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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. I early birded the 1S just because my only 1:48 is a 1J Stealth and I figured getting the 1S at the early bird price would be a good deal. I'm not exactly enthusiastic about the paint scheme and general aesthetic - but what they hey - it'll be interesting and I'll have a 1:48 1S for Christmas. VFTF1
  2. Yay My payment for the Guma just went through and my order is being prepared for shipment The funny thing is that I just got my pay today, and was wondering, after paying the bills ... "maybe I should cancel the order, maybe I don't have the money maybe..." BEEP! Text-message from my bank: Your Credit Card has been charged for 27 so and so thousand JPY by HLJ :) Happiness: 1 Doubts: 0 VFTF1
  3. HLJ explicitly say that the shipping method you chose will apply to all future orders.... I just use EMS for everything. VFTF1
  4. Crap I just got my VF-0S, not to mention Encore Starscream, 20 MISB BW II and BW Neo figures and am waiting on Encore Soundwave.... And ran out of money for the Ivanonov!! Arrgh!! But then - I got one of my (smaller) paychecks today and am expecting payment today from someone who bought so old TFs for me.... So hopefully when HLJ charge my credit card - I just ordered the Ivanov (after having cancelled my preorder to avoid the hassel of "your card doesn't work") ... it will have adequate funds on it... Although given that I had to pay import tax for the VF0S and had to take my girlfriend out to dinner... it's gonna come mighty close!! :) Oh yeah... and I need to pay the rent too VFTF1
  5. heh. Now I'm glad this thing is being released end of the month - I need my next paycheck to pay for it Funny how I was wondering Lot of Beast Wars Neo/II or this and ended up buying 300usd worth of BW, then decided to get teh VF-OS, then also picked up Encore Starscream, then fell in love with and bought 6 Revoltechs, and all the while was waiting on the sv-51 Good thing I auctioned off some old TFs or I'd be more broke than a boxer's nose now VFTF1
  6. And Masterpiece Starscream as well. VFTF1
  7. How amusing that I JUST got into the revoltech line ... and now they bring out Revoltech Macross Just got my Revy Revoltech figure; now have Revy, Toro, Dix Neuf and Saber Alter. All of them are coooooool :-) Was never into action figures largely because there wasn't ever much "action" in them and I prefered transforming toys because at least you got a lot of movement for your money. Revoltech have finally made real ACTION figures Good stuff. VFTF1
  8. Don't get me started on wallets, man, you knwo what happened in the YF-21 thread, doncha? :) As for where to order from on the internet - if you live in Huston, I'd say go with Bigbadtoystore.com. I order from HLJ, who are cheaper (for obvious reasons!) and very reliable, but that's because I live in Europe and would just be over-paying with BBTS on this one... But if you live stateside; might as well just get it with BBTS. VFTF1
  9. That would make sense since my credit card just got charged by HLJ for the VF0S and an Encore Starscream but no Gumma yet. VFTF1
  10. Hope we get human Macross characters... would REALLY love that. The only Revoltechs that I think we bad were ironically the only TF ones - Prime and Megs - because I just don't like the Pat Lee design. VFTF1
  11. I'm happy. I'm happy. I'm happy. I'm happy. I'm not gonna worry about the fact that I am about to get charged for a VFOS a Gumma and Encore Starscream together. I'm happy. I'm happy. I'm happy. I have plenty of food in the fridge. Yesss Time to auction off more Transformers! VFTF1
  12. I doubt it. The lower body is connected to the upper body using a revoltech joint - thus allowing for you to angle it forward. I am 99.99% sure of this from the looks of the picture and from on-hand experience of how other revoltechs work. Nobody has angled it back because it's not "kewl" But I'd be really shocked if you couldn't. There MUST be a revoltech joint holding the two together since this is standard for the majority Revoltech figures. MoreVFLessTFNowRVTtoo?1
  13. I just got a shipment of Revoltechs from HLJ - my first ones. Saber Alter, Toro and Dix Neuf.... extremely impressed by these. Top notch quality; excellent possability and good accessories. Nice boxes too. If they make Lynn Minmay, Misa Hayes and others from Macross I will buy them. Am currently selling off excess Transformers to make money for the VFs from Revoltech and tide over my VFOS purchase. Great stuff! MoreVFlessTF1
  14. I on the other hand have decided to get a VFOS. yay me. VFTF1
  15. While we're on the subject, I have a Macross Zero YF-21 very rare hard to find Macross fan collector item for sale now but later if interested pm me in 1/60 scale released on the heels of the popular Transformers movie. VFTF1
  16. You know... I've noticed something that keeps coming up every so often in posts - both in this thread and in others... Namely this "my wallet will kill me" or "my wallet will have a heart attack" thing... And I just realized something. I don't have a wallet. I hate wallets. I never carried a wallet and don't plan on it. I don't understand where people fit their wallets? I mean - in the inner chest pocket of my overcoat? It looks bloated then... In my pants? It makes my pants sag down to one side... Wallets get in the way. Wallets are no good. And no wallet is going to tell me how to spend my money! VFTF1
  17. As I see it, the Nora looks good - don't really understand why everyone's so dissapointed; but I only saw Macross Zero once, so... maybe my memory is off... This is such a nice piece that I am set on buying both versions. VFTF1
  18. Yeah and does end of August mean ...the literaly end of August...or just something like next week - because next week Friday is the 17th and that's pretty close to the 20th which is just 10 days away from the end of August, unless there's a 31st in which case 11 but still close? egads What a Protoculture addict I've become VFTF1
  19. Nora in October? Guess I know what I'll be getting then VFTF1
  20. Yeah...Xmas for the Customs office which will rape me I'm also getting those Beast Wars Toys from BBTS and a Revoltech revy from them since HLJ was out... oiii...the pain... will come... VFTF1
  21. Yeah I guess... but the thing is that I also ordereda bunch of Revoltech figures and hoped to ship them together... Now I'm wondering - ship together...or ship apart? hmmmm........ VFTF1
  22. End of August ? booooo ! I am of course glad they are working out the bugs, but I was looking forward to getting this earlier. Hmm... now the dilemna starts of shall I stick with this or get a different Zero toy along with instant gratification? VFTF1
  23. I too have been wondering about getting the Monster... but it doesn't sound like it warrants the name monster ... hmm ... is there a thread around here where someone has thrown in detailed pics/reviews? VFTF1
  24. My wife recently told me her favorite Transformer/robot toy that I have is.... Cybertron GTS Ransack....er.... hm... I have all the Masterpieces, HBS Convoy, the Alternators, Binaltechs...1/60 YF19....God Ginrai..G1 Predaking... and she likes BASIC PRICE POINT GTS RANSACK the best!?! :) :) Sure am glad SHE isn't in charge of a major toy production company VFTF1
  25. Well - my wife has already bought me reissue God Ginrai and the reissue BW Convoy vs Megatron takara set - so she gets no grief from me I ended up preordering the gumma. I figure I'd be sorry for letting it pass me by otherwise... VFTF1
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