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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. I don't think it looks bad. It looks like a VF-25. But it will cost 200 USD?? How much in Yen? VFTF1
  2. YF-21's been cancelled. Apparently Yamato decided Macross is not profitable. Bizzare story here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080516/wl_nm/..._yf21_sucker_dc here's the best quote. For those who don't know, a COO is a "chief operating officer" - kind of like the go-to guy who does the dirty work for the CEO: "Former Quality Control manager and newl promoted Yamato COO Whang Ho Shin, during a speech delivered at the Tokyo Toy Manufacturers Conference, noted that the slumping world economy combined with sharp competition from toy makers who "focus more on mass production than quality production," Yamato could no longer compete. Known for its extremely detailed and faithful rendition of Macross toys, the company's products were also some of the highest priced in the market. Shin noted that it was "sad that although the technology exists to make truly breath taking toy models of Macross anime, there is just not enough demand to sustain their production in the long run, which is why I have suggested, and the board has approved, that Yamato shift gears. We are happy to announce that we have just signed a joint venture commitment with Takara-Tomy to help in the production of the re-issue Pokemon toys...." VFTF1
  3. JsArclight makes a ton of good points - I will comment based on some movies... Spideman two is a good example of mixing CG with models. The scenography of the place where Doc Oc and Spidy have their final battle is a giant model - even the water is real. Nevertheless, the crew went and CGed the whole thing to make it look "better" - even rendering more texture to the water. The train fight scene is a mix of real footage of Chicago and CG footage of Chicago (and to make the CG footage of Chicago they had to go shoot footage of Chicago anyways). I think what we're seeing is a bit of a competition between the CG guys and the model/visual effects guys. Every time the visual effects guys say "look we can do this scene more realistic!" the CG guys get edgy and are determined to show that they can do it on computer. The best directors hone both elements and get the best of both worlds (Michael Bay's Transformers is a great example of the best of both worlds). Lucas did the entire prequel in CG because Lucas is a revolutionary and crazy - and since no one had ever done an entire film in Blue Screen - and he had the budget to do whatever the flip he wanted with SW - he did it in blue screen - so whatever we say about Phantom Menace and the other prequels - we have to admit that Lucas pushed the limits of what is possible. Personally - I do tend to prefer models; but I wonder whether a lot of that is due to the fact that I am an old fellow who is sentimental about certain visual effects. Heck - I love Terminator and Alien, but I am not so excited about Termintor 3 and Alien IV... Why? Because part of what I love is that back then - with no fancy computer gizmos to render what they wanted - people worked their butts off to make the things look real AND had to LIMIT how much screen time the scary real things got - this made them EVEN SCARIER. Nowadays CG lets us put a trillion aliens on screen or a million terminators - it lets Doc Oc and Spidy do a gazilion "cool" movements in their fights. This dilutes the "surprise!" factor we feel when we see something suddenly out of the ordinary. This is why, ironically, GOOD ACTING is becoming more crucial to the success of CG enhanced movies. Look again at Transformers: the film would have flopped without Shea Labeuf and the likes of John Torriceli giving it that surrealistic romping stomping good time feel. Having the Pope onboard also helped. Without good acting and good character interaction; CG enhanced films risk becoming extremely banal. In the original Star Wars trilogy - the bad acting was not important - the visuals were so awesome and the scope so grand that we just forgave them. But in the prequels; since the CG has made us EXPECT "incredible" things happening every 2 seconds - the bad acting and plot problems came out more visibly than they would have otherwise. As to whether CG will cease being so widly employed: I don't think so. It will continue to be improved to the point of making actors and actresses a thing of the past. In the future, films will be tailored to individual needs; produced and directed by computers which we can hook up to and which record a personal emotional and psychological history profile on us and tailor our movies to what we expect, dream of, fear, want etc. In fact - we'll probably be IN our movies. Movies in the future will be like Total Recall. People who want to see a movie will just go to the company like Arnie did to buy a vacation - only they'll just buy a LIFE - literally. We will all want to be hooked into the Matrix. Eventually - humanity will actually allow itself to serve as batteries for super intelligent machines which promise to put us into a fantasy paradise of our own choosing. It's a matter of time - it is our destiny as humans. we will either annihalate ourselves by war - or we will voluntarily become organic batteries powering super computers which in turn fulfill our deepest desires and fantasies - even perhaps giving us the illusion of immortality as our bodies slowly decompose. VFTF1
  4. Some of us haven't seen anything besides episode 8 of Turn-A-Gundam But I am now downloading all of OO; will then go to Turn-A, and eventually Wing. Have heard good things about Seed - but I think I'll save "the best" for last VFTF1
  5. Blaaah! Robotech suxorz!!! That said - the only visual and audio experience I have acquired (recently) with Robotech is through Youtube. Here are my thoughts: 1. The Sentinels: I actually lke this - or at least I liked the parts focusing on Rem and Cabel. Prick and Lasy's wending I could do without - it was terrible. Breetai's character redesign is aweful. I generally hate the uniforms - tight spider-man pants for everybody + Han Solo jumpsuit jacket just doesn't work. The hairstyles are terrible. That said - Rem and Cabel's plight; and their Greco-Roman looks - are cool. The Inorganics are great Mecha...er...noids?... although the Hellcat is my least favorite - but those big one eyed guys with their penises sticking out are just the best! I love 'em! Anyways - there were only three episodes of this made; but it's generally decent - at least the parts covering Rem and Cabel... I hate watching whiny Prick Hunter moan and groan about being a leader.... and Lasy and the girls shopping for a wedding dress and running into We Will Win!! is just droll.... 2. Robotech : Macross Saga I have only seen a few scenes of this from youtube. I was devastated. How could they DOOOO that? SDF Macross has Misa captured by the Zendradi - Hikaru saves her, but she shatters the microfilm camera and can't get out of the dead Zendradi's grip. She begs Hikaru to leave her and is clearly reproaching herself for failing to protect the micro-film. Hikaru says he won't turn his back on a girl and Misa briefly smiles in surprise as he pulls her out. Now Robotech: "Oh Prick! Trapped here in this Zendradi's evil clutches I've suddenly realized I can't live without you! I'm going to profess my love to you here and now because I far our American audiences are to braindead to appreciate a subtle undertone of mutual affection that blossoms into love over 36 episodes! Therefore I feel compelled to let you know how much I care! I'll be there! Whereever you are! Moon or Star..forever and ever you'll be in my heaart...I'll be theeeeerrreee!" Oh jeezus no. The only other thing I've seen in Robotech is when Prick rescues Lasy again - this time from the undeground Alaska base. "oh Prick! I knew you'd come! I love you! oh! Let me profess my love for you again! It's not enough that people will feel the love emanating between us on the basis of our facial expressions, the music, and the general background that has slowly built up to this moment - no! I must profess my love loud and clear so there can be no doubt in anyone's mind - even though according to the plot I shouldn't be professing my love so loud and clear because in a few episode's I'll get mad over those Minmey pictures - but here and now I want to underscore what a weak tramp I am and tell you I love you!" Ok - so I'm paraphrasing - but you get the gist. But the catch all that just kils it is the last episode. SDF Macross ended with such wonderful poetry. Robotech..."I love Prick and you better stay away skank ho!" "Oh Prick! How could you!? After I sang we will win for everbody! Noo!" I also watched a bit of Robotech Masters on youtube... It was...well...kind of lame; although sort of ok... I dunno - I don't trust anything that's not in Japanese. I'm biased that way And I'm getting old - so my bias will only fester and grow deeper and deeper until I'm an old shriveled man sittin' on my porch mumbling "Robotech! Feh!" VFTF1
  6. It looks....like a VF-25! Actually - it's not packed...it's..chunky...like a...monkey! VFTF1
  7. Misa looks cute!! Bring on the Filipino Matchbox reissues! NOWWWW! VFTF1
  8. Heh Now if the Mikhael/Klan Klan background is indeed true then that would be very sweet and endear me to the Klan Klan character. Whatever the ultimate background - I just hope Klan Klan gets fleshed out soon - she is very much a blank slate now. She is the eye-candy of Macross Frontier. She is the Megan Fox of the series - awaiting character development (albeit - at least Mikheala was kind'a cool in the 'I'm a bad girl with a criminal dad who hasn't had the best of lives but is loyal to her friends and doesn't like being treated like a bimbo although if you really push me I am a Bimbo and would gladly sit on your laps for the sake of seat belt safety' kind of way:) ) VFTF1
  9. That is so cool! I never considered it that way - but you're right! No wonder Misa is jealous - there are plenty of good looking girls to compete with her - but Minmey just happens to always go for the guys misa also likes! Maybe Macross Frontier will bring us something along the lines of a Jerry Springer confrontation? Would be a great spoof of the high romanticism of the love-triangle theme in Macross VFTF1
  10. May I be the first to second that opinion? VFTF1
  11. I refuse to believe that Yamato would do that. Besides - if you want to be REALLY picky about that picture observe: Oooo look! No second screw! There's nooooo screw!! Yamato! What have you done!! Now I'll have to fly to Japan to get a customized screw for the that!! Geez Yamato! When I said "DON'T SCREW ME AGAIN!" I didn't expect this cruel cruel misunderstanding - I didn't mean "don't put a screw where there should be one!" :) But seriously guys- how many times has Hasbro released promotional pics of mis-transformed Transformers? And do people go around saying 'that's just wrong!' - no - they say - 'that's just mistransformed.' VFTF1
  12. Actually I think Klan was at the mall for two reasons: 1) It's a Zendradi Mall; and ultimately as "coincidential" as it seems, one can't fault the show creators for actually placing the main and supporting characters into each episode. 2) So Mikhael could stare at her breasts for a moment We'll see where all this goes. VFTF1
  13. SHERYL won!?!?! Over Minmey even!? *sigh* .... We'll always have Yokohama... VFTF1
  14. I'm holding my breath Come to me DX! VFTF1
  15. Yeah - this is a known problem. No pics of the box has been released yet - I wouldn't worry. VFTF1
  16. Didn't we go over this earlier in the thread? Obviously the just used two right hand strike pieces - it's not going to be like that in the box... is it?? VFTF1
  17. Just keep them in the box - that's what I do most of the time. All of my Macross, my Revoltech, my Yamatos, my SOCs...everything is packed up in its' nice protective boxes. Heck - even my built Gundams go back in their boxes! I always advise people that they do NOT need to have all one billion of their figures out on display - just keep the ones you like most at the time out. I keep the ones I'm using/playing with out and rotate them once in a while. of course - keeping them out of heavy light etc etc also helps. But the sturdy boxes do serve a purpose and I highly rate companies which go to the trouble of providing good protective packacing that can be kept and used to store the product in. vftf1
  18. I really don't understand what Bandai has against Macross. They make these utterly stupendous Soul of Chogokin figures. Their Gundam models are out of this world awesome. Then WE get shafted. I'm not saying these are abominable - they're nice, they're ok - if they're going to be 1/72 and cheap and models needing paint then yeah - whoppy. But I'm holding out for some 1/60 goodness. Come on Bandai Make us happy! VFTF1
  19. Gurren Lagann is indeed awesome. At first I was kind of meh on him because he looks to twisty-complex for his own good (had the same feeling about Black Selena SOC) - but the more I look at it the more I see that it's not "strange" - it's just a great innovative design VFTF1
  20. Well I am curious about Klan Klan's further role in the series - that's for sure. She just hasn't really had much of anything to do. I'd say her role so far has been comparable to Canalia - but she's just made a bigger splash than the former VFTF1
  21. As I have probably repeated a million times over - I did just that - or rather; I decided I would ONLY collect G1 reissues/MISB and Masterpiece. That really saves you lots of money. I just can't justify it - the line is getting more and more kiddy poo. Besides - there's so much more interesting stuff in the world of anime... Go beyond Macross and get Soul of Chogokin, Gundam - much much more out there that really is great TF will always be neato - but only G1 .. oh - and Beast Wars. Well - and Car Robots eventually. can't wait for the 1/60. I like that it comes with its' SS parts - and I really do hope it's a major improvement over teh 1/48 in durability vftf1
  22. Weep Grana Weep Nini Bong! VFTF1
  23. Oooh boo hoo I think Alto is just a superior pilot Although I agree that it's kind of silly having a mock battle with Q-Rau who can't fire their missile spread (even if they are just missile paint rounds)... also - wouldn't it be extremely dangerous for the Q-Rau to be loaded with live ammo that is readily available for launch? I mean - in such a training situation that's usually a no-no. Here it was the deus ex machina plotus devisus du jour Oh - but since this IS the Klan Klan club - I'll say something nice about her: With a bit of hard work - one day - she'll be as good a pilot as Alto VFTF1
  24. I guess this is a valid discussion topic but - For my part, I must admit that I have NEVER had a problem with ANY animation in ANY cartoon or anime... This is because I immediately get sucked into the "world" that the animation creates - and if it happens to be "badly animated" - well - what you call "bad animation" is just a world that looks different then how you think it ought to or to what you're used to. I love cartoons and anime and I love all of the various styles and interpretations of every-day objects - it's like living art - the artist doesn't just create a frame - but an entire moving world.... Imagine if instead of just one painting, all of Michealangelo's frescos moved and interacted - imagine if it was a comic book:) ...which actually it sort of is - since all of those old frescos and stuff in Churches and cathedrals were meant to tell the stories of the religion to people who didn't know how to read and fell alseep when the Priest was talking about it ... So overall - I never actually criticize animation... even when it is "blatantly" inconsistent - I much prefer to come up with crazy rationals that explain away the inconsistency - good fodder for fanfiction and fuel for the imagination I say! What I like most about Macross Frontier is how cute Ranka's character design is - her hair is modeled after a Beagle's ears - and it gives her the cute puppy demeanor - but her face is that of a beautiful young woman. I like Alto's feminine looks juxtaposed with his massively manly attitude and emotions. Very nice contrast. Ozma is the most "normal" character of the bunch - and the most "realistic" looking (well, Cathy too... meant for eachother?? ) Sheryl I had trouble warming too - she actually has a very unique face - a very strong, manly face - and I just don't go for that -but I have warmed to her much more now that she's warmed to Ranka. I've decided that Sheryl's "I'm a biatch!" routine is part of the act. Deep down she's a softy But in general - it's hard for me to criticize animated stuff. More likely I just won't like the "world" that an animated show is ..er...showing me... VFTF1
  25. I love both of these guys! And I would definitely put my money of Jackie Chen! Li is a frightfully great martial artist - but I am hoping that what Jackie Chan demonstrated in Drunken Master can actually be done in real life - there is NO WAY to fight that! I hate Poland because there are practically NO martial arts movies with Chan or Li available on DVD here... every frackin' time I go to the store in the hopes of finding Drunken Master or anything of the sort - none! none! none! I miss that film VFTF1
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