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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. I wish Yamato would just hurry up an produce an SDF-1 ! Eventually, I know I'm going to get this thing unless an alternative comes out... Heck - the reissue VF-1J Hikaru w/Armor probably saved me from buying this Wave SDF1... but eventually...there will come a day when there is NOTHING else to buy...and I will end up snatching this... Unless Yamato finally comes out with one! That said - what I would really love would be a big SDF-1 Model along the line of Bandai's Perfect Grade kits - or even Master grade.... there's just something inherently fun in the idea of putting together the Macross... VFTF1
  2. I am not - on principle - opposed to the concept of this doll. However - the face is all wrong, and the joints at this scale just stick out too conspicuously (crap - how do you spell that? Being outside the US for so many years has killed my english!) .... So my verdict is: give me Revoltech Minmey, Misa and all the rest... this is a failure - this is like TF the Movie Unicron prototype from 1986... it just should go back to the shop and needs more work. VFTF1
  3. VFTF1

    Macross Revoltech

    In the immortal words of Optimus Prime: Now all we need is a little Misa in the Fraulein assortment, and a lot of Minmey dolls! VFTF1
  4. Dude... I NEED A RIGHT ARM!! :) I have a VF-OA with a snapped off right arm....hmm.... on the other hand - I have not had that shoulder problem at all. VFTF1
  5. I must be the only person in the universe to have actually liked the woodland color upon seeing it, and even more upon purchase. It's my favorite rendition of the VF-1A - I mean - 1As are cannon fodder in my book...so why not make them the color of cannon fodder ? VFTF1
  6. I think that collectors don't care about scale as much as other factors. Obviously the 1/60 YF-19 is more desirable than the 1/72 YF-19 - but not because of scale. Obviously the 1/48 VFs are more desirable than the old 1/60s - but not because of scale. In fact - with the new 1/60 perfect Transformations - assuming they are as cool or better than the 1/48s - the scale issue will actually become an issue... For now it really hasn't been one. I think people who prefer the 1/55s do so because of them being chunky and vintage rather than simply because 1/55 is a superior scale to 1/60 or something... As for the Macross Zero figures - well ... you really don't have much choice do you? The only time this question becomes viable is when we are considering models of the aircraft from Macross - then indeed scale is a consideration - what scale best fits what plane, when the plane is best executed etc... But as of now - there are not that many variable renditions to chose from scale wise... My two cents VFTF1
  7. I'm actually happy this is out - maybe 1/48s aren't dead after all. I do after all have 3 of them - which for me is a lot - and as much as I'm interested in the 1/60s - the 1/48s really look mighty darn good... I mean - they're just bigger...that counts for something. VFTF1
  8. I second the Tenchi Muyo vote - loved that anime... I also really like Yotsuba & - I have both Danbord and Yotsuba. Heck - I have almost the whole Revoltech line up Almost... So far - my favorites are King Gainer, Dix Neuf and the Yotsuba/Danbord duo... I strongly suspect I will be most happy with Rin and Asuka Langley. Rei is nice. I don't like that wierd amazonish chick though... not getting her... And I HATE the Revoltech Transformers because I just don't like the Dreamwave comics designs. I much prefered Takara's designs for their Mega PVC line. If anything, Kaiyodo should do Starsaber and Victory Leo Revoltechs I'd snap those up in an instant. Would also - as has been mentioned prior - love to see MISA HAYES VFTF1
  9. I personally love the Urban cameo - but I'm getting the anime with the reissue 1J so there you have it. VFTF1
  10. YES!! This is what I've been wanting! VFTF1
  11. Personally - I'd prefer it if by "armor" they meant - er - well... armor! I like the super parts - but I could use some armor VFTF1
  12. I can just see it now.... Ebay: BUY IT NOW only 400 USD !! Exclusive VF-1S & Armor combo gift pack BOX !! Looking for that all ellusive exclusive Japan only Toy r US giftset 1/48 VF-1S and Armor combo box packaging!? YES! Shipped with insurance bid with confidence. This is only the BOX. Blue with Toy r US label VFTF1
  13. Ok - that is really sweet And I don't mean "sweet" as in "suuuwwweeeeeeeet duuude!" but rather sweet as in kitty cats and lolly pops and all those by-gone warm gushy innocent like feelings sweet. I usually don't really go for these 'Chunky Munkys,' but as a lover of G1 Transformers - much prefer them to the "Alternators," I must say I'm very partial to this... I guess the thing is that insofar as Transformers have "advanced" technically but moved completely away from being TV accurate (aka Alternators/Binaltech are so totally not show accurate), therefore making the G1s more show accurate than the BTs/Alts ... that is - thankfully - not the case with Macross, where Yamato has actually used new technologies to make the figures perfect transformation and perfectly show/movie accurate... And I guess that's why Chunky Munkeys hold less of a warm place in my love heart - but still - given that we don't have any 1Ds like this one done by Yamato, I suppose seeing this thing makes me warm and fuzzy... It's kind of like my 1/60 VE-1 ... I would have probably sold it a long time ago (like I did my 1/72 YF21 and VF-11B) if Yamato did a 1/48 VE.... but since that's not gonna happen...it remains... Although - truth be told - I will probably hold onto it even if a Perfect Transformation 1/60 is in the works... Umm..hmm...yeah...sorrry about that long diversion... Nice 1D... but it's like one of those sapy nights at the bar, when the girl next to you looks really hot... until you notice she has swing bars on her legs... no wait - - oh - you know what I mean! VFTF1
  14. Hi guys. I was kindly redirected to this thread. I have just finished the Mobile Suit for Master Grade Wing Zero - I still have to build the wings and weapons... Anyways - other than having the golden crown snap ( stupid newbie fingers!) I am very well pleased with this set - it's my first ever Bandai toy, and first ever Gundam and first ever MG kit. However - I have the urge to panel line it and sand it down a bit. I used clippers to get rid of the most egregarious pieces of plastic that were jutting off the parts - but a tad bit of sanding won't hurt. Anyways - can I just use a pencil to panel line? What are the pros and cons? VFTF1
  15. Ok - just to be sure - it is 99% complete! Which means - I've only got the wings and the weapons left to build. The Gundam itself is finished. Got to hand it to Bandai - snap fit really means snap fit. Very happy with this set; particularly with how friendly it is to a newbie like myself. Oh - just so you know - this is the Wing Zero Endless Waltz Master Grade kit...thus...the line about still having to build the wings. Anyways... I'm certainly not going to paint it as I haven't the skill - and besides, I gather that individual pieces would have to be painted prior to assembly... too late for that... And I guess it might already be too late to panel line it - or not? So question to all of you more experienced folks: what do I use for panel lining? A pencil? And any pointers about how its' done? VFTF1
  16. Yeah...the landing gear do look off - and I did note with some surprise that the landing gear was "poseable" - for some reason, that never came across in my 0S.... In any event - the one I've come to like the most is the well dressed 1S ... really makes an impression - especially the legs - they are very "anime" and stand worlds apart from the chunky (ow! stop throwing things at me!) munkeys... Good job Yamato. VFTF1
  17. I've been busy... Well... kind of... I just love close ups of the VFOA... Shin's fighter is really something. VFTF1
  18. Well, I am not too worried on this count. I will be getting Max and Mirya and the VT-1D. So hopefully those won't be coming out until well into the end of the year - so I can rest. Just got VF-0A w/Ghost and Nora... so kind'a uffed out now VFTF1
  19. Oh brother I just read Newbie's first thread....and have to add yet more pennies to my previous 7 cents: 1) The line about how other companies who make more "needed" things would go out of business if they had such "bad" QC is just bad economics. "Need" is a completely subjective assesment and it is simply not true that Yamato magically gets a brake for producing crappy products because - oh -they're not "needed." How does that work? Nobody would buy expensive products that constantly failed to meet expectations from a company simply because they weren't "real necessities." Obviously - since Yamato is still in business and churning out stuff - then clearly it is satisfying customers enough to remain so... 2) I would venture to say that Yamato's products are not made for impatient people. I have owned my YF-19 for TWO YEARS and only LAST MONTH discovered the following: a) That under the shoulder supports there are those small armor pieces that come out b) That you can flip out a a vent-shaft t cover the cock-pit sticking out on its' back c) That in order to achieve full mobility of the head, you need to shove the panel up behind the helment - and that it is a delicate task to get it back out Am I stupid? Maybe. But I sure as heck am NOT in a rush to break my 200 USD Valkyrie. If Yamato's products are so frustrating, buy Toynami's Masterpieces and go back to watching Robotech - they even speak english there so you don't have to bother trying to read the subtitles, let alone understand the complex plot Oh - sorry...I'm being naughty. The point here is: Yamato Valkyrie are meant for people who are patient and who actually apreciate having a product that can surprise you pleasantly a long time into the future, rather than a toy whose magic wears off in a week. VFTF1
  20. Ok - here's my 7 cents: 1) Guys - let's be clear about something here - Yamato's Macross 1/48s and 1/60s are not really toys. They are adult collectables. This distinction is not merely semantic, nor necessary for legal reasons, but actually has a very practical and plain spoken idea behind it: these things are not meant to be "toyed" with; they are not meant to transform quickly, easily, not meant to be put on the living room floor and engaged in combat with one another , not meant to be used in the same way that you can "toy" with a GI Joe or even a regular-series Transformer. This is not to say that we can't have any FUN with them... But think about it - modelers handle their models a bit differently than if they were ready built toys, no? If you want intricate detail then you will have to live with the fact that certain parts will be small, fragile, sharp, inconvenient. Sadly, you must also live with the fact that sometimes these things will actually be flawed - albeit NONE of my Macross toys EVER broke - except for my first Ivanov (slight crack on the wing hinge) caused TOTALLY BY MY USING EXCESS FORCE despite knowing better. Be delicate, be careful, and don't expect a 1/48 VF to handle like your Transformers Cybertron Nightscream Supreme - it won't. 2) Takara Masterpiece are generally higher quality because the design aesthetic of the Transformers G1 lends itself to higher quality due to the fact that it is easier to create a chunky robot. MP Optimus Prime is not really that teribbly difficult to concieve of; particularly if you think about how utterly complex something like a VF-1 perfect transformation is. The complexity of the VF1 results wholly from Yamato's decission to treat the DYRL film as cannon - and to accept that since those VF legs seem to hand off its' nose somehow and then magically return to place in fighter mode... there must be a way to achieve this. Granted - the VF-0 1/60 does this better than the 1/48s, and I am happy to hear that the 1/60s VFs will go with the VF-0 method of transformation - but it is much harder to achieve this type of transformation than it is to have the bulky back of a truck transform into bulky legs. MP Megatron, I remind everyone, is no less fragile than an SV-51 - I mean - do you really swing your Megatron's legs around in a carefree sort of way? When you transform your MP Megatron - do you think - man - this is a breeze! My blind uncle could do it...? As for the MP Seeker mould - I will agree that it is generally a very fine and sturdy configuration - but then again... think about who designed it? 3) I will be very happy if Bandai makes a qualify Macross F line. I will not expect it to be perfect and flaw free. I will also continue to purchace Macross figures from Yamato if they continue doing the extraordinary job they've been doing. There. VFTF1
  21. I dunno - looks scarey to me... And yeah - that B8P is just ready to snap one of these days. I don't have the money for stands at this juncture (happy about the SV-51 including those!).... But if I had to get some - it would be those clear see through ones with all the fingers... VFTF1
  22. My Nora just arrived. So now I am the proud owner of THREE SV-51s. Yeah! Two Ivanovs and one Nora VFTF1 Oh -yeah - um - buy it!
  23. Actually, these remind me of Yamato's Neon Genesis Evangelon action figure line - those looked horrible too. In fact - now that I think of it - the Yammie 1/60 Quid Rau isn't all that great either - really limited posing and not a whole lot it could do - the Myria figure should have at least been Takara Microman poseable ... for the price... So - lesson here is: Yamato really doesn't put much effort into their figures - only into their variable fighters --- which is enough to make me love 'em VFTF1
  24. My reaction is simple: If Kaiyado produce more Macross figures in their Revoltech line, I will not buy these Yamato figures. If, as has been mentioned above, Revoltech will no longer put out any more Macross figures, then I will buy these figures. As to the figures themselves, the VF-11 looks the best - but that might just be because none of us have seen a 1/60 VF-11 yet. We would all probably be slobbering over the 19 and the 21 if not for the fact that the variable fighter 1/60 versions just so totally out-do these guys - not just because they are variable, but in Battroid mode they simply look better .... Still - a worthy and fun effort - and if they are cheap, then it's worth the money VFTF1
  25. I have only one question about this - Are those legs removable? VFTF1 (ow! stop hitting me:) )
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