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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. "There's a living-dead drowned kid in a hockey mask from 1984 hunting for horney teenagers on our space ship captain - what should we do?" Pete
  2. Yeah - like when Hasbro slapped the names Megatron, Soundwave and Optimus Prime on those little crappy race cars that had two points of articulation and three moving parts for transformatin.... Pete
  3. We really can't let this thread drop to page 2 like this, because otherwise you all well know that the universe will end. So - remember: be kind to your neighbors, always say please, help old ladies cross the street and always always post in this thread when you see it dropping to the second page. It can be on the bottom of the first -fine...whatever...but second page? The world ends and we all die. On that note, two treats. 1st: Koi no mikuru densetsu...HEAVY METAL VERSION (really awesome imo) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dMUYfp_xK4 2nd: Some fan art I did: Beam On Dudes! Pete
  4. "there's a monster inside you and soon, it's going to burst through your chest and you will die. Any questions?" (not an exact quote) + every other line in Alien: Ressurection that was ever uttered. Pete
  5. Glabil does fire fleet destroying reactive weapons from a Satanic symbol...I dunno if that counts Anyways...I failed to watch the episode today...my dog fell in love with some bitch and he's all heart stricken so I can't let him outside for a while...have to go out with him on a leash...that's exhausting because he's a beagle, which means that - contrary to Snoopy (which is totally bogus) - I'm exhausted from having to walk him...and I think there's still too much of a holiday atmosphere...I dunno...I didn't feel like doing much of anything today. Tomorrow I gotta go work...maybe I'll watch it in the evening... If everybody else is feeling like this and nobody's watching - maybe we should just promise to do it next Friday? This last Friday was impossible because it was Jan. 1st...and Jan 2nd isn't really the best time...and it's saturday... I dunno... If anybody DOES write up the episode - great. If nobody does it... I'll get to it...but... I think next Friday... See...I need to... um... don't laugh but... I need to re-download all the previous episodes first...as well as Toppa Tengenn Gurren Lagann, DYRL, SDFMTV, both seasons of Haruhi Suzumiya... I can't just download the next episode and watch it alone... not today at least.. I'm slow as a slug about stuff like this...I procrastinate...I feel that it's kind of akin to a time for artistic ferment to have a chance to...umm...ferment... But that's ok - this thread should be natural... things should go at their own pace. I am very happy with what we've achieved...I'm gonna be off of M7 for one more week probably... My heart just didn't feel up to it today... Pete
  6. Where do they put the cars with so many people crossing?? Pete
  7. Hm. Watched the trailer. Hm. It could be good. It looks a bit too "clean" ... but then, I never saw the original anime... but...hm... it could be good. I do appreciate the fact that the movie is in Japanese. Pete
  8. Is this that show where that one hot chick needs to get naked in order for the ship to fly? If so - I'm game. But I checked youtube and couldn't find any teaser trailers...are you sure it's the live action and not the actual Yamato movie that is being made? Pete
  9. Why'sa you thinkin' so? Me'sa likin' JarJar! Everyones'a likin' JarJar insa they brisky ok-y-day heartsa love! That's why you'sa always talkin' bout him me'sa thinkin' Pete
  10. I thought they went under ? Pete
  11. Well, considering that it's Gundam vs. a dead guy + Toynami tag team...no wonder a VF is no match for a Gundam Pete
  12. "Before your execution, I wish to reveal my entire secret plan to you and then leave you badly gaurded so your friends can rescue you, curry you back to your rebel base where you will give them the plans to this battle station and then, rather than destroy the planet that the moon where your rebel base is orbits, thereby ensuring the moon's and the base's destruction, I will begin an elaborate 60 minute count-down in which time your forces will manage to all die while attacking my battle station, except for one fellow who happened to have experience shooting squirrels in the desert and therefore, without the use of a computer, going March 3, will manage to fire to proton torpedos into a three foot long shaft, and those torpedos will hit the main reactor in my battle station and blow me up." "Now that I have terrified you with this vision - tell me what I want to know!" Pete
  13. Oh...you misunderstand me I haven't been partying. Me, my girlfriend and her daughter spent the last two days cooking good pasta, playing scrabble, watching funny movies and cleaning her apartment (she's a cleaning nut - everything needs to be dusted and vacumed like three times a day...), and generally having a wonderful romantic time ... so I'm kind of exhausted tonight Tomorrow...I'll be up for Macross 7 for sure! Pete
  14. Me'sa thinkin' you'sa forgetin' da offin' doofin' hardness of how's it be'en to quotin' the Jar Jar! 'S why's people no doin' it I be thinkin'. Pete
  15. Good news: Got my new modem. It works great. Can download, resume watching etc etc. Bad New: I'm tired, just got home from a great two days of celebrating the new year. I totally didn't realize that Friday was January 1st! If anybody else wants to get a head start and post a review -go ahead ! I'll watch this tomorrow. Although - I imagine most of you feel tired like me Pete
  16. Er... predictable edit: About five minutes after I wrote the above post she called and we spent a wonderful day yesterday. Now she's vacumming and making breakfast and I'm umm...working or...something happy new year MW! Pete
  17. "He, she, it, they is/are/were/will be The One" Pete
  18. I didn't get my Christmas wish either. Once again had a "fight" with the once again (ex?)girlfriend --- although...not really. She just stopped talking to me for the last couple of days and left me high and dry for new years and I kind of got pissed at her...so you can say it's "my fault" Oh well. Last year ended on a high note, this year ends on a low note. Onward to 2010 ! Pete
  19. "It's over Prime!" (as if !!!) Pete
  20. That's actually ridiculous. I have one email account that is not "free" - true...although...I paid for it once as part of my website and don't have to pay more than just hosting fees for it annually now... But... My paypal account is tied to my free gmail email account so... will they not take payments from paypal accounts tied to free email? Must be a typo or something... I've never heard of something this whacky.... not that I've ever used their services - but still...just lurking in this thread and reading that made me go Pete
  21. Thanks for the info Pete
  22. So nice! How do you get the extraction so clean? I always have stuff to clean up with the brush.... I sometimes think it's because my background has shade on it...but technically this shouldn't be a problem...should it?? Pete
  23. And it's the original Japanese with subtitles? If so - I would be interested in making a purchase I'm kind of tired of loosing my anime to hardrive deaths and having to redownload... But will it play on my laptop? I would imagine that the DVD player on my laptop is multiregion...why wouldn't it be...? how do I check? oh...I know...I'll throw in one of the Japanese BW DVDs I still have lying around... Pete
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