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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. It's up for pre-order on HLJ again - just preordered it. Early bird for January. VFTF1 EDIT --- *reads last few posts* ... oh ...ehh... heh heh Yes I too preordered it. Will make for a happy new year
  2. Very nice. The Koening Monster looks particularly non-monsterishly small... The Star Wars lego are just wonderful. VFTF1
  3. I still say that green apples and red apples are just apples, and have little in common with oranges albeit they are both edible. But everyone has a right to their opinion - at least in my opinion. VFTF1
  4. Maybe I have a really fickle short-term memory - but I don't see ANY problems with Macross continuity. DYRL is a documentary realeased within the SDF universe - it's a kind of "Pearl Harbor" rendition of the story; and just like Pearl Harbor skewed some historical facts; DYRL does the same. SDF Macross 1-36 is the real universe; DYRL is a movie made within that universe. The SDF in Macross Plus is not "styled" on the basis of DYRL, but is a more detailed anime rendition of the SDF Macross mech which was clearly damaged and shorn of paint when it decended after destroying Boldoza and his Fleet. In fact - I think we need to take the details in the anime in SDF Macross with a grain of salt. Animation has its' limits --- Are we going to say that Roy Fokker from Macross Zero was not the same as from SDF Macross because the line art wasn't exact? It's an artistic interpretattion of a fictionalized account of reality - so you can't just be a "literalist" with the line art/animation. It has been stated that with each consecutive Macross series, Kwaki...kwa...sorry - the creative talent - takes what's aesthetically best from the past and uses it in the future. That's a really good stategy. Do you really want SDF Macross style animation rendered forever? Or do you prefer that with the progress of animation techniques, we finally get something as beautiful as Macross Zero? Just my two cents on all this VFTF1
  5. I understand it perfectly. The fact is that apples and oranges are utterly superior in fragrance to D-Stance 1/72 Battroid form YF-21s unless of course we're talking about the green apples as opposed to the red apples - but maybe that's not a fair comparisson (would be like comparing Wave's SDF1 to Wave's SDF-2 ... if they made it which they might). Get it? VFTF1
  6. As appealing as these are, I settled on the Quid Rau Millia from BBTS and picked up a woodland color VF1A from HLJ since it's on sale and I -for one apparently- really like the color scheme... In fact - I can't stand the Max/Milia colors on those 1Js.... VFTF1
  7. I'm not impressed; prefer the yammie 1/48s to this. But I do have a Chunky side insofar as I'm getting rid of every Transformer in my collection that isn't a chunky G1 reissue ...err...or a nice Masterpiece...so maybe half-chunky... But seriously - these just aren't that exciting- not with the Yammies on the market. VFTF1
  8. I went ahead and bit the proverbial bullet and bought a second one. My first one is great - but I accidentaly cracked the wing hing that flips down over the shoulders when you TF it into battloid mode. It was my stupid mistake - I thought it would go lower for for some really stupid reason applied excessive force even though I KNOW I'm not supposed to do that. It didn't break off or anything - but the plastice that is "wrapped" around the metal bar is cracked and there is a stress mark and I'm afraid it'll fall apart one day. Prefer to have another one - now that I know how it transforms I won't make the same mistake twice! VFTF1
  9. What they really should and could do is a revoltech transformable SDF1... I mean -the transformation isn't all that complex anyways, and it would be pretty cool and cheap to boot. VFTF1
  10. Just reading over the 90s on the thread and want to note that I too have the stress mark on the wing hinge... How does one remedy stress marks? VFTF1
  11. lime green with yellow trim.
  12. Something I put together today. Really wanted to get the 0S together with the 51. Sorry about the foriegn language writing on the photoshoped ones, but they're meant to be advertisements for upcoming fanfiction comics (in case anyone is interested the heading is: "The most amazing adventure ever: 9 Lives"). Most of my fan comics are in Polish because they are done for our Polish Transformers community; but this one is going to be...a bit different...so I was wondering... would anyone be interested in me posting an english version of the fan comic here at MW Forums?
  13. VFTF1


    Bleh - those toys were really ugly when compared with the current crop. The only things I appreciate are the 1/60 VFs with their attempt at perfect transformation look - so they do look good (still like my Elintseeker to date)... but in general the 1/72 Plus jets were just yucky.... particularly the yf19... bleh.... VFTF1
  14. Revoltech is soooo cool Tee hee hee (runs around flailing arms like a dorky fanboy) VFTF1
  15. The Guma has landed. I am in awe. My Transformers are being sold off like hotcakes to make room for more Macross. Only keeping Japanese BW, Masterpiece, and G1 reissues (Encore/Commemorative/Collection) but there is just no justification for having boxes of crappy Energon and Armada toys around when something like this exists...
  16. Yes! My Gumma is here! Just have to collect up money to pay the (stupid) import tax and it will be mine. Yay! VFTF1
  17. The joints on all revoltech toys have - I think - been black up to this point... and are fairly well hidden... but you're right - in the case of the Macross VFs it would be silly to not have them white. VFTF1
  18. I'm glad they bumped it by a couple months because I went and got a VF0S and SV51 this month...not to mention Revoltech 1J... so I'm kind of broke Will love to finally have the 1/48 Roy. VFTF1
  19. Just noticed the Nov release of VF1S 1/48 Roy on HLJ - getting him - not the 25th ann. (obvious choice I would think) VFTF1
  20. Well - I just ordered the Nov release VF1S and I do have to agree with you - the airplane mode on my VF1J 1/48 is ecceptionally tight and I do recall the 0S being a bit shaky on that count - but still - I really like it alot. VFTF1
  21. Hm... I have absolutely no problem with my VF0S and actually think it's better than the VF1 because the wide nose on the airplane allows for a more smooth leg-transformation (whereas the pointy VF-1 nose makes it really difficult- particularly with those little pegs...getting them BACK OUT when reverting to fighter mode is really hard. Naturally I love my VF-1 (I havethe 1J stealth version) but I really don't think it's fair to say that the 0S is inferior. The wider nose cone alone is the type of "retro-improvement" that makes it a superior fighter. The only thing that scares me on the 0S is the possibility of over-stressing the hinges that the shoulders are attached to when flipping them out from the undercarriage....I know they apparenlty seem to be on a loose junction that allows you to "bend" them up/down - but still - it's a bit of scarey process... That said I believe the 0S to be the superior design... Kinda makes me want to see a "Macross: Scrapping of the 0S" OMV because I'm curious what the official reasons for going with the VF1 were...since the 0S is so much better...at least...for toy purposes :) VFTF1
  22. Well this guy better truly come out cause I sold my 1/72 to make room for him VFTF1
  23. Got shipping notice from HLJ. Ah well Should have this guy by monday at latest; though sometimes they manage 3 days Pretty cool - looking forward to it. VFTF1
  24. According to the tracking thingy on mine...it just left Tokyo VFTF1
  25. I got charged by HLJ and they might ship it - but I would prefer if they waited for other orders of mine to come in...like the Revoltech Roy VFTF1
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