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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. Actually - the bit about Doc saying Duke is ok was added long after the movie was finished. They added it because of all of the terrible reviews of Transformers the Movie going on and on about how mothers had to leave the theaters with their little tots crying because Optimus Prime had died. Ergo Hasbro ordered them to add in a line about Duke being in a comma and being a-ok. so it was meant to have the impact you want. The "Think about the Children!" crowd just won the day - again. OH - AND RE: Those pictures of Scarlet: IT'S THE BOOOOBBY DUCK ATTACK!! GI-JOE STYLE!!! VFTF1
  2. Just to be clear - is this the AI Ghost Figther from Macross Plus? The suggestion is that the UN Spacy on Earth STILL insisted on replacing live pilots with Ghost fighters while colony vessels of various stipes developed their own piloted/manned fighters? That would be interesting if true VFTF1
  3. the most famous instance of Gundpod catching is Roy in Macross Zero - I need not elaborate, I hope. VFTF1
  4. Dag Eugimon - how heart breaking those pictures are Bad Yamato! Bad QC guy... you know - heh.... here's an image I just had- and it's not pretty: MacrossWorld Get Together At the Pub Day!! Yes - it's finally here - all of us at Macross World managed to get together in a pub...in Japan! We're having a great time, and then we meet a nice Japanese fellow who notices what we're talking about and is very happy. He listens to us intently; he loves hearing how we love our Valks... So finally - someone asks the guy "so what do you do?" and the gentleman says: "Oh I work in quality control at XXX (some place none of us know or have ever heard of)" "What's that?" "They're a new, up and coming toy manufacturer!" "Oh. Cool. What's it like working as a QC guy?" "Lot better than my old job - they ran me out for some reason." "Where was that?" "Yamato." ................................... That evening, the news in Japan is reporting on a bizarre incident of numerous American, European and other people ganging up on a poor young Japanese man in a bar and beating him senseless, tearing his clothes off while yelling "THIS IS FOR THE FRACTURED SHOULDER ON MY VFOA!!" and "THIS IS FOR THE CROOKED GUNPOD!" The whole group was rounded up and sentenced to jail. Most were deported errr.... but yeah - that really sucks. My VF-OS has no such problems. One of my OAs broke but at the elbow, not the shoulder, the other OA seems a-ok. My 19 has crooked gunpod syndrom because it was from the very first batch - Christmas!! VFTF1
  5. I always liked the chick who, despite looking like Freddy Crueger's daughter who went on to marry an Alien Face Hugger...still managed to be oddly sexy And so as not to get accused of going off topic: I love Macross Frontier so much that I've made Ranka (singing at the mall in episode five) the wallpaper on my nifty mobile phone Yay me. VFTF1
  6. I actual prefer fansubs. I like my stuff original with minimal intervention. VFTF1
  7. I knew about that like...days ago dude I also wanted to ask one thing abou this : I noticed on the promo pictures that the "rib" - the panel that flips out so that there isn't just a bare hole between the front chest and the back seems much thicker on the 1/60 than it is on 1/48. Does it cover up more? Really a pitty you need that bit of GBP to make your Valk totally show accurate - but I don't see how else they couldn't encorporated the necessary "covers"... does the 1/60 do a better job of playing cover up on this point? VFTF1
  8. No no - 25% chance to break a Yamato Valkyrie - but that includes everything else beyond the 1/48. The 1/48 is indeed top notch sturdy durable good stuff - although I am stil l delicate with it. The more I read this thread - they more I generally agree about the chunky monkeys. True - from the point of view of 80s transforming toys - this thing was great.... It's a tried and true tradition that continues up till today. Take any of the "newest" incarnations of Transformers; even the "cool" ones like...umm...hmm...trying to think of a realistic...ah yes - Masterpiece Starscream.... Someone noted that the VF transformation was way simplistic compared to MP Starscream - but actually - that is kind of the point. The whole idea behind the VF was that it could transform without killing the pilot. If someone was flying MP Starscream he would no doubt die a be diced to pieces during the transformation (I mean - the front of the cockpit folds up into where the pilot is sitting ... even if it somehow misses the pilot -the fact that the things comes apart, exposing the pilot at MACH whatever the speed is to a de-pressurized atmosphere... Well - you get the point The VF is "simple" - but that is what makes it elegent and realistic... and ...umm... Back to the point - I really would get myself a Chunky - but my budget - (the one I advise other people not to have) is just too tight at the moment. So much good stuff coming out. No TF Aniamted and no Chunky Munkys for me. Focusing on G1, Yammie, Gundam, (MF eventually), Revoltech and SOC. sadly - I don't have the funds to expand that list VFTF1
  9. I don't have any M7 songs on my laptop, so yes - that entices me VFTF1
  10. So Nanase is somewhat fat? She is a cute girl - I just don't like the type - but I appreciate how she's a good friend to Ranka As for the polling...I am shocked that Sheryl is getting more votes than ...Misa...geez... VFTF1
  11. You want to name the VF-27 after the all time Decepticon Fan who thought that she couldn't be your friend if you disagreed about Megatron and Nightbird being lovers?? VFTF1
  12. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????! I think that the REAL problem here is one of sensitivity. The ONLY way you can say that Robotech is more faithful to Macross than DYRL is if you accept that 36 episodes of Macross dubbed will just HAPPEN to be more similar to the original 36 episodes than a Movie rendition. That said - has it ever occured to you that there is a big difference between: "Do you Remember Love?" and "WE WILL WIN!" As the primary songs in the series? In fact - I completely DON'T see ANYTHING in Minmey's singing in Robotech that could POSSIBLY have moved the Zendradi to switch sides and discover culture. Also - the dialogue is attrocious!!! I mean - the dialogue in Macross is subtle; we get hints - we get mature intelligent dialogue. In Robotech we get "Lisa! I love you! Oh I need you!" It's TOTALLY DIFFERENT. They basically dumbed down Robotech to make it palpable for a mass market audience - aka they don't believe that the masses are capable of higher sentiments and thoughtfulness. I agree with your critique of DYRL insofar as the "changes" - particularly how Roy's death was handled - but on the other hand Misa and Hikaru get a lot more time together and - as has been mentioned- DYRL is merely a documentary drama in the Macross Universe. As for Macross 7 - it's NOT that simple. I highly recommend you slosh through the beginning and open yourself to Basaras message. But in general - look... Macross Zero is "boring" - well - Macross Zero just happens to be a moving love story and have a highly intelligent plot - so yes - for someone who likes Robotech and the idea of Minmey singing the equivalent of propaganda songs - then obviously Macross Zero is boring. Dido Macross 7 being about "vampires and some kids with guitars" - obviously the kids should be brandishing rifles, listening to Minmey sing "we will win!!" and charging into battle yelling "Yo Joe!" .... Kawamori makes a big effort - I think - to create stories that are very insightful, that speak to the problems of human nature and warfare ... To the extent that Robotech had anything half-decent in it - it was because no matter how hard you try (and boy did they try!) - you can't destroy all of the magic of the original. But seriously - I have no clue how you can think that "We will win! Life is what you make it! bla bla bla!" is a better song than Ai oboeteimatsuka - or that ANYTHING Minmey sings in Robotech is at all comparable to the beauty of what we hear in Macross... But I don't think you're a troll. I invite you to read all of the various threads on this forum and see how much great stuff there is in the Macross universe and I also recomend that you do watch Macross 7 not to mention Frontier VFTF1
  13. The wait for the figures is actually kind of like waiting for another great new Macros series. I want to say that I am thrilled with Frontier and with the potential of the upcoming figures/models. I am wholeheartedly supportive of making them 1/60 scale - and it is very good that Yamato is making 1/60 Perfect TF VF1s to boot! I am sure that when the Bandai VF-25s do finally come out - I'll be returning to the Macross Frontier saga with renewed interest and vigor! The idea that the top company in Japan is doing this is fabulous - I love Yamato and will continue to patronize them (aka be their patron! Not "put them down!" ) - but hopefully with Bandai doing MF - it will mean that there won't be any...err...experiments with QC at the cost of the customer VFTF1
  14. I like the one with the mini-gun best - I'm such a sucker for mini-guns... Generally there is much to chose from. VFTF1
  15. I will be fair: 1. In the days before the internet, and before the anime explosion, and before we realized where our Transformers came from - the efforts of the people who brought Robotech to the US were understandable, and even admirable. They wanted to expose Americans to some truly great works. 2. I have full sympathy for this effort and the predicament. It strives for putting high value of animated stories and high value on toys/figures/models rather than having crappy stuff litter the shelves and the airwaves. 3. This does not change the fact that the source material is SUPERIOR. So naturally, now, in the age of the internet, when people HAVE a choice - I jut can't fathom prefering Robotech to Macross. 4. So I don't "hate" Robotech - obviously it's bad to hate anything, as Richard Nixon said "Hate only destroys the hater" (or something like that) - but I don't like it compared to Macross - it's a terrible terrible show. 5. But in its' time - given the alternative was NOTHING - Robotech the cartoon and the RPGs (which got me on board) were probably the best gateway to the wonderful world of Japanese anime. There. I've been fair. Now let me end by saying Robotech SUKKZORZZ!! VFTF1
  16. See - this is why I prefer Cobra: I always prefer people who are trying to FIX the system (even if they are misguided and wrong) to people who only exist to OBEY they system. Be that as it may - the Cobra-La backstory was also somewhat interesting VFTF1
  17. Well - also I wanted to ask whether lung capacity was tied to breast size? As far as I know - breast size and lung-size/capacity aren't related? But I am really bad in biology - so can someone explain? VFTF1
  18. I think Macross Frontier was becoming the best Anime series since SDF M, but then they just totally dropped the ball as soon as it was revealed that brain-washed Care Bears were piloting the Vajra, and that Ranka's songs inspired them to "come out of their crab shells" so to speak. Also, I kind of lost interest when Alto and Skull Squadron started shouting "Let the light shine!" every time they hit a Vajra. Finally - when Serpentor turns out to be the elader in control of the Vajra, and the Vajra start each attack run with "CO-bra-la-lalalalalalalalal!!!" then that is the point where the show just ...well... stopped being interesting. On the plus side - the first five episodes were really good. VFTF1
  19. Well whoever it is - Kawamorii has clearly modeled him on somebody else - yet another instance where MF is just a copycat series. I've seen it all before! VFTF1
  20. Lucy - from what I gathered about her in Macross Plus - doesn't put out, but was authentically taken by Dyson. She must have felt something for him because she didn't relay Myung's phone call right away and was ovbiously pretty emotional about telling him about it and "letting him go" - heck, there was even a sense in her voice that she was hoping Dyson would turn around and say "yes, no one owns me, but I don't want to leave Eden, I want to stay here with you" - which he didn't. I feel sorry for Lucy. Nice girl. Bit skinny, but a sweetheart. VFTF1
  21. Oddly enough ... yeah - I can see a slight connection... but other than the similarity of the glasses - no... He reminds me of someone out of a Morgan Freeman movie... Speaking of which - I found another reason to stop watching Macrss: Frontier - another example of the show just blatantly copying stuff! Yesterday, I was watching "Chinatown" - Episode 15 of the Macross Saga, and when Minmey takes Hikaru to Yokohoma, she says "Mmmm! Smell that fresh salt water! You can't smell that smell anywhere else" - or something to that effect. Why - this is just like Sheryl saying "There are so many wonderful smells here" about Frontier, and then explaining that Galaxy is powered by chemical facilities.... It's pretty much word for word - verbotem! Copy catting! Yet another reason to hate Macross Frontier! Gr. bark. Roar. VFTF1
  22. Ok - now you're going to think I'm being sarcastic - but I swear I recognize that guy from somewhere. Either his character design is heavily based on some dude from a movie I saw - but for the life of me can't recall... or he has actually appeared in Macross before...maybe in Macross 7? He just really reminds of someone - although not of a Zendradi... VFTF1
  23. It's called the Konig Monster It's a Transforming Tank - only instead of treads, it has feet - and this really comes in handy when you build tanks for interstellar warfare - since treads wouldn't really be so useful in outerspace for destroids... VFTF1
  24. Oh yes- can we please? I was actually wanting to create such a thread but the rules do say "no Robotech" ... The best thing about a "Spitting on Robotech" Thread would be that ONLY hatred would be allowed there. No discussion of the "merits or demerits" - only pure making fun of and hating on Robotech. I figure that wouldn't break the rules - because we wouldn't be "discussing" Robotech - we'd be venting our hatred of it? Can we please? I just watched Shadow Chronicles on YouTube and I have so much rage and disgust and laughter to spill forth I could even volunteer to moderate the thread. I would happily delete any and all posts that had anything EXCEPT for contempt and loathing for Robotech pretty please VFTF1
  25. Yeah - I never actually watched the show either (never watched Robotech at all!). I just played the Palladin roll playing game and it was post-apocalyptic - it was basically like a continuation of SDF-Macross with the simmering resentment of the Zendradi on a post- Boldoza attack Earth. At the risk of being tarred and feathered- this is the only part of the Robotech saga which I think was generally well done - at least in terms of the general outline - a basic continuation of the "Zendradi find it hard to assimilate" theme - Also - as I said - I have a soft spot for everything and anything taking place in big, open terrains with lots of rocks, fragmented civilizations, and a world that is vastly extinct and raw - aka post apocalyptic:) VFTF1
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