sinking, the sooner it'll pick up again eventually :-) I've become so accustomed to poverty that there's really no where to go but up :-) Pete
  10. Whats with this kiddie crap !?! wtf!? and now Gundam is finished! ThisistheendofGundambecausenowitsallgoingtobelikepowerrangerszordsmegasupertransformingarmadashitwhatthefartmotherfarter!!! Bandai has never done something like this before!!! Gundam was all about realism man!!! This sucks!!! Pete
  11. Meanwhile...I've picked up where I left off with Turn-A-Gundam! Yeah...two years have passed, but...err...I'm slow... A meta-review of episode 23-26 is up on my website with lots of picks (although it's a pretty short review - surprisingly): http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=1057 If anybody is interested in seeing what I thought of the first 22 episodes of the series, I've collected up all of my posts from this forum and put them up on my website with lots of screencaps. I also have seperate reviews for episodes 1 and 8.: http://dyrl.pl/kategorie.html?cat_id=146 Pete
  12. I enjoyed Casino Royale for its' gritty take. I hated the cute-hunky-clean Bond that Pierce Brosnan did. I didn't see Quantum - maybe will pick it up on DVD. My favorite Bon is Roger Moore, and lately I've been kind of enjoying Sean Connery. Making James Bond gay just because some British agents/spies were gay is STUPID. James Bond should remain true to form - if somebody wants to make a gay-spy movie - have at. But keep Bond Bond. Although given the times we live in, it's to be expected. Everything eventually has to apparently turn gay. It's like - I remember last summer me and my girlfriend went to the movies...didn't know what we wanted to see...there was some Italian movie...something light...Romantic Comedy... whatever...we figured...yeah fine... Turned out to be about a guy who had trouble coming out of the closet...we felt so out of place. It's like...this whole movie is stupid because it has nothing to do with us. The gay main character had a grandmother who told him the story about her romantic love from her youth, and how her family wouldn't accept the guy - and that side-story (which lasted for like 5 minutes), was the only part of the movie we enjoyed. Gay Bond would be ridiculous - but unfortunately to be expected. The worse thing, however, is that this trend for infusing established works and themes with homosexual content somewhat suggests that there's nothing original that a homosexual-themed story could present. Bond is a case in point. If somebody wants a gay spy movie - why not just make it? I mean, look at Austin Powers - that was a parody of Bond and it was a success. Why not a gay Bond knock off. What's next? Bond needs to be a black transvestite? I dunno... I feel so lost sometimes in the movie theatre these days... happy Michael Bay's Transformers 3 is on the horizon! :-) Pete
  13. With all due respect to Robocop fans - but isn't it kind of beneath Figma's potential to make Robocop? I mean - what's the achievement in using your super poseable technology to make a toy version of something that - in "real life" - has pretty much zero poseability? It's like - what's next: Figma C3-PO? Pete
  14. The extras discs probably have the super deformed science lessons. I don't know if it's worth it because I haven't seen them - but if they are good attempts at explaining the time dilation that takes place in the series on account of sub-light speed travel, then I'm sure they would be interesting... Pete
  15. Uh...newbie question here...what's a sidiquel?? Having read this thread for a loooooooooong time. Is HG making a new Robotech movie or something? Pete
  16. Would it be pesky to say I'd prefer a larger, transformable version. Even if it was a partsformer - although if they could do with more super robots what they did with Daimos... Pete
  17. Hey, I like the Phantom Menace - and so does my new girlfriend, so... :-) Anyways - as the relase date nears, I'm very much looking forward to going to the cinema for DOTM. The first figures have shown up on the shelves. They are so horrendously over-priced, but then again everything is "over priced" when a guy is broke :-) Still, maybe by the time Leader Ironhide shows up on toy store shelves I will have found a job and be able to waste more money on plastic :-) Meanwhile, I can only be glad that there is a Transformers movie to look forward to. I kind of think that ANYTHING has to be better than ROTF and hope that'll be the case here. Pete
  18. The last Figma figure to get my attention was the cute Haruhi Suzumiya junior high school version. Very happy they did her. Still waiting on Macross human characters though :-) Pete
  19. Recently saw the Zeta compilation trilogy (review here: http://www.dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=1042) and am now watching the Gunbuster OVA for the first time. Done with the first 5 episodes and will watch the 6th as soon as I manage to download it :-) Also saw Galaxy Express 999 for the first time (movie) - reviewed it here: http://www.dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=1043) Naturally, as Keith predicted a long time ago, I did indeed LOVE Galaxy Express 999 - but I'm not sure about whether the killing of Count Mecha tops episode 11 of Gurren Lagann/Simon's moment of Truth...unless Keith was talking about the 999 series, which I haven't seen yet... Next on my list - if I manage to find it - I'd like to see Diebuster/Aim for Top II. Still lots of stuff I need to watch... :-0 Being unemployed and broke is great for watching anime though :-) Pete
  20. Personally, I'm dissapointed by Arnold. Which is really sad because I've looked up to him, and still look up to him as an inspiration. But the guy made a huge horrible mistake towards his wife and kids - and instead of dealing with it 10 years ago at the beginning; he covered it up. True - he never ran on "family values" - but in a sense, he didn't "have to." He had a big family and a lovely wife, and he seemed like a stand up guy. Nobody likes people who are in your face about right and wrong. Arnold wasn't in your face - he had a family life that spoke for itself. True - ne never vowed to the voters or to the public that he would be faithful - he didn't have to, and generally faithfullness in marriage seems to have nothing to do with politics. But he DID vow to be faithful to his wife - and he broke that vow. And a guy who breaks that kind of vow and then lies to his wife and kids (including the illegitamite kid) - is a guy who has a serious problem with himself. I'm glad Arnold's canceled the TV shows and the Movies - much as I really wanted to see him do Terminator and the Governator looked like it could have been fun. But he's right to cancel and focus on his family. I hope Maria doesn't divorce him, and I hope he can reconcile with them. But man - he's got a lot of work to do. I'm not trying to be judgmental - nobody's perfect; everybody makes mistakes and it's true Arnold has always been open about his laid back approach to women -.... But this is more than an affair - he had a kid outside his marriage; so this is a brother to his "regular" kids - it effects the people close to him - not to mention effecting the out of wedlock kid himself... he should not have kept it a secret for so long. He should not have run for governor at all - should have resolved/focused on this issue back then. Wishing him the best now, I will certainly be very sad if his wife divorces him and he is left with no one. That would suck, particularly at his age - although it always sucks. Pete
  21. VFTF1


    Hey all. Not the first time I've thrown this up - I guess it died along with everything else in this section...but anyways: www.dyrl.pl Check out my Macross/Anime website (address above). Lots of stuff for Macross fans, but also got sections on Gundam, Ideon, Gurren Lagann, Haruhi Suzumiya, Transformers and some other stuff. Anime series and movie reviews, and a photo-comic (one Transformers, and one Gundam) as well as a pretty wild Haruhi Suzumiya multi-verse epic- all of them using pictures of toys and models from my collection. The page is a work in progress; it's been up for a year now and has been filling up with material pretty nicely :-) Pete
  22. Wait...are you (Kieth) suggesting that in T4:Salvation, John Connor succumbed to the T-800 because it looked like Arnold and he had fond memories of Arnold and thus couldn't bring himself to fight/run? That would be plausible - it's just something I didn't notice when I saw the film (only once in the cinem) Pete
  23. This is good news. I'd love to get this on DVD - even if from the UK. And given their pace, I might just be debt free and able to buy something around the time they get done Pete
  24. Hm - yeah, that sounds inspiring :-) Pete
  25. I've gone and dug the last of my unbuilt MG kits out of the closet - it's the Nu Gundam. I'm aiming/hoping to build him in a couple of weeks...Anybody here got some nice, inspiring pictures of their finished model up? :-) Pete
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