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I generally don't like the electronic/techno scene - the only positive aspect I see stemming from electro/techno is that it makes for good elevator music; eventually good long-distance-car-travel-music...under certain..err...specific...umm...circumstances But in general - true - I am wierd. I am far more enamored of 80s glam rock and pop rock, and so naturally I like Minmey's sentimental pop songs, and totally love Basara's angsty emotional glam rock (it is, in the end, pretty much glam rock) Not some other comments on what has been written by others: 1. Misa's Dad and The Judgment About War/Peace and Negotiating from strength: Misa's Dad stated that the Grand Cannon was capable of destrying ten thousand ships in one fell swoop. The Zendradi fleet supposedly numered into the one million range; perhaps even "millions" - albeit I don't recall a more precise figure being given. 10 thousand out of a million is not significant - unless the Grand Cannon could be fired multiple times. Perhaps it could; but given how long it takes to charge the darned thing - the remaining Zendradi ships would (and did) have ample time to destroy the Earth's surface. I personally think that the biggest strategic blunder that the military made was not taking advantage of Unnamed Science Dude Who Was Called Lang In The Series That Cannot Be Named's very bizarre invention: the omni-dimmensional barrier (outgrowth of the Pinpoint Barrier). This defensive mechanism clearly was capable of resisting multiple Zendradi onslaught's, and even had the capacity to explode OUTWARDS destroying the attackers. Furthermore, the barrier used some strange sci-fi wonkery as its' energy source - and this theme was never expanded upon - though I presume that studies on the subject continued far into the series. Sadly, once the relatively less scientifically important discovery that the Zendradi have human DNA was made, even Unnamed Science Dude seemed to drop his interest with the Fold Residue Power Source and focus on the anthropology of the human species and the anthropological/psychological foundations of war. Imagine if the military were able to develop an omni-dimmensional barrier for the entire Earth? Or at least for cities and military installations? This is not far fetched: after all; once the principle is established - size becomes relevent only insofar as the larger the size, the larger the necessary power source. Why no one thought of this; indeed - why no one even considered building a preventive defense system alongside the construction of the Grand Cannon is beyond me. Was it a case of lack of resources? More likely - lack of imagnation. In fact - a functional defensive barrier would have accomplished far more than the Grand Cannon. Imagine if Boldoza ordered his fleet to pummel the earth and after firing - he sam that not a mark had been made on the planet's surface? That in itself would have been a stupendous show of strength - and if it were followed up by a shot from the Grand Cannon - the Zendradi would have been running to another galaxy and thinking "never doubt the legends! never doubt the legends!" So - this, in my view - is the primary strategic deficiency commited by UN Spacey in the sun up and during the duration of Space War I. They built variable valkyrie to deal with giant aliens and space warfare, they rebuilt he Macross and perfected Reaction Weaponry, they did a number of things right - but they completely and totally left the Earth's defense system lacking. And why didn't anyone on the Macross think to propose to UN Spacey the the omni-dimmensional barrier technology should have been developed further? I'm not saying it would have worked - but the subject seemed to never have even been raised. 2. Basara as a Too Perfect Character: Couldn't disagree more. Everybody HATES Basara in the show; everybody is annoyed with him - even Mylene can't stand him; even biker chick initially can't stand him. Nobody likes him - not even the Mountains will move for him. The only person who is even remotely sympathetic is...oh...what's the big Keyboard Player Dude's name? And possibly Vizifizisufususus (can never remember her name either)... But throughout the series Basara is disliked... and this means he is not perfect; at least not in the sense of the show trying to push him onto us as some ideal... Macross 7 is NOT a work of Basara propaganda - and I agree with the statement that Kawamori probably deliberately made Basara unlikable - artists are generally subversive of normative values and breed antypathy - M7 does a good job of showing this. I think what bothers people about Basara is not so much that he's "perfect" as that he's stubborn - and very self-confident. 3. Macross Plus: Don't get me wrong; I like this OVA. I just have the misfortune of having the dubbed english version and the monotone voice work really grates one me... need to just get the subbed version and revel in Japense linguistic goodness... I really like the plot set up, I like how the show is very distant from SDFM and DYRL. I like how it DOES NOT feature some blatant "Return of the Evil Zendradi" or "New Alien Menace" theme. It pazs homage to SDFM-DYRL by featuring a human and a Zendradi as the main antagonists of the film; and by having the YF-21 be such a distinct attempt at incorporating Zendradi technology into UN Spacey hardware. But other than the music - which I personally don't like and find utterly boring - there are some things which I find fault with: a) The female leads: boooorrrriiiinnnggggg. The Bridge Bunny is just too much of an air head, and not in the cute way that Shammy was an air head. She is an airhead in the "I was neglected by the writers" way. She gets no development; has no background story, and the only times she shines is when she yells at Mune that Dyson knew from the beginning she was behind Sharon, and the time she tells Dyson she's sorry and won't force him to be with her; that no one "owns him" - she comes across as really intelligent and caring in those scenes - but in general Lucy (that's her name!) is under-developed. Mune - oh boy... well... Mune is just totally a sad predicament if there ever was one. I guess it's a twisted play off of "what would Minmey have been like if she'd quit singing and sold out?" --- but the thing I can't understand is WHY Mune quit singing? What exactly happened? I mean - she obviously sings very well; she has talent and ability so... I would have really liked to have scene the development of her cynicism. Did someone hurt her? Did a record deal fall through? Did her career false-start? Was she so emotionally distraught over what happened with Guld and Isamu that she couldn't find the passion in her heart t sing about love? Then agian - I guess what I'm basically complaining about here is that MPlus was never a 36 episode series I guess it's just all very subdued - a subdued film... VFTF1
I decided to start this thread because I notice that there is no Basara worship and love thread. The purpose is to compile as many possible reasons for why Basara is worthy of love and worship. Here are the reasons I come up with - I'm sure lots of these will be obvious, but getting the obvious ones out of the way makes room for the more subtle ones to come: 1) Because he flies into combat in order to sing, and his songs are rock'n'roll revolutionary music that wants to show how beautiful life is and how stupid to fight is - which, if you think about it, is a radical and amazing thing. Actually - it's admirable. 2) Because it is rumored that he is the bastard child of Hikaru Ichijo and Lyn Minmey - and you know what - IF Hikaru and Minmey DID have a child - can anyone doubt that Neki Basara would fit the bill? 3) Because he is feareless in the face of peer pressure; and pressure from others - he always goes his own way, authentically seeking out what is right and best. 4) Because he seems to really love his fans and it's really cool that he gets exited when people DO listen to his music - he seems to take great pleasure from "converting" people to the idea of happiness. 5) Because he seems to be the only person in the Macross universe who UNDERSTOOD the lessons of Space War I - that it was culture and music and the feelings of love that helped humanity survive and triumph - that the biggest heroes were the civilians of Macross City who built a culture within the Super Dimmensional Fortress - and that the MAIN MISSION of the Macross 7 - like all other colonial ships - is to SPREAD CULTURE so that humanity does not just become another race of space fairing warriors like the Zendradi. What other reasons are there to love him ? VFTF1
I'm not getting Max or Milia - wanting them in 1/48 or 1/60Newstyle goodness... Revoltech Regult for sure though... and still praying for Misa and the gang. VFTF1
Hmm... good point I guess I can see that ... and what is especially strange is when M7 explicitly references SDF M - a Macross fan probably feels like a pschyzophrenic then - and there are lots of points in the series when this happens - you want to feel happy and nostalgic but you can't bring yourself to it...or something like that... Still - I guess my problem is that I really LIKE Macross 7 - and I like it AS MUCH as SDF M. That the two are totally different in terms of themes, and mood and style -- well - that makes it easier to like them both - and depending on my mood, I turn to one or the other. Macross Plus - on the other hand - while retaining much of the original "feel" of SDF M...err...I don't like that much... but maybe it's because of the music... VFTF1
I HATE Planet Dance and actually almost didn't make it through episode 8... but boy - am I glad I did As to all that's been said: 1. I don't agree that the military "botched" Space War I - the nature of war is chaotic; it is not a series of logical inferences like a chess game. The military did the best it could. I tend to think that the best testimony to this is Gloval's many dilemas, and Hikaru and Misa's emotional reactions to the unfolding war. It's not a simple matter of "we won because we were smart" or "we botched it because we were dumb!" Also - think about it - what OTHER result can you expect than the destruction of human civilization when 1000 Alien space ships and their bee hive show up in your orbit? Really - come, tell me you geniuses of war - what would YOU have done? That human beings even survived and began rebuilding and integrating with the Zendradi only a few years after the entire Earth was pretty much annihilated has to be considered a VICTORY for the UN Spacey - not botched. 2. Kaifun is a pacifist, albeit "not a very good one" - I agree with this point, but I would add something in his defense: Why is it that he would necessarily HAVE TO be a 'very good one?' That's like saying that the majority of people, who after all don't murder others around them on a daily basis and for all practical purposes are "pacifists" aren't very inspiring or good because they aren't like Gandhi. Why can't Kaifun be self absorbed and concerned with his own pleasure and anti-authoritarian? Besides, I don't really see where the hypocracy is? He didn't go around punching people or beating them up - and sure the military saved his life a million times over; but arguably they put it in danger just as many times. I don't like Kaifun - but in a complex story; we aren't justified in making him the scapegoat. Maybe he's like the male version of Minmey: shallow and compelling... if you're Misa. 3. Basara is very much like Gandhi - in that he is a politically engaged active - heck very active - pacifist. He is annoying not because of who he is but because of what he does. Kaifun - if you didn't like him you could just stay away from him or ignore him - Basara will run after you screaming "Listen to my music!" until you change and open yourself to love and peace and happiness and art. 4. Finally - I personally think it was a good idea to make a controversial character like Basara a lead - I think the strong feelings of people about M7 are a good thing - makes the series all that more compelling if it can elicit this much emotion. VFTF1
Relations to Previous Series Characters....
VFTF1 replied to MisaForever's topic in Movies and TV Series
Yes. Sheryl clearly didn't care or show any empathy for the safety of her fans. Whereas Minmey bravely stayed and sang during a Zendradi attack (albeit at Kaifun's prompting, but what counts is that she didn't ignore him) and Basara actually went out to the enemy to sing - Sheryl acts like a typical phony manufactured celebrity and runs away as soon as things get dangerous. Also, when she brushes off that princess guy who accosts her for doing so - she only shows how low she is. I would be more sympathetic if Sheryl were shown as being scared - but she is just shown as being concieted. Sometimes one line of dialogue is enough. Granted, she can redeem herself - I'm not silly enough to condemn someone on the basis of one episode --- but the fact is, the first impression that she makes, in contradistinction to Mao or Sara - is not good. Sara wasn't scared of a soldier sticking a sharp object into her face (that it was a "love letter" didn't matter - Sara could obviously tell that it was sharp and potentially dangerous - but she wanted to maintain the demeanor of a brave leader of her people and so didn't flinch - and Mao was very empathetic from the get go). So to recap: Sheryl sucks. VFTFQ -
Basara is kind of real insofar a Fukimori exists and sings... VFTF1
Consider dollar to yen ratio. Thankfully I needn't worry about this VFTF1
Yeah - and how Basara changes can be seen in his music. You just need to listen to his songs more to understand the changes he goes through. His changes are not as superficial as Gamlens but rather deep and metaphysical. To uncover them - you can't look to his words and actions - look to his music. It's all there. Notice how his music gets more touching, more personal and more lovely as the series progresses. Just compare "Planet Dance" (his first song against the Protodevilin) to "Try Again" (with which he ultimately converts the Protodevilin) - huge huge change taken place there. You just need to open yourself to the love and joy of Basara's music and then you will find inner peace and true tranquility. VFTF1
Relations to Previous Series Characters....
VFTF1 replied to MisaForever's topic in Movies and TV Series
I really hope Sheryl "I'm a super star and don't care about the little people" Nome isn't related to Sara or Mao - both Sara and Mao are very wonderful people. Sara because she is so dedicated and serious about protecting her people while also being a delicate woman with a tragic past (like Misa Hayes!) is very lovely, and Mao is just spirited and fun and very nice. Sheryl sucks. VFTF1 -
The only Star Wars I have is the Hunt for the Millenium Falcon Bounty Hunter box set. I have it because I love EPS and I love the Bounty Hunters. Generally, I find SW figures to be a bit dissapointing because they cost almost as much as a deluxe TF, yet they are not poseable. Furthermore, while I love the movies, I just don't seem to enjoy the toys that much - which is strange because generally everything I enjoy watching I also enjoy owning as a collector... but SW never seemed to do it for me. SW Transformers are unbearable for me. Err...soooooo...on that positive and upbeat note...umm... I end my post VFTF1
What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai, etc.
VFTF1 replied to UN Spacy's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Maybe give us some pictures? And don't file anything - I have no clue what the problem here is - but the 1/48s are solid - I don't recall any complaints about them; and I have 3 different ones and all of them work fine - one of the best and most quality models made by Yamato. VFTF1 -
Here's a thought: Macross Zero Island Playset. With that big bird thing and a naked Sara Nome standing in a lake. Capable of playing music - aka Sara's song. When activated, the rocks in the pond rise. VFTF1
There will be no forthcoming Macross Zero figures because the Zeros and the SV-51 are the only mecha worth doing from that anime. If Yamato is going to make Destroids, they'll focus for now on Destroids from SDF Macross/DYRL. As for reactive armor - I don't see it happening because there are not enough versions of the 1/60 zero to justify it. Producing the Ghost isn't that costly, reactive armor would be... although if I have to name something they'll release or die... then I'd say reactive armor for the VF-0S. VFTF1
I guess the "hour" line was exagerated - but the fact is whenever I have to transform a Yamato valk I always have to first put myself in a state of Zen like calm and it does take a while - mainly because there are some portions which I don't want to force and therefore have to kind of "wiggle my way in" (i.e. YF-19 nose transformation, or the B8P on the VF-Os) - this isn't a criticism - after all, MP Megatron also takes al ong time to transform unless you want to break him... the point was just to say that for playability, the 1/55s seem ideal. Woosh woosh blam blam an all VFTF1
I just watched my first episode of Animated- Back to Nature or whatever...with the bio..err...oh -that monster thing... Ok - definietely better than the Armada-Cybertron-Energon crud... But generally ...umm...well er...yeah... it's definitely...err....kid oriented... very kid oriented. VFTF1
Crap. I like this - alot. Hopefully it is very limited and will soon become so rare as to be enormously impossible to purchase for me - then I won't have to worry about getting it VFTF1
That's probably because there's nothing fun about taking an hour to transform your valk for fear that going too fast will end up breaking it The Chunkies are probably good for space battles VFTF1
That is a great idea. I am still thinking of a doing a custom "wounded OA with my broken arm unit... VFTF1
Not too happy about the kibble on the back. YF-19 and SV-51 did a much better job of taking care of this... the wings on the YF-19 are there, sure, but not as intrusive as they could be - whereas the bird-man solution on the SV-51 is great... Here they just "hang back" ... and they are not- Patlabor Griffon Like - the type of wings you would associate with a "flying robot"... But we'll see what the final result looks like VFTF1
There is no way Robotech could not win this vote. The 80s, in terms of anime, were truly dark times when a select few people knew of the beauty of Japanese Anime and rather than share the beauty with the rest of us, they went on an ego trip and tried to "Americanize" it - whatever that means.... I am so happy that we got the internet and now everyone has access to the original series and all of the wonderful history. Truly, before the internet- life was a bubble! VFTF1
All of this is nice- but what I really want from Bandai is a singing/music playing VF-19 Kai with built in speakers that really work. Kind of like Takara has Music Label Transformers - I could so see a working Neki Basara Valk along the same line as the MP3 Soundwave. VFTF1
I voted Basara who is always the best - even if the poll is for second best.... It's amazng that Minmey is winning this - I think people are just subconciously voting for their favorite.... I would like to note however that the poll is someone biased against Neki Basara: I mean - if we add up all of the Macross 7 singers then they all get 10 votes, putting them only 1 vote bellow Minmey - making it within the statistical margin of error. Even if we subtract Emilia Jenus for not being directly involved in Fire Bomber, then just Basara and Mylene tie with Sharon Apple for 2nd place... In general, I love Minmey's songs; really - but Basara is just better. Hat tip to Sara Nome. I like naked women who sing in French. And seriously - for me, her songs are very touching. VFTF1
Eventually they will be mine. All I tell myself is the following: Transformers Animated (all of them) or...Daimos and God Mars? The choice is so readily obvious. SOC wins. VFTF1
I guess the bridge is up there for the same reason the bridge is "up there" on battle ships and air craft carriers... ultimately you want some real world visibility. Only Star Trek presents the luxury of having a screen show you everything VFTF1