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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. Wait... There actually IS a new character called Peg? Or have people randomly decided that this name is good? When I wrote it - I was thinking of Drift, but couldn't remember his name...thus the couple of "attempts" - amongst them Peg... Although - I'm kind of proud to have spurred the new "JAAM!!" meme! Pete
  2. Is the European release available online (not Amazon) ? Where? Pete
  3. Hm....heating and air conditioning mechanic...hmmm....."blizzards"....hmm...."the weather" you say? Maybe you are really writing from Honduras, no?? Pete Super Detective EDIT: Re Marzan/Mikuru Maid: I personally never found her very appealing in the maid outfit. School girl our Combat Waitress all the way!
  4. I would - except first you'd have to tell me what My Time to Be a Sat is? (Sounds like a Justin Timberlake Star...It's my time to be a star! No matter where you are! I'm gonna be your shining star! Like a love heart from afar! OOOooohhh baby watch - as I shine away - night and day, rain or sun - I will be there having fun! It's...My Time to Be a Star!!" .... And...UEEF? United European Europeans' Federation? Union of Eternal Etherial Frenchmen? I have always had a sneaking suspicion that the Macross character Hickroo Ichy-Joe was pretty much a knock off of Rick Hunter. I don't know what the basis for this presumption is - but there's something eerily similar about the two of them... Pete
  5. After looking at Seibertron.com - here's my thoughts: 1. Oh - interesting - Transformers Generations! Great! So we'll have classic charac----who's Dreg? Or Peg? Or whatever his name is? Drift? Huh? What? 2. *Clicks on Battle or War or something for Cybertron Prime* ...WTF? Well - I'll give them props for making the toy accurate to the disfigured video game animation. Looks like Prime went through a meat grinder. 3. I don't like the glossy plastic. Or is it just the lights? 4. Power Core Combiners look mistransformed. Everything looks mistransformed. Prefer Gundam to Transformers. Pete
  6. Meanwhile I don't know what to build...Victory Gundam, Hi-Nu Gundam? Guntank? I really SHOULD build my 1/72 Alto and Lucifers... But something tells me I won't start building squat until the snow melts.... I feel like I live in a mental ward - seriously...it's all WHITE everywhere you go! Pete
  7. The new Haruhi movie is out!? I MUST see it! I hope that the DVD will have english subs like the season II set... oh... by the way... Bri - can you show me a picture of what the season 2 set you talked about, the Japanese one, with the english subs, LOOKS like? There's a ton of boxes and my supplier isn't really into Moe anime and has no clue what it looks like in Japan...and neither do I Pete
  8. Dude - it's a stated fact that Northern Cross is a Robotech reference. I mean - come on - the TITLE states it. "Northern Cross" - how much more explicit can it be. "Southern Cross" / "Northern Cross" - how can you not see it? It's totally not about people seeing what they "want" to see. Do you think I woke up in the morning thinking "I really want to see Northern Cross" ? No. But then I saw it and hey - it's there. So what are you talking about? As for EX-Gear - it's clearly a rip off of cyclones because Robotech was the first anime to feature variable body armor and then all the TV shows started to do it. That's just a fact of history. As for SDFM being a rip-off of Space Battleship Yamato - you know - prior to Robotech, all Japanse anime was just a rip off of that Yamato thing, which wasn't very good anyways - until John Wayne made it into a live action movie. Pete
  9. Hey!! It's been like - 24 hours or something and STILL not a word of praise from you about the great SOS-Brigade!! What's up with that?! Pete
  10. Need to find this series on DVD. It's been a month since I've seen it for the one thousandth time - and I already feel myself becoming a worse person for not watching it again! Pete
  11. Re: Le Jette - yeah - it says in 12 Monkeys that it's based off of that film - I do wanna see it, if I can ever find it... And here's a thrilling question for sci-fi buffs...: Do YOU consider Rocky Horror Picture Show sci-fi? I certainly do. It has all the elements - space aliens (from transilvania), and the use of genetic engineering to create the perfect man. It also has Meatloaf, canibalism and lasers. It's one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE movies. Pete
  12. Almost forgot this movie - but nobody seems to have mentioned 12 Monkeys. Was it really that bad? That unmemorable? I remember I totally loved it when I first watched it, and generally I have enjoyed it with each viewing. The ending is totally sad though... very sad.... maybe people want to whipe out memories of sad endings? In any case - it was a wonderful mixture of surrealism, suspence, psychological drama... the love story was kind of not spicey enough for my taste - but still... it was good. Good sci fi movie IMO. Pete
  13. NOW you tell me Post what you think! Pete
  14. Re: Pizza/Confidence - Going by just the snippets Gubaba showed - I can understand his feelings here. And they are reminiscent of what Seto felt when he got banned from Robotech.com There are two really LOUSY things that can be hurtful: 1. You give respectful, well articulated, researched opinions and get banned simply because someone doesn't want to hear it (Seto's case) 2. Somebody writes to you that the only reason they don't blame you for being a moron is because it's your parents fault for having you (Gubaba's case) I think all of us have been back and forth over this issue of how to be fair for a long time. When Doug Bendo came here, I was against banning him for fear that this would somehow just send a signal that MW.com is no different from Robotech.com in terms of how it treats dissenting views. Then again - I guess it's really really HARD to argue for how Doug Bendo's "views" qualify as even "ignorant." All of us sometimes display ignorance and when someone corrects us we're usually happy for it. If we're skeptical of the correction, we ask more questions or point out reasons for why we're skeptical... In Bendo's case, kind of as in Memo's case, the membership here had the really challenging task of trying to engage in a discussion with people who hadn't the faintest clue of how to make a logical point or how to spell, let alone having a clue about Macross or even their own beloved Robotech (which time and time again it's been shown that Macross fans are actually more knowledgable of the minute of Robotech than Robotech's so-called ardent defenders). This is really a tough scenario to navigate: how do you remain polite to people who are not polite to you, and how do you engage someone in deliberation when they wouldn't even know how to spell the word...? And - while initially in my heart of hearts I disagreed with the decision and SWIFTNESS of the Bendo ban... after some time I came to the sad conclusion that I guess the mods just made the same choice I would make if somebody tried to break into my house. I really wouldn't spend any time inquiring into whether or not past childhood trauma played a part in their lives going the wrong way...There are TONS of people out there who have ups and downs and towards whom life has not always been fair and full of roses - but these folks somehow still manage to keep their cool and their poise. The point I'm trying to make is that fundamentally - what these Robotech fans need to change is the way that they engage in discussion with other people. It seriously has nothing to do with Macross or Robotech. These people need to first learn how to spell, how to differentiate between reasonable vs. ad hoc or ad persona arguments (and avoid the latter two while focusing on the former) and generally learn how to behave themselves. Sure - it's fun - in a twisted kind of way - to read about how someone can actually think you're a pedophile for liking Macross Frontier or to be accused of being "retarted" - but it has to be said that Macrossworld is not a Nanny Website for Unwanted Robotech fans. This isn't the place to go if life hasn't been good to you and after putting other people down, you now need them to make you feel better. There's no strict rule on this point - I've seen and been on different sides of this particular "how to treat this issue" debate. But in the end - come on... I think Macrossworld has been extremely gracious and courteous to Robotech fans who have constantly been putting down the membership here either on other websites or in emails/PMs. It was nice that Memo apologized to Seto - and I hope that trend continues. Not because it "proves" that Macross is cool and Robotech sucks - but because the real problem in this thread is that it HAS become a flame war. Sorry to say it - but this thread has NOTHING to do anymore with "HG and Robotech Debates." It is ALL about "Robotech Fan Rehab" now. Again - I would say the best thing to do would be for the Robotech fans who have signed up and hang out here to maybe explore other parts of this website because this whole topic is now essentially about THEM and not even about Robotech/HG anymore. Just some thoughts. Pete
  15. They're making Straxus into a toy? About time. Pete
  16. Gundam OO is like the Foundation series? You know - it probbably doesn't help that I've only read Robots of Dawn and Robots and Empire. I didn't ever read the first one.. I also only saw 5 episodes of Gundam OO... Hmm... ok - yes - you're right. Neither series was interesting enough for me to read/watch it in full -therefore they must be the same thing Pete
  17. I dunno. When I first got here, I didn't post heavily either - but that was mainly because I knew I didn't know what the hell everybody else was talking about. I had barely watched ANY anime whatsoever. I was a big Transformers fan who was really sad about the direction the franchise was going, and I had watched Macross Plus 10 years ago as well as remembering fondly playing the Paladium Robotech roll playing games when I was a kid. The reason I didn't post too much back then was because I just had no idea what the hell everybody was saying. I got lucky - I think - because not long after I joined Macrossworld.com - Macross Frontier started to air. We had a thread where all the members would watch it together - Episode by Episode - as it aired, keeping up with the drama and getting all excited about what would happen. That's when I started posting more. Eventually I also just started watching way more anime. You will find that lots of people here are actually fans of a vast range of anime - not just Macross - and more often than not, what they write is influenced by anime that have nothing to do with Macross - and so, it almost makes it hard to understand them because there'll be a sly reference to some arcane old anime... Ultimately though - I don't think you should feel restrained. The biggest problem the mods here get pissy over is if you write something in a the wrong thread. Like - if you had simple, basic questions about Macross - there's a Newbie Thread in the TV and Movies forum for those - don't start a new thread to answer simple questions.... Other than that though - the whole time I've been here I've only seen one guy get banned - and he happened to be someone I got along fairly well with, but he totally took a mod's comment the wrong way and basically dug his own grave. As for 24 - yeah...if there's a series of sci-fi or anime you like - chances are there's a loooong thread on these boards where it's being discussed. Use the search functions or PM somebody/ask before you start a thread - and I'm sure you'll find it. I think the best thing you can do is actually venture out of the HG and RT thread, because in a sense - this thread is just an extension of all the crazy stuff you've been involved in on other Robotech boards. If you venture outside of this thread, you'll let people get to know you beyond just "PTH from Robotech.com & the Associated History" - and also it's good to get some distance from this stuff rather than grind through it endlessly. Obviously not everyone is going to agree about the deal with HG/who has rights to what etc etc etc. Personally I'm in agreement with Seto - but then again - how much have I researched? Zippo. How much time have I really invested in thoroughly examing things? Zilch. I just read what he and others posted and made up my mind on that basis - not to mention that I just happen to authentically prefer Macross to Robotech as a story anyways. It's fun to argue and debate the subject - and that's what the thread is for - but personally I think some times people should try not to get stuck here - and yeah...I know...I'm one to talk...I've kind of been very active in this particular thread recently... but just...whatever - no stress. I hope your stay here is not stressful. And final point - just My Opinion - whatever you do - stay away from personal attacks. If someone attacks you personally - don't snap back, and certainly don't make personal attacks (even in PMs or emails or whatever) against other people. If you absolutely must do it - try to make the other guy laugh with you rather than just point your finger and laugh at him. One thing I really scratch my head over in wonder is how - sometimes - I read about how the people having these ugly quarrels at Robotech.com with eachother either work for HG or are in contact with people who work for HG or have been given the green light by HG to do what they're doing. It amazes me because companies shouldn't do that - that is...they should try not to get involved in fan wars. People in this thread, Macross fans in this thread - some of them are very very dedicated, but unless I'm missing something - none of them work for any company that directly has anything to do with Macross as such. Anyways---I dunno what I was getting at there. My point is - go ahead and post as much as you want if you have stuff on your mind, thoughts, ideas and opinions to contribute. You shouldn't feel scared that one post too many, or one wrong word is going to get you banned. I mean... you'd have to say/do something really outrageous to have that happen. The only banal thing I've ever seen the mods here go ballistic over is people opening threads on topics that already exist or posting simplistic newbie questions outside of the newbie thread or generally not using the search function. This is understandable - the website is really well organized - and there are tools to help navigate it and friendly people willing to help you learn to use those tools - so whenever somebody doesn't - it's like...the mods get mad because all the work put into making the site user friendly just gets ignored... happy posting. Post 886 from Gubaba is the Macrossworld Equivalent of Order 666 from Emperor Palpatine? Pete
  18. Here's an amazingly complicated, high pressure suggestion that will require lots of time and effort and is a task that few mortals can muster the strength to accomplish...: Try watching the various shows and the going to the "TV and Movies" forum and using the search function to find whatever show you want to talk about and then...post your opinion and get into a discussion with the people in the thread. I know it's an extremely unconventional idea, but hey - they don't call me Crazy Pete for nothing... Pete
  19. More importantly - does Macross Flashback have any merchandise? 'Cause I don't think there's anything explicitly labeled Macross Flashback... then again - I haven't googled it...so I'm ready for the Deluge of Macross Flashback Bath Soap or Macross Flash Back 3D glasses ... Pete
  20. So - yesterday was my Birthday - and I had fun. Although none of this stuff was bought "yesterday" it can all be considered Birthday loot - and I'm happy to finally have it. First - not visible is of course my Season 1 Haruhi DVD collection which I've already posted about ...anyways...on to other stuff. First - the Haruhi Suzumiya Figma figures - very happy to have all of them now: Well....all but Kyon...but I always feel like I'm Kyon anyways...so...it evens out.... But - best off all...I present this!: I can't wait for summer - then I'll be able to wear my SOS-dan t-shirt AND my Danchou amrband! Anyways...I'm really happy with all my Haruhi stuff. Now I think I'd like to get some pillow covers and posters...but I haven't seen much of that anywhere... Maybe I'll go for Gurren Lagann pillow covers and bath towels... Anyways... I think Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has comfortably become my all time favorite anime and the new "center" to my imagination... just as Transformers was for most of my childhood, teenage years and time in college... ever since abandoning Transfomers - I've been looking for a 'favorite.' For a time - it seemed Macross would be it... but then I saw this anime and there was just no going back.... Macross is my second favorite anime along with Gurren Lagann:) But Haruhi is number 1 ! Pete
  21. Re: talk of making the foundation series into a movie/series of movies... Truth be told - there's not a whole lot that goes on in those books. I do enjoy reading them for the purely scientific stuff - but the characters are boring, stale and the plots are way to rationlistic. Robots and Empire reminded me of a bad Star Trek episode - Robots of Dawn was a decent enough detective story...although the sequence of events is so utterly contrived because the only real mystery is that we don't know what kind of special powers Asimov thought up for his robots - so all of the clues that get dropped sort of build suspence - but really don't since at some point we realize that the answer is dependent on the fantasy of the writer. Asimov's style wouldn't translate well to film. It's very specific, and while I sometimes enjoy it...I can't see it done as a movie. Bicentennial Man was a very good movie - but unless I'm radically mistaken - they just used a concept that Asimov came up with - I mean...the whole story...even the names were Asimov's.... but Robin Williams was't...if that makes sense... I dunno... then again - maybe it could work... Pete
  22. Well -it's not like similar things don't happen on Macrossworld... Everybody knows that I told Gubaba to pretend that he knows Japanese and to just write some BS stories out of his ass that are supposed translations of "original" Macross novels and what not. And of course I also told Seto to troll RT.com and MW.com with his "factual arguments" which are just one big yarn. So - hah hah. Oh yeah - and to all the people who bought stuff from me on the For Sale thread: I just stuffed the boxes with toilet paper. Hah hah. Nah - just joking. But seriously - I would like to take this moment to make a serious anouncement: today, I was diagnosed with cancer of the liver. I will be dead in a few months - I don't have much time left. It has always been my dream to see Tokyo and sleep with five hot asian girls. If you want to help a brother in need and make this happen - please PM me so you can paypal me the funds to do it. Free pics from my trip to everyone who contributes. Pete
  23. This is a true statement! I've been eating pizza since I was 14 - I used to be able to scarf down two - count 'em TWO large pepperonis in one sitting! But at some point my stomach just couldn't take it, and it's about time somebody banned that crap! It'll give you liver cancer! Yeah!! WTF guys!! It's like -what's this whole debate about anyways!? Do you see F-ing Transformers fans going to My Little Pony fan site and being all like "Because Mach Kick transforms into a horse, then My Little Pony is a Transformers cartoon" !??! I mean - leave Robotech alone!! It has NOTHING to do with Macross or any of that other Japanese pedophile stuff!! I totally understand this sentiment. I was on the short list for becoming a mod at RT.com too - and they even asked me, but my responsibilities over at the CIA were just keeping me soooooo F-ing busy what with this war on Tarah going on. Anyways - by the time I quit my post as senior advisor to the President on Intelligence Policy and took a temp job at the local KFC, the mod position at RT.com had been filled. If I had known - like you - that those F-ing mods would be such lazy dumb butts who just let EVERYBODY speak their mind - no matter how STUPID or CRAZY a post...dag - I'd have taken that mod position. This way - look at all the crap people like Mavrick LSC and me have to go through now? Because of those STUPID RT.com mods - Paramount keeps confusing us with the website "RT.com" which is (I shiit you not - just enter the URL) a Russian English-language news site that is actually a front for Pinko-gay zionists. Even Toby Macguire was infected by this stupid PR and when he gave the script to Paramount execs he slipped up and said "just check out RT.com - you'll see - this has a built in multi-million member fanbase!" ...and of course Paramount opened RT.com and found Russian ladies talking about the Middle East or something! Total catastrophe! Mav called Stephen (Spielberg) that very night, but Steve was out of town, and I was stuck at the DAVOS world economic forum and just couldn't find the time to call any of my Holywood contacts... If ONLY I - or at least YOU had taken the post of moderator...things would be different now. I know it. Well put. The fact is that these retarted Macross purists just don't understand that the discussion is about ROBOTECH. Stupid questions like "why does Boldoza say Protoculture when Lisa and Rick kiss?" just have NO place. The answer is simple: CARL MACEK KNOWS AND ALL WILL BE REVEALED SOON!! How F-ing hard is it to show a LITTLE bit of patience?! Pete
  24. Both tolerable hobbies to be sure. Anyways - I PMed you with that recipee for roast infant ankles you asked for. As for the situation in Hait: Good job dude! Now if only we could eat another Robotech fan.... Nobody ACTUALLY knows why Captain Donovan stopped posting...do they..?...Muahahahahahah!! Yum! Yum! Pete
  25. This post is almost as misinformed as Seto's "there was no compter virus" post which I exploded on the previous page by revealing how I, along with Chinese secret services, created that virus. As for this post: It's a well know fact that this entire website is one big front for pedo-lovers. All you need to do is register with the Macross Purist Database to get the secret password that uncovers the true nature of this website. The "Movies and TV Series" forum is visible to registered Macross Purists who use their password as the "Underage Girl Love Thread" and the "Toys" thread is full of pornographic photography. But mainly, it is true that this, the one and only public thread, is the main place where all the members here hang out - because seriously...Macross shows don't really have much plot. I mean - there's only so much you can oogle and drool over Ranka's under-age butt. Beyond that, the only reason why we're all here is because we hate Robotech, and we especially hate Robotech fans who are all related to Satan. I appreciate the fact that Gubaba and Seto, amongst others, using these faux "reasonable" arguments and appeals - like to bait idiot-Robotech fans to sign up to this website so that we can then enjoy hating on them, flaming them, trolling them, and violating their sensibilities with our homo-erotic pedo-love... But come on Gubaba - don't make the mistake of believing in your own propaganda. We're all here to hate on HG and look at pictures of 12 year old naked girls floating in space. Pete
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