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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. I just so happen to have a MISB YF-19 for sale...cough cough...ahem... But go with what your heart tells you ...and then get the other one next month:) :) VFTF1
  2. I became a fan of Robotech only via the Palladium Role Playing games which I played along with others as a 4th grader way back when... and didn't have any idea about Macross until some time later...when I got around to watching Macross Plus... but I was still unclear... I think I found this board a few years ago; and just began lurking and learning - didn't want to join as a newbie because I didn't like seeing how aggrivated people would get at Newbies who wrote things about the Invid and what not... Anyways - finally joined after feeling myself sufficiently versed in the topics. VFTF1
  3. Jeremy 07 ... the only think I envy you for in that collection is the Starsaber and Victory Leo in boxes! Very impressive! VFTF1
  4. I shall never whine about Yamato. They are Gods. I would like them to come out with a 1/2 scale VF-1S that I could put in the lawn outside my mom's house Like some of those old restaurants with the old airplane outside... VFTF1
  5. VFTF1

    Leftover Missiles

    I guess I must be the chief-Dork-wannabe ... because I think that's freakin' sweet...and as soon as conditions permit, I'll be wanting to get some cotton and wire... :) As for missiles - I keep mine in the boxes. VFTF1
  6. Oh...OF COURSE! ....sure! I knew that! (hides potato chips, and tries to act as though he just sat down on the couch in front of the TV rather than having been there all his life) VFTF1
  7. I don't really like teh Dreamwave models...so Revoltech Megs and Convoy suffer in my book for being personifications of Pat Lee's nightmarish designs.... But Revoltech in general I find to be absolutely lovely. I own a lot of them and plan on owning many more. My favorites...it's hard to say... Dix Neuf is great... But in all honesty...I really love Yotsuba :) :) :) VFTF1
  8. Dismount? Me no understanding... VFTF1
  9. He just wouldn't stay in Gerwalk mode being outshined by the Stealth J forever...
  10. I'd like a 19 remoulded into Bassara. VFTF1
  11. I agree with Graham - that's exactly why I'm staying a Bachelor woot! Seriously - the problem wasn't that Minmey was fickle - the problem was the Hikaru was a dweeb who didn't understand women - probably because women are not as easy to steer as an airplane. Roy had the right idea about women (and airplanes for that matter!) ... But Hikaru just got lucky enough to meet a lady - namely Misa - which saved him from a lot of grief. The moral of the story? 1. The Majority of Women are Like Minmey 2. Which is why the majority of men should be and have to be like Roy 3. Unless they are lucky enough to find a Lady like Misa VFTF1
  12. VFTF1

    1/60 VE1 question

    I tried doing that - and maybe I was doing it wrong - but I didn't want to apply "excess force" (the one and only time I did that with a Yammie was with Ivanov and that really didn't work out too well)... I'll try again at some later point... for now I've got him all nice and snug in gerwalk mode. Thanks for the pics and info everyone! VFTF1
  13. Remember the Alamo! ... why'd I say that?....
  14. VFTF1

    1/60 VE1 question

    This is what really excites me about Yamato...or this is really what proves that I have very limited brain capacity: it usually takes me a year to "learn" my Valks... case in point - my VE-1... 1/60... just pulled it ou, turned it into Gerwalk...displayed it... But prior to that, I had wanted to simply display it as a fast-pack/ELINT-free VF-1.... and.... hey... looky... Is it IMPOSSIBLE to do this!? Because as far as I can tell, the legs have nothing to attach to without the fast-packs...they are just left to dangle... theoretically, I could "leave it like that" ... but I've gotten so used to the 1/48s and how they stick together.... But I just can't imagine that ALL the 1/60S were like this... so why did they suddenly make the VE-1 unable to have its' legs attach to the body of the fighter sans fast pack? VFTF1
  15. It's not that difficult. The rings that the gunpod strap goes into are metal-wire of a kind that you can easily bend left or right and then pack again...I just slightly unbend them, disattach the strap, and remove the rings and hey prest... you really only need the strap in Battroid mode anyways... VFTF1
  16. Well - I'll say something "eevvvilll" that should throw everybody at my throat but might make for some interesting discussion: For me, Macross without the music is...Robotech. That is to say - whenever I hear "We will win!" "La la la la la la - it's time to fight it, or just bite it, either way you can-not-hide-it, unless you ride it, then we will dieee....a slow and painful de-EATH, high on Me-ETH, until we've le-EFT this unholy pla-ACE...da du da du da da..." And that - in essence - just sucks, as we all - I think - would agree... What I'm trying to say is this: Why did I "switch" immediately from Robotech to Macross as soon as I became familiar with the Japanese originals? The music. Not just how beautiful it sounded, but the lyrics - when read in translation - are often times very poetic, very thoughtful, very touching... and the singing is really excellent... And I disagree - respectfully - but I don't think it was just simply a matter of culture-war, or psychological warfare and assimilation - I think, on a deeper level, it was about bringing our humanity back - of music as the most effective means of linking everything that is good and high-minded with everything that is practical and fast paced... often, it's easy for people to get caught up in events and loose sight of what really matters - love, friendship and happiness - and the music brings ups back to that... Anyways - it was the music that got me hooked on Macross VFTF1
  17. Well, My second DD Ivanov has much tighter missile attachments than my first one... But it might just be down to me having more experience with him now... Will eventually get a Nora or three VFTF1
  18. I searched and could not find a thread dedicated to this subject; For me - personally - Macross is really all about the music and the love, not the mecha. The mecha are an outgrowth of the pioneer spirit; and they are a beautiful representation of it - but it is the symbol of that spirit, in the form of the music, which is really the guiding force behind the story to me. What is your favorite song? Do you hate the music in Macross (aka SDFM, 7, Plus, Zero) or are you particularly fond of it? I think that the music in Macross Plus is my least favorite - although it certainly fits the profile, because it - like Sharon Apple - is hypnotic; but in its' rythmic hypnotism, it is also dull.... and I really can't get myself "into it" .... Minmey is just beautiful - almost every song she sings is wonderful and filled with everything I like in a song, and in music... my favorite is probably Love Drifts Away; although Shao Pai Lon really hits a heart string too Basara --- well - like the character, so too his music is vey hit or miss. Submarine Street is like my all time favorite song EEEVVEER... Angel Voice is breath taking too... but the other ones aren't so hot... too much juvenille headbanging.... As for Zero - I really really like the Song of Destruction - not just because it fits the scene and the entire story - but it's really well done. Also - I like the fact that Sara sings in French - a very touching...er...touch! VFTF1
  19. Double DD !! VFTF1
  20. Discontinue the 1/48s ?! Noooo !! I am totally not sick fo the VF1s... I am rather hopeful that we get Minmey guard with cute little Minmey figure to go along with it. That's my dream mech VFTF1
  21. Show us those guys below VFTF1
  22. Eh - I prefer Getter 1 :-) He would have whipped Hikaru Speaking of Revoltechs... And here's a little "group therapy:" VFTF1
  23. Does it have english subtitles? VFTF1
  24. My two cents about this: 1. Don't "wiggle" the strike boosters out...that indeed will guarantee you eventually break the BP8... you DO NOT need to "wiggle it" ... just gently pull it out by placing your fingers between the booster and the BP8 and nudging...ever so slowly... wiggling is utterly pointless and is liable to give you a heart attack 2. OBVIOUSLY you have to take the boosters/fast pack out of the BP8 before going from fighter to gerwalk or gerwalk to fighter or battroid... basically it's suicide to transform the thing with the fast packs attached - you're just asking for trouble. 3. Are you using the stabilizer in battroid mode? The "chair" thing that comes with the strike parts? It's sad to hear of valks breaking... so sad. VFTF1
  25. Nian-nia-nia-nia-nia Beat ya to it :P Getting that belt to loop in once the gun handle is in the big hand is hard - but with a bit of patience, most doable, and with a most satisfying result! Goly... I just love the old VF-1s! VFTF1
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