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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. I just got Tohsaka Rhin and am...very ... surprised! :) :) She features some un-advertised abilities... VFTF1
  2. See - and this is the perfect reason for staying off of explicitly political subjects - because we tend to put our partisan biases in the place of our fictional heroes thinking and actions... For instance if you REALLY pressed me - I would say that Bassara would NOT vote for Obama or Kichinic but rather for Ron Paul But ultimately I think making such analogies is pushing it - because politicians; even principled ones like Kuchinic and Paul (I'm excluding Obama because the former politicians have a long record of principled stances - agree or disagree - while Obama is too new to judge in that vein) - craft their message to fit the times and circumstances that they are dealing with. Even if their ideals are universal; the practical application of those ideals has very specific form and is presented in specific rhetoric. To take just one example: Both Kuchinik and Paul are for dismantling the warfare state and ending the "military-industrial complex" --- But in the Macross universe - given the presumptions about reality - would anyone SERIOUSLY consider campaigning on the idea of dismantling UN Spacey? Bad and corrupt as UN Spacey are, incompetent as they are - they developed the variable fighter without which Earth would have been just another planet for the Zendradi to overrun and crush. They developed a defense system, refited the SDF-1 - in short, however imperfectly - they prepared for the coming of the aliens. In Macross 7 it is obvious that, in contradistinction to the original SDF-1, there is now a division of power between the civilian and military government (on the SDF-1 there was a Mayor of Macross City, but it didn't seem like he had any real power). Macross 7 has an independent civilian Mayor...although she just happens to be the Military commander's ex-wife....still... technically there is an attempt being made to have an independent civilian government. Nevertheless, even with this attempt - we in "real life" tend to consider it a sign of civilization when the military is under civilian control; and not autonomous of it. So even in this respect Macross 7 "fails" the test. Also, food rationing and the like - which occured profusely on the SDF-1 - is completely bad economics and there seems to be a realization of this from M7 onward (no more rationing). Something interesting that happens in Macross Frontier is the introduction of private military contractors who are more efficient - supposedly due to the fact that market forces compose the basis of their decision making process. But even here there is a bit of a flaw - and I wonder whether the show will be sophisticated enough to expose it - namely there is not much of a "market" for military contractors when NUNS is the only entity allowed to CONTRACT the military contractors and the only entity allowed to print the money with which to pay them. Unless, of course, we understand the "private fleets" which are mentioned at the beginning of the show to actually be huge, Macross class instalations potentially capable of competing with NUNS for scarce resources... In any case - the point stands that in the Macross universe the military has a clear role to play in self-defense. Alien attacks are quite frequent and thus far UN Spacey has faced only conventional "4G" warfare... So I don't think a candidate like Kuchinic or Paul would be able to make a principled stance for - for instance - treatises limiting Variable fighter research (anti-proliferation), or generally dismantling the military-industrial complex... Then again - personally - I think that whatever appeal these candidates have is not so much a result of people actually WANTING to disarm - but rather people being tired of using their arms in a pointless and fruitless venture that simply wastes those arms. And a final note: as has been reported here before - Remember that Bassara was a GOVERNMENT PROJECT. That is, Keyboard man and Max developed the VF-19 for Basara in an attempt to test the theory that music could be used as a non-lethal weapon. Sure - ultimately it was Basara's independent heart and undisciplined passion which made this possible (drill-sergent-inspired-music apparently doesn't generate spiritia) - but without the military - it wouldn't have worked. Heck - without the military - Basara wouldn't HAVE a VF-19 to fly so - not so clean cut as to who Basara would vote for. And definitely not so obvious that the platforms of our particular favorites would even resonate in the M7 universe. VFTF1
  3. Thanking you so much! That is awesome! I wonder if the Japanese joint I eat at serves Maguro - or whether they cheat and give me regular Mediteranian tuna? Next time, I will inquire! VFTF1
  4. Oh - right! Sorry - indeed Misa and mutant fish was DYRL... It's just that the mutant fish head reminded me of the remains of the tuna head that Hikaru and Minmey ate together when lost aboard the SDF.... my bad And thanks to the link on the tuna! I will read about tuna with great interest. VFTF1
  5. But the girl on the picture is Misa - you can tell by the hair...no? And the giant tuna was for Minmey... Speaking of which - as I asked on another thread... can someone please explain to me why that tuna was giant? VFTF1
  6. VFTF1

    Macross Revoltech

    Eh? Revoltech Gerwalk and Figther moves?? Fighter modes?? That makes no sense- what are those Gerwalks and Fighters in that picture from Diablom? As to the general discussion: Well - My Revoltech VF-1J has developed "falling off leg syndrome." Sadly it's not from the Revoltech joint, but simply the peg that joins the upper leg to the waist/ventilator. The hole has apparently become a tad too big for the peg - although it still fits. This is especially sad as NONE of my other Revoltechs ever had such problems (beyond things like snapping gummy fists or antenas). But oh well... Revoltech is great - and let me repeat for the one millionth time that they need to get around to doing Misa Hayese VFTF1
  7. I will be curious about one aspect: If Bandai can create a VF with the accuracy, precision, detail and general coolness of Yamato and do it WITHOUT ANY QC ISSUES.... then I'm sure we will all be dancing for joy. Paying huge prices is NOT a problem. When I saw how Yamato's stuff LOOKED - it is a no brainer that the development and execution of Yamato's 1/48s necessitates those kind of prices - and actually the prices are comparatively GOOD for what you're getting (design wise). The PROBLEM is the quality - when you pay lots of money and it falls apart - that's just unacceptable. VFTF1
  8. My 0S is perfect - no problems - very sturdy. My first 0A lost and arm at the shoulder, and the foot cracked in two. Complete mess. And that was the Ghost version. Second 0A seems to be holding up fine - although its' feet have a habit of scaring me into not pulling them apart adequately. So far the only design from Yamato which is truly durable is the VF-1 and the YF-19. SV-51 is actually pretty good about not breaking too. Pity about the zero... VFTF1
  9. This is as good a place as any to ask: WHAT IS UP WITH THAT TUNA?! I mean - I always wondered - why was it so big? Tuna isn't normally big is it? Did the space fold have some effect on it? Did the vacume of space blow it up disproportionatly? Someone please explain. VFTF1
  10. Somehow, I think Basara wouldn't vote at all. He's too much of an iconoclast and is probably weary of "the system" in all of its' manifestations - but I could be wrong. In any event - he DEFINITELY does not espoouse any political party or political candidate in his rock concerts, nor does he ever think about let alone do anything to influence people democratically. He doesn't say "VOTE FOR MY SONG!" but rather "LISTEN TO MY SONG!" I think therefore that he is a non-violent extremist who doesn't believe in politics or war but just in the power of music. VFTF1
  11. Well - now I'll disagree with Comickaze - while I do think he brings up a valid point - here is why I ultimately do not agree: 1. War by definition is wreckless endangerment. The notion that war is somehow this orderly procession where everything goes a-ok as long as you stay in formation, follow orders and keep focused is, I think, simply not true. War is chaotic, and more often than not, it is following your instinct for self preservation, mixed with luck, that keeps you alive - forget about "winning" for the moment. Numerous factors "interfere" with the best laid plans - particularly if combat is taking place in a the midst of a civilian conglomeration rather than in an open field. Everything - including your friend - are potential distractions or disturbances that can get you killed. In fact - the very act of war - which is the focused use of violence against others - can and most often does get you killed. 2. Non-Violent protest as a means of opposition to the act of war Throoughout history, the act of war has been opposed most often by the act of war. Attackers would face defenders who could and often would counter-attack - and so it went. Yet this process, even when in self-defense (and therefore justified), would often lead to more war, and what started as a justified self-defense would slowly transform itself into total and unrelenting warfare. Warfare is a harm - even for the innocent party who is merely defending itself. I speak - of course - of conventional warfare for now. In the face of the massive losses inflicted on all sides by conventional warfare - two means of dealing with conventional warfare have emerged over time: 1) asymetrical warfare (known also a guerrila warfare or "terrorism") and non-violent protest. The first type of warfare is rooted in the idea of attrition - it is impossible to defeat an enemy that runs every time you shoot, that never stands for battle, that never places all of its' "troops" in one spot for some defining confrontation, that in fact doesn't have troops but rather has a loosely knit network of independently organized militias. Such an enemy is capable of wearing down conventional forces and ultimately breaking them. There is no possible way to defeat such an enemy save potentially rounding up and exterminating millions of people - which would likely only aggravate the problem. However, from the point of view of the guerrilas - while they are "undefeatable" - they also never really WIN. This is because ultimately attrition is not victory - conventional forces can be worn down; but guerrilas will never actually defeat conventional forces; drive them out, route them or anything of this sort. The best they can hope for is victory through wearing down and discouraging the conventional forces. This process is drawn out - often lasting far longer than a conventional, symetrical war - and the fact that it is drawn out means that the civilian population must suffer through years of low-yield warfare rather than living a nominally productive life. This is therefore harmful to the very causese the guerrila supposedly fights for - and we are back to "square one:" namely - war is not good for anyone. Yet the need to resist violence - for self-defense - still remains. Enter non-violent resistance - aka Nekki Basara. It is silly to say that the appearance of Nekki Basara in the middle of combat is a "danger" - COMBAT is the danger, and Basara is trying to END the combat by distracting everyone from their passions of anger and hate and making them listen to music about love and beauty. Non-violent resistance is always a "distraction" - that is the point. To say that the peace activist who lunges into the middle of a fight with a guitar is somehow "at fault" for th deaths of soldiers who have all come into battle with guns and rockets is as ridiculous as saying that when there is a shoot out with fatalities - we ought to blame the woman who screamed "no! please don't!" to try to stop her boyfriend from pulling out his gun. The activist who say "no! don't!" is trying to save lives - and is doing so not through violent intimidation (aka "no don't or else I'll blow your head off") but by an appeal to higher emotions and thoughts that every sentient being shares equally - but that all of us have forgotten because of numerous conventional differences (religion, race, economic status etc) that have been used as excuses by propaganda to manipulate us into states of warfare. Macross 7 reflects this - although not so subtlely. The Protodevilin use mind control on their minions. This is reflective of real life where governments use propaganda to control the minds of their populations and generate war fever. Granted, the art of mind control is not so simple in real life as it is in M7 - but it's there. The Macross 7 fleet, on the other hand, is, like most free societies, divided into camps which espouse different opinions. The existence of different opinions is a testimony to the free nature of the M7 society. One camp ardently wishes that people like Bassara would go away, that everyone join the military, and that Reaction Weapons be used more often. This camp unwittingly become more similar to the enemy that it wishes to defeat: and this is reflective of the "throw him in the brig" mentality - aka dealing with opposing views by locking them up. The other camp believes that since it is possible to have two passions: the passion for unthinking war and the passion for love and happiness - then most likely the enemy also has the capacity for the latter and is under the influence of the former to the same extent as "our side" is when going into combat. Therefore, the only way to save everyone from slaughtering one another is to remind them of love and happiness through music - this is a form of non-violent protest. This is what Basara is engaged in - and it does not "endanger" lives - it is an attempt to stop the killing of warfare and to save lives. VFTF1
  12. So... now that we know who the REAL Miss Macross is... how do we rank...er...what's her name? VFTF1
  13. I was decidedly under the impression that the Vajra was recieving an incoming transmission calling for withdrawl - and that's what distracted him. Ranka just happened to sense the transmission as well. Is is just me or does Ranka pick up Vajra wave-length? VFTF1
  14. I would go so far as saying that the Boob scene was a bit of self-criticism on the part of anime - it was intentionally mocking this aspect of anime - and it had a perfect occasion to do so - because that was in fact reflective of how Ranka felt intimidated VFTF1
  15. Am I mistaken in thinking that Richard Simmons is the diet/health guy with the funny hair? I think Basara is technically equally as annoying as Richard Simmons - presuming of course that Richard Simmons is right about how to stay healthy. Nothing more annoying than being nagged by someone who is actually RIGHT. VFTF1
  16. Um - heh...well... the reason is simple... The word "Canaria" is pronounced the same as a Polish word "Kanalia" - and in Polish "Kanalia" means "Evil dumb stupid treasonous bitch who must be pounded into the ground and ought not be trusted and is usually physically ugly"... So I guess I instinctively didn't want to call...Canaria...er...Canaria...because to my ear it sounds like a very bad word that doesn't match the character.... But then again Canary doesn't help either - it reminds me of the transvestite super heroine.... So I guess I'll train myself to say Canaria without the allusions... And yes- she does have GREAT hair! VFTF1
  17. WOW! I have no clue why it took me about a week and a half to download episode 3... and now I've just downloaded episode 4 in like...a couple of hours...hmm... Anyways - THIS IS GREAT! Really - just when I thought things couldn't get any better - they do! I guess I'm not allowed to spoil so I'll be vague and general Hmm...no - scratch that - I can't be vague and general... maybe I'll just say this for now: Any news as to whether we'll be getting Macross Frontier figures modeled after the actual...er...you know - humans and Zendradi? There are just so many fantastic characters in this series! Crudzola - I have so much to say but don't want to break the spoiler rule... VFTF1
  18. Actually - after watching episode 3, I have to say that suddenly an underappreciated yet positive-impression-making character is... Canary! here's why: 1) She's quiet and doesn't make a fuss, but seems to always be available in the most critical moments 2) She doesn't get involved in conflicts, but steps in when real help is needed (as in physical help) 3) She's good looking All of these factors make her an under-appreciated favorite for me. VFTF1
  19. Daimos is looking good. Does it come with that vintage one? And pleaaaassseeee tell me that's what the packaging looks like I would so love that! VFTF1
  20. Well - looking at my collection of 1/48 VF-1s (Hikaru 1J + Armor showed up today) - I think the choice is clear. Macross Frontier. I'm not even going to bother wondering "what to do" about Yamato issuing perfect 1/60 VF-1s - especially if, as I've been hearing - the price is pretty much going to remain the same as the 1/48s... No brainer for me. Macross Frontier. I mean - it's not like people who own the 1/48s have something to be ashamed of. The 1/48 isn't inferior - the scale is just bigger. Sure - there's a temptation to have everything in the same scale, but... worth having a financial heart attack over? No. VFTF1
  21. Every time I enter this thread, I do so expecting to finally see product pictures and prices Alas... That said - I am interested in what Bandai has planned in the model department for MF But yeah - waiting on the 1/60 final version Oh - and about MP Starscream and Hybrid Prime: 1) MP Starscream's one "flaw" - or rather the one thing I don't agree with Kawamori about is not the color - but the tail fins - that he decided to go with the more angular legs and have the tail fins hanging off the torso... on the other hand - I guess if you wanted the legs close to anime you had to do this - but still - it creates a slight problem for SS... As for Hybrid style - well - the truck mode was actually very well designed - but at the small scale execution became impossible... the design has everything fitting together - but maybe it just wasn't possible to do this. VFTF1
  22. Hmm... I disagree with you both Kieth and Gub - isn't one of the mandates - at least in theory - of the UN Spacey pilots to protect innocents against the enemy? Basara - in their eyes - was a crazy civilian pilot plodding around a lethal environment - some of them might have therefore been inclined to "help" or "rescue" him. Naturally - this would work only the first or second time around - eventually the UN Spacey pilots had to be expecting Basara to come out - but initially they would have treated him as someone to protect. And if that's the case - then it could be argued that Basara threw them off their battle formation and made their jobs more difficult. Naturally - I disagree with this argument (that is, I do not think Basara was a "disturbance" getting people killed) I just think it's a legitamite argument to raise. As for Exedol the Drag Queen -- well - this raises an interesting question. To what extent can suggestive on-screen material be used as a valid basis for the inference of off-screen material? The only legitamite on-screen basis of Exodol dressing up in drago off screen are the following: 1) Exodol is shown mimmicking feminine movements when singing "My Boyfriend is a Pilot" 2) Blue Wing hypothesized that human female swim suits might be "battle armor." On the basis of these two events in SDF M, I can logically infer that Exedol, being an inquisitive type and an archivist with a thirst for knowledge, and also under the mandate of his mission which was to learn about the humans - might have either had a replica of a female swim suit made, or tried one on as a myclone. Ergo - it is poossible that Exedol did actually dress up like a woman - and there is legitamite basis for such a thing potentially having occured in SDF M. If a fanfic were written about it - it would not be far fetched (but would most likely be very short). Logical inference from on-screen events is, I think, not arbitrary; although certainly it is never precise. But this is different from saying that Syvil and Mylene were secret lovers, or that Max and Exodol liked to play squash during off-hours - since neither of these two hypotheseses have ANY basis (as far as I can tell) in what we see on screen. VFTF1
  23. Well - I'm going to come to the defense of Comickaze here... I think his point wasn't so much that someone was killed on-screen because of Basara - but rather that he assumed that Basara's distraction probably threw a few pilots off their gaurd and they were subsequently killed. I don't agree with the reasoning, and obviously it was never prominently shown on screen - but I think you can still make the argument... VFTF1
  24. I guess I'm starting the other way around Going for the big guys first ... or second, third, fourth and fifth! I really really want a Gunbuster SOC though - I took a look at some of the pics of that guy and he looks just amazing! As for the quality and engineering - yikes! This really puts other companies to shame. SOC is truly wonderful. VFTF1 EDIT: There is only ONE criticism I have of SOC Getter Robo: Bandai should have painted the trucks that carry the Rocket-Beds, and they should have painted the "base stand" which is also a very good mold of the actual rocket launch base. Including little mini pilot figures would also have been a good idea.
  25. I seriously doubt whether you can accuse Basara - even indirectly as in this quote - of "recklessly getting other soldiers killed" through his actions. If anything - it is the act of war that gets soldiers recklessly killed and Basara was trying to save those soldiers by stopping the war with his music. And one last note: I'm happy this thread is not dying Power to the Music! VFTF1
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