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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. Zero is my favorite Macross series/show - but I don't want a movie - think it's great the way it is. VFTF1
  2. This leads us to an interesting question. What would the resale value of Destroids and VF-1s be a couple decades past their prime? Given the amount of people who own antique cars, aeroplanes etc these days, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to imagine people owning their own Variable Fighters in the M7 universe. VFTF1
  3. The VF-11 will soon be everybody's favorite mass produced VF when Yamato come out with it in 1/60 scale VFTF1
  4. Happy to see the Low Vis V2 VF1A since I have mine incoming from HLJ - and I do like the color scheme alot. As for the Super Stealth - I have him too, with stealth parts, and I must admit that the stealth parts add a lot of weight to the toy; makes you feel like the best place to play with it would be..outerspace. VFTF1
  5. I'm not really into the space monsters thing and I liked the fact that the Zendradi had their own mecha and that later there were rogue Zendradi and allied Zendradzi... After all - the SV-51 was "rogue" human mecha - eh? Space monsters are cliche. VFTF1
  6. See - now I've come to my senses and will cancel this pointless pre-order. Much rather buy something like Max/Millia or a number of other fine Yamata valks than this icky-poo. VFTF1
  7. Shiznits! Now I'm sold on Max and Millia! Thankfully I got the Quid Rau Milia - so all I need to do now is get Max ....and I'll make them dance:) VFTF1
  8. Your wish is my command: VFTF1
  9. First ever huh? Man - I remember my first ever Yammie.... Ahhh...the VF-11B 1/72.... mmm....opened that box up....took that valk out...watched the leg fall right off! :) And kept on buying! The power of Yamato!
  10. Excellent. My second Ivanov has just shipped along with the VF1A woodland color... This means all I need is the Roy S and I'll have a J, A and S vftf1
  11. :/ Not a chunky monkey fan. Not a 1/72 fan. The only "old" Yamato Macross I kept is my 1/60 Elint seeker - the 1/60s were tolerable insofar as they looked like perfect transformations. But those chunky monkeys just don't do it for me. They look like they were taken out of an old Nintendo game ... very 2D... And the legs - not as terrible as the Robotech Crapterpiece legs - but still just not anime accurate. VTTF1 (Who likes non-anime accurate chunky G1 TF toys, but prefer anime accurate beautiful Macross toys)
  12. Agreed on Gamlin. He's the underdog. In a series where PILOTING SKILLS and COURAGE were always the highest virtues, Gamlin has the terrible bad luck to find himself at the point in the series (M7) where being an egomaniacal jerk who sings bad music trumps years of discipline and training. This makes Gamlin all the more admirable. VFTF1
  13. Ah - here's the M7 thread... I am donwloading the series - have watched two episodes so far -27 and 28 - on youtube just to get a flavor... WHAT I LIKE: 1) Format - The format is great - the idea of the M7, the emigrants, Max as ship captain, the bridge, Macron Exoldor - all of these are conceptualy really great ideas. 2) Visuals of the City within the Ship - in SDF M we often had lots of white buildings with little detail - we were given the impression of a metropolis on a star ship - but in M7 the animation is better - the bricck building Fire Bomber live in is a good example. 3) Protodevilin, Anime Spiritia & Sound Force: Conceptually excellent ideas. WHAT I HATE: 1) BaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSsssrrraaaaaaaAAAAAAA! Seriously. Step back for a moment and try telliung me that this skinny-manilly dweeb is anywhere near Minmei. His songs are all self-absorbed. Minmey had normal-person problems - her story was of a young girl with some musical talent who suddenly made it big and got caught up in the world of stardom to the detriment of her personal life - she was also a lovely clash of paradoxes - shallow on the one hand, womanly on the other (like when she decided to take care of Hikaru and give up music) - it was fun to watch her and the tension was realistic. Bassra is a self-conscious GEEEENIUUSSS SINGER! YEEAAAAAHHH! No - he's WORSE. Bassra KNOWS that his songs are the key to stopping the proto-devilin and in effect is so utterly disgustingly self-absorbed that he's more hideous than the Zendradii. There isn't a semblance of hunmanity in him - it's Bassra's ego trip - all the time - it's just his MUUUSSSIC on and on - as the Zendradi were with war - Bassra is with culture. Bassra is a mockery of culture because he has no distance - no pathos of distance - he's a single minded...Culture Soldier. That's not what Captain Gloval was talking about when he gave his stirring speech to Misa about preserving culture and spreading it to the stars. Bassra's songs are tooo self-absorbed to be epiphanetic (sp?) for humanity - and I don't see how anyone who DOESN'T looik like a Proto-devilin would be entranced by listening to them. Yuck. I hate the way he dresses too - he has the aesthetic sense of a pimp crossed with poindexter - and just think how much smelly BO he emits from those open armpits when he get into his FireBasterdizzed VF-19.... Heck - if the guys who built the YF-19 knew what it would end up as....I think they would have voluntarily withdrawn from the project to protect it from falling in the hands of Basra. And this is really what makes the whole thing so hard for me to like: I like everything EXCEPT for the main character and his music, which are the main theme... We'll see what else I think once I watch the series. VFTF1
  14. Didn't notice any Macross 7 topics so figured I'd go ahead and open one up. I'm torrenting the entire series - although my first impression remains highly highly negative. I guess what is MOST irritating is the battle "scenes" - they seem to last forever and all you have is Valks blowing up all over the place, that one dude's Valk never blowing up although it's standing still and firing at the proto-develin, the Sound Force never having enough "feeling" in their music and Bassra coming to save the day in his ugly valk.... That and I really don't like the music that Sound Force plays. Mynmeii's songs were really moving - this stuff is just youth angst and is so full of Bassra's ego... The concept is fun and interesting - but the execution is terrible. Fire Bomber is just rubbish music IMO.... And the entire thing get's kind of boring after a while... If I watch the entire series from start to finish will I change my mind? VFTF1
  15. Well... guess that'll be a THIRD SV I'll be adding... when's she up for pre-order? VFTF1
  16. Go Go Gadget HLJ Processing!! Go HLJ Go! I just put money on my credit card and want HLJ to hurry up and charge my second Ivanov & Woodland VF1A before I spend the money on there on booze, women and pizza! Hurry HLJ! Huuurry!!! VFTF1
  17. I just realized you were the one behind the website - so I wanted to say thank you for going to all the trouble and making it. I've used it many times and think it's really great! VFTF1
  18. I still haven't really learned HOW to lock t he arm pits. With my second Ivanov coming - I want to be a master at his transformation. Geez - this guy is more complicated than MP Megatron because with MP Megatron there's intuition to go on - I guess there's a certain aesthetic to TFs that you know how it's supposed to end up looking... whereas Macross is really DIFFERENT and I just am not accustomed to the aesthetic so I can't use instinct and wiggly my way through things... So how do I get the armpits to lock exactly? Mind you - I'm the guy who only recently discovered that his VF-1J super stealth version had a thingy-ma-bobbly with which to lock the backpack and that that wierd chair thing with the super parts served to secure the backpack further (I have yet to use either method but will try next time around) Oh - and I pre-ordered three Stands on HLJ - anybody have these? These are the DYRL version ones and supposedly work with the 1/48s? The only 1/60 leg-popper I have is the Elintseeker - whose chest is a pain in the butt to TF.... I know those guys fit well into the DYRL stands - but the 1/48s do too? And will my YF-19 fit into one? VFTF1
  19. What I really want though is a Macross City Post-Space War I maquette; have the Wave SDFM fit into it - I really love the city both in SDFM and later in Macross Plus. VFTF1
  20. I don't think I have a local hobby shop. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and prove myself wrong on this count... hmm... VFTF1
  21. Reminder to all including myself: Pre-orders CAN BE CANCELLED. My rationale is this: Better to have it preordered and change my mind and cancel it rather than NOT have i preordred and end up wanting it and paying more or missing out. VFTF1
  22. For my part - here's my problem: There are two small metal "light swtiches" under each wing used to slide thin metal bars into the wing tips to hold them in place or (if you turn the "light switch" off), the wing tips are mobile... Well the problem is that on one of the wings the light swtich only locks in half way - the thin metal bars won't fully enter the two holes protruding from the edge of the wing tip because - I suspect - the holes are not drilled deep enough. How do I dig the holes deeper without breaking/fracturing the wing tip? VFTF1
  23. You do know how to attach the boosters, yes? It's very nifty - you must go under the wing where the small plastic rectangle is plugged and use the booster plugs to de-plug the rectangle, revealing plug holes on the top of the wing and then attach the boosters (and not loose the rectangles!) Putting the outer pods on the wings is a bit tricky - but just be patient - they do attach with minimal force - well - no force - just a gentle nudge. Ivanov is complicated to write about... VFTF1
  24. Gee wiz I feel like Minmey at the Miss Macross concert - jus lil ol' me causin' so much commotion? VFTF1
  25. I think Yamato mis-calculated the appeal of the 25 anniversary. I was going to pick up a black VF1S, but then the Roy reissue turned up - and since I don't have a 48 1S, obviously I prefer getting the Roy to the 25th... And the people who already have the original molds/colors are being tempted with other new things out there - the Gumma (for those who haven't gotten it yet) - the Nora Gumma ... I dunno - I just don't see the appeal of the 25th repaints - unless you want to have a nice flying anniversary corps ala the Angel bird - they're good for flying in parades. VFTF1
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