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Everything posted by VFTF1
I still think that was the WEAKEST part of the movie. "Do you have any idea what it felt like? I gave her a way to deal with the pain!" Huh? She felt hurt and alone because Duke couldn't bear to face her because Rex was dead. So...Rex comes back...sees that his sister is distressed because she's suffering and...decides to inject her with his his Zombie juice... But...why not just say..."hey sis! It's me! I lived!" ? I mean...he explains it to Duke by saying "Science demands sacrifice!" But...does it really? Doing what he did to his sister was just arbitrary. Why not take any random chick off the street? But then...I'm commiting a capital offence: namely asking for logic from GI Joe the movie... although... the original movie was logical...I thought... Pete
Pizza's comments are just plain dumb. They don't even reach the level of homophobic. Alto dressing up as a woman in a theatre play has NOTHING to do with homosexuality. That's like saying that the fact that Mel Gibson wears a kilt in Braveheart means he does guys up the ass. Seriously - it's that stupid. As for his comments about Bobby - ...mundane. Look - how many campy pseudo-homosexual superhero shows and cartoons have been out there? First of all - look at "boys" programing like He-Man, GI Joe etc etc... a bunch of ripped guys who have no wives, no girlfriends and do nothing but hang out with eachother all the time. Sure - there's usually ONE token female in the lot. Batman and Robin? Personally - I prefer a show like Macross where there are manly men who love women, and lots of hot babes and ONE token homosexual. PTH is gay if he doesn't see this. I mean - clearly if you don't like gays and you don't like homosexuality in your cartoons than you WANT cartoons to be like Macross Frontier where 99.9% of the cast is straight, and consists of TONS of hot girls and manly men. Or does PTH prefer to go back to cartoons where 99% of the male cast never looked at women, never had girlfriends, where the token women were always portrayed as petty bland? ... Bobby is a bit character in a show full of hot girls and fanservice with plenty of tits and ass. Fixating on Bobby - the token gay cast member - is far from homophobic. It's purely GAY. Pete
But the "tact" problem would go away if a person deigns to READ threads instead of just writing stupid things, a member actually reads the huge range of well reasoned opinions that are present in most of our threads and takes his bearings there. I mean - the quotes Gubaba gave are laugh out load mainly because they look like Pizza has never bothered to inquire at ALL into the subjects he writes about. His errors in thinking are sophmoric. People on these boards actually have a huge range of diverse opinions - and people are able to write critically about stuff and disagree. Look at the range of hot and cold views on Macross 7 for example. The thing is - we all get our facts straight, or try to, before forming opinions. PTH just doesn't have his basic facts straight. That's what makes his posts silly. We laugh at them NOT because he's a Robotech fan or because he doesn't like Macross - but because he writes things without having a grasp of the facts. Even the criticism of Bobby the Homosexual is not based in fact. PTH writes that and follows that up with a critique of Alto dressing up as a woman for his theatre. It's like PTH isn't aware that homosexuality has been around a little longer than the last 10 years, and that the idea of guys dressing up as women in theatre is ...um...pretty old. See - I have nothing against a critique of homosexuality - but when you go about it like that...it's like anything else...if you don't have any basic facts straight, then your opinion just doesn't hold much water - it isn't interesting... Pete
I disagree. MW needs people I can point a finger at and laugh at to raise my low self-esteem by telling myself that since I don't think and write like PTH, then the logical inference is that I'm clearly the next Albert Einstein I mean - wouldn't it be easier if, instead of MW members having to scour the net and look for things like the stuff you quoted to laugh at - those people just came here and made fools of themselves? Pete who once would have written a 10 page response to the above quoted nonsense, but finds that the older he gets, the less inclined he is to try and save the world from its' ignorance...particularly since it's much better to argue with people who are smarter than me - because then I learn something...arguing with people who are way dumber is a waste of time. So what if I'm "right"? I would rather be in an argument where I'm always being proved wrong and therefore learning...
I'll be honest - I don't undestand what the hell anybody in those threads at Robotech.com is talking about. Seriously. The only thing I could think of was this: It's pathetic enough to be me: 30 years old and getting into heated, emotional exchanges about a cartoon from 1982. But imagine how much worse it could be? I could be getting into heated, emotional exchanges about a bootleg of that cartoon As for Pizza the Hut: Maybe he should just stop posting at Loonville.com (aka robotech.com) and just post here for a change. And not just in this thread - but...you know...in other threads too... Pete
The thing with the skinny/blond critique is that this is the problem with American aesthetics. Apparently - and I don't know how or when this happened because I've been outside the USA for a long time now - but apparently at some point in America, it became fashionable for women to look like they lived in a Concentration Camp for the last four years. Seriously - I even heard on the radio here that the editor of Vogue magazine wrote an article where she said that she had enough of the skeleton girls and would feature more shaply girls in Vogue. And by shapley - I don't mean fat. I mean - not twigs. Like - the blond chick Pretender from Transformers is an excellent example - I mean...she's just this stick and yet she's featured as this hug sexual temptation. I'm sitting there like "dag...girl needs to eat something" but the way the show her off it's like "ok - here's the hunny that's gunna drive everyone wild." I don't know. For the first time in my life - I am actually apparently outside of the mainstream in terms of what I view as a hot girl. I like to think that America has just really zeroed in on this. Because I don't see many girls in Poland, nor did I see many girls in...say...Dubrovnik (when I was there back in 07)...walkin around on the beech looking like twigs. And again - this doesn't mean they're "fat." The last American icon of sex that did NOT have the twig-concentration-camp look was Pamela Anderson. I would describe her as being curvacious, full, proportional. But she was at her peek as a sexual icon in what? The 90s? Anna Nicole Smith was another example of a hot girl who was no twig. Nowadays - every time I see an American popcorn movie, there's this super obsession with twig women. So... yeah - I agree - Baroness was badly cast. Her hair needed to be fuller, she was too skinny (although Scarlet was not the best casting choice either)... Both girls looked off. But...in the end... it's like...whatever.... I dunno...it didn't bother me. Maybe they'll pull a James Bond and can chane the actress for the Baroness? Why not? If Bond can change actors...Batman...why not Baroness? I agree that it would be cooler if they found a better looking woman or asked this one to actually go work out. I mean - that's the problem with these American popcorn flick girls nowadays - they look like ALL they do is just sit in a closet and not eat. That's it. They don't even look athletic - like do they swim? Play tennis? Jog? ANYTHING? I dunno. They look like all they do is not eat.... But GI Joe was still a good flick Pete
Awards shords Anyways...I watched GI Joe again last night...and it's cool. It's cool. I think part of the problem is that there's a disonnect between my idolization from my youth and my lookin at this now as an adult... Although...I was never totally into GI Joe... I actually always liked Cobra - they were the interesting characters. It's no different here. The Joes are borin. Ripcord is at least funny, Scarlet has no character beyond being a love interest and apparently beating up little girls and boys in school, Breaker has ZERO character - all he does is speak with an Australian accent. That's the extent of his character development. Maurice - or whatever his name is...basically the same... his entire character is encased in his french accent. But then again - in the cartoon it was kind of like that too. There was no time to properly delve into all the different Joe characters so they were all kind of stereotyped... Althouh...usually they were MILITARY stereotypes.... Cobra on the other hand was just a zillion Red Shirts and then a very close nit band of dudes. So they seemed to get more play and their characters got more attention... Anyways...Dr. Mindbender being in this film is funny He's like....totally .....it's just funny... Ah...whatever - it's GI Joe. It's well done. I give the film an A+ Seriously. If you think it sucks - it does. So why an A+? Because it's GI JOE. The film does what it's supposed to do. You can't make GI JOE better than this. GI Joe is no better than this. If you leave your brain at the door and just sit back and relax -it's a good flick. Pete
FURIOUS OVER NEW CONAN (Conan the Barbarian remake)
VFTF1 replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
35 days? ... hm... working out and lifting weights is one thing... but I don't wanna change my diet. I like eating what I eat. Hell - I hardly even eat KFC or Pizzas anymore... maybe just once a week. One McRoyal a week, one X-large pizza a weak and one twister menu at KFC a week...other than that it's just sausages, salami, chicken curry, sandwitches...donhuts...potato chips...chinese food... What the hell am I supposed to eat? Grass? Carrots? (I actually like carrots)... Can I really get ripped in 35 days if I change my diet? I wonder... Anyways - in the movie, Conan likes to eat too, and he's ripped. Pete -
I wrote Robotech. I am Carl Macek. I drew Macross Frontier in my basement. I directed ROTF. I own Disney. I turn water into wine and Pepsi in Coke. Pete
Another reason why the whole "I didn't watch Macross with sound but only saw the pictures and wrote Robotech to it" line is BS: Namely - for all the times that the translations do NOT overlap with the original - well...sorry...but there's a ton of times when the translation and the original DO overlap. So you expect me to believe that Macek just miraculously put basically the same words in characters mouths as the original Japanese track in 90% of the show? What the hell? Pete
Oh, ok. So Carl Macek is officially a brainless illiterate twit and Robotech had no thought put into it whatsoever. Nice to know that he gave as much attention to the originals as Doug Bendo did, and indeed Doug Bendo's style is, as Doug put it "Robotech style." Good thing Memo cleared that up for us. I can't wait until one of these geniuses reveals to us that "Western Story Telling" is a process by which Shakespeare, Homer, Dante, and writers up to the present day stick pencils in their asses, stand backwards on a chair, hunch down, wiggle their butts and scribble things on paper with their ass-pencils. This is the process by which all Western masterpieces arose: Agamemnon, Henry IV, Robotech - you know - the glue of all western culture. Unlike those dumb easterners who write with their hands rather than their asses... which is just not globally palpatable. Pete
Then Carl Macek and the rest of the crew couldn't claim to be geniuses for creating the greatest saga since Star Wars. Pete
The Transformers 2 Thread--A Michael Bay thread
VFTF1 replied to areaseven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I watched this on DVD last night. My first impression was very very positive - but this might be because I watched it right after watching GI Joe, which wasn't "bad" - but was a bit cliche... In fact - let me say a few words about GI joe - because some thoughts started germinating in my head as I watched Joe, and they pertain to ROTF as well: The "problem" with Joe was that, I suddenly realized - now EVERYBODY can afford CGI - it's no longer something "reserved" for only movies which have a chance of bringing in really big bucks. Thus, when you look back into the past - you have tons of really crappy B grade movies which we laugh at today - sci fi, horror or whatever...like think about those movies where Giant Spiders attack people or with monsters or "aliens" or whatever. Low quality acting, low quality plot and cheap thrills. Nowadays, you have the same thing - just with CGI. The problem is, the CGI takes the "campiness" out of it. Like - those old movies...you could watch them and laugh and enjoy them because although they were stupid - they were still campy. But CGI makes things look TOO realistic to be campy. That said - it also makes them look (in the case of GI Joe) OUTLANDISH. Often times - with GI Joe - I felt like I was watching a video game - it was that ridiculous... This is why ROTF STARTED off as a breath of fresh air. I think the plot SET UP was great - just like in the first movie - making it all about a boy and his first car was a kick ass idea - so too here, Sam going off to college, leaving behind the things of his childhood (including Bumblebee) and the whole "long distance relationship" bit - were very good. In college - I also liked it. And the parents? A bit over the top - particularly they mom - who apparently had to play a stereotypical dumb American on steroids..but whatever... it was still ok... But then at some point, things just accelerated to break neck speeds - and at such speeds, characters don't develop...rather...things just happen to them... Although - that said - I did like Simmons' return.... Starscream and Megatron seemed to be the dumb-comedy duo of the Decepticons in this film. Relegating Megatron to a nobody was really really wierd IMO. The Fallen on the other hand...am I to understand he's just been sitting on that chair for a long time with nothing to do? I dunno... All in all - after seeing the movie, I "hate it" a lot less because it still retains the comic books feel of the first one - albeit it's a pitty that those two buffon Autobots got the majority of screen time in this movie next to Optimus Prime. Seriously - I think no other Autobots got as many lines as the two doofus brothers - which is troubling... I also didn't like the fact that the Romulan dagger was suddenly just called the Matrix of Leadership... I DID like the opening however - because I read it as a kind of hommage to the Beast Wars. I interpret this as meaning that the fallen learned of the Beast Wars and decided to come to the planet himself and built he Sun Eating device... As for the device itself - that's straight out of the comics too - and that's cool. Galvatron built something similar to shoot down Unicron...and later to pump energy out of volcanos... So ... it's all good. Decepticons always build things on mountains...here they covered it up with a pyramid - fine... I dunno... I guess at some point they decided to jetison the plot in favor of an hour long battle sequence. Maybe it's for the better? I think they handled the Pretender angle very well. The insecticons...not so much...but understandable... Certainly not a movie I HAD to see in the theaters last summer. But at this point... one can pretty much forget about anything deeper with Transformers. I think audiences have clearly communited that they just like the concept of robots in disguise and robots kicking asses -- but Shakesperian robots... No. Oh well. It's a popcorn flick. And in a sense - what else is Transformers supposed to be as a movie? One thing is for sure - Michael Bay didn't give a crap about the plot or the script. What people said was totally secondary. All that mattered were TWO THINGS: 1. Thinking about action shots - what would happen and what would be shown. 2. Fart Jokes and the equivalent - lots of crazy energy so the audience never falls asleep. Basically this movie went for evoking two emotions: 1> Ha ha ha 2> AWESOME! Nothing more. You were supposed to go between states of WOWCOOL! shock at the action scenes...like a truck falling out of a C-17 or the aircraft carrier sinking.... and states of ROTFLMAO as dogs humped or ethnic stereotypes mocked themselves on camera, or MILFs ran around stoned... Oh - and MAYBE there was also the brief attempts at sentimentalism - Micheala saying goodbye to Sam as he went to college...Michaela and Sam talking in Egypt about love...(that was supposed to be a moment of suspence - "will he tell her he loves her?") ... and then finally Sam's "death"...and rebirth... But seriously - how can we blame Bay for the "he's dead...no wait...now he's alive" shenanigans - I mean...Transformers did this ALL THE TIME. Prime would die and come back, as would Megatron... humans not so much...but whatever... And even the wisdom of the Cube being in the boys head is taken from the original Marvel comic... Although... The sad truth is that Bob Budiansky's story about Ratchet's lone struggle against the Decepticons with only Buster to help him (though later he DID get the Dinobots) was more well written than ROTF.... but something like that just wouldn't work...pensive, thoughtful robots struggling with whether or not they could fight, since they were trained as doctors... and slowly discovering humanity... audiences would laugh at that I guess. I dunno... I'm overall disapointed, but not catastrophically. Pete -
I just got around to watching this on DVD. Suffice to say I didn't need to see it on the big screen.... Anyways - It was enjoyable. Kind of like the first Transformers movie was enjoyable. Why did Storm Shadow have to die though? That was too bad. Changing their back stories was kind of inevitable I guess, since the whole Vietnam war background would make them all like 60 years old now or something like that... I dunno.. the movie was cliche. I kind of didn't like how Cobra Commander "emerged" only at the end... and i... eh... whatever... Not much to talk about. I'm now going to fry the other half of my brain watching ROTF for the first time. Neither Baroness NOR Scarlett were hot. Oh - and the amount of civilian casualties GI Joe causes is enormous... And ... and... umm... Ripcord was funny. Duke reminded me of somebody out of a teen pop music video... I'm not sure what motivated Rex though - he had to just b... oh... ah... whatever. No point asking too many questions about this movie... I wish the girls were hotter though. Neither of them fit the character. Baroness's hair was so thin...and I hated the glasses they gave her. As for Scarlet...meh... I hope they make a sequel...sort of. Pete
I don't understand. What's an Itano Circus? Pete
I on the other hand am the epitome of human evil embodied. I don't think Klan is attractive and as a character she makes me snore and is my least favorite of the otherwise superb Macross Frontier roster... but I love Phantom Menace. Irredeemable; I know Pete
FURIOUS OVER NEW CONAN (Conan the Barbarian remake)
VFTF1 replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Wow. That's news to me. I mean, I thought Conan was created in the XXth century; and I never would have guessed that a famous Civil War General created Conan. But now that I think about it, it makes sense. I mean, in the 19th century, you had things like Frankenstein and Dracula, and ...wasn't Synbad the Sailor also created back then? Anyways - Conan fits. Still - did Robert E. Howard create him before or after the Civil War? I thought Red Sonya was the wife of Captain America's arche nemesis Red Skull? I'm confused. Pete -
What are the words you don't want to hear in a sci-fi show?
VFTF1 replied to Wanzerfan's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
This probably isn't the best time to announce that I am a fan of the Phantom Menace, is it? But I am. I love the light saber duel with Darth Maul. I mean - come on - after almost 20 years of "the greatest" lighsaber duels being what we saw in ESB and ROTJ.... I remember being totally blown away by this duel (and at the time thinking "doesn't this contradict the future though...I mean...Vader and Luke are supposedly more powerful than these guys... but my friend explained to me that actually the Old Republic had the most powerful Jedi, of which Vader used to be one - but what we see in the IV-VI SW films are remnants...relics...weak old men, weak old hermits, a dude who can barely walk because he has prosthetic legs and arms.... and a kid who - talented as he is...is still learning at a late age ad under conditions which are choppy and not the ideal conditions of the Jedi Academi).... Anyways - I really liked it. I thought making Anakin such a nice kid was great, I liked watching young Obi Wan. I thought Quai Gon was well played. The story was fantastic, as was the pacing. The Pod Race scene does NOT lend its self to re-watching - I'll grant that - but for what it was - it was GREAT in the movie. Jar Jar seems to be the bane of everybody's memories/experiences... but... come on... the Ewoks were worse, and yet ROTJ still managed to be watchable and good. Every movie that tries to have such a huge scope of characters is going to have something or someone that you don't like... I didn't like Dex in Clones either, but doesn't mean I thought the movie sucked. I guess I'm a luke warm fan. I like all the Star Wars movies. I never was hardcore into it - but I like the films. Pete -
FURIOUS OVER NEW CONAN (Conan the Barbarian remake)
VFTF1 replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ok - so I guess if we're going by the original source, Conan MUST be a Moma... Sorry A1... That said - I never read the book. In fact, I've never heard of Robert E Howard. When he first appeared in this thread, I just assumed someone was going off topic to talk about the American Civil War, and that this guy was like Robert E Lee, only his last name was Howard, making him....nobody....in particular... Anyhow...I dunno. I remember watching Conan the Barbarian with Arnold and I loved it. In fact - I now wanna go buy it and hopefully will next month (already maxed out my movie spending this month on incoming Haruhi DVDs) ... But ok - I get your point... Pete -
She wouldn't do as Yoko; just like she wasn't good as Sheryl. And she wouldn't make for a good Mikuru either. The reason is her body type - she's too slim. This is in no way meant to detract from her utter beauty - but just saying - her body is slim... and actually her face is too. Yoko has Charli Brown cheaks and a big butt and big boobs. Very specific body type. Pete
FURIOUS OVER NEW CONAN (Conan the Barbarian remake)
VFTF1 replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I think this thread is fun... But what it really needs NOW is more news from the real world about the new Conan movie. Has Moma started working out? Have they selected the wenches, or at the very least a director? We swerve off topic whenever the outside world doesn't provide more concrete fodder to gossip about! Anyways: For Wench Number 1 I nominate NOTSINA REFINNEJ .... Pete -
Well - at the risk of getting kicked around - the body sculpt is wrong IMO too. Her boobs are too small, her ass in not plush enough, she's too tall, and her knees are too big. Not my Yoko-love-love-yumy doll by a long shot Pete
FURIOUS OVER NEW CONAN (Conan the Barbarian remake)
VFTF1 replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
And I wouldn't call Noel Coward a pansy. Being gay doesn't make you a pansy. The guy was pretty courageous during World War II... In fact, I would go so far as to say that there is no such thing as a "pansy" in the strict sense. To me, every man has moments of pansiness. Being manly doesn't mean that you're tough as nails 24/7 - it is something you achieve by meeting challenges. Some times, the challenges overwhelm you and you whine like a pansy, and complain like a pansy. That's just part of being a guy. Manliness is when you step back up to the plate. Of course - by this logic, even Moma COULD make a good Conan. In fairness, we're judging him on photography where he is explicitly portrayed as a boy toy. Maybe if we get some shots of him AS Conan - things would be different? In any event - the point is that Conan should not be played by someone exuding the "look" that Moma does in those photos we've seen - because it's the look of a metrosexual heavily contemporary boy toy - not Conan the Barbarian. Pete -
What are the words you don't want to hear in a sci-fi show?
VFTF1 replied to Wanzerfan's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
That's a good point. Pete