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Macross Frontier Episode 7 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
VFTF1 replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
Ok, just watched the Gattai sub episode 7 - which I suprisingly managed to download in the space of one night... Strange how sometimes it takes me a week and sometimes i takes me a few hours... Sooooooooooo.......... Ra ra. Fight fight. I will admit that the new Macross is impressive - particularly its' gerwalk mode. I also think it's a nice touch that Bobby is charged with piloting it in action. He clearly takes over the whole thing - although I kind of prefered the original crew-working together of the original Macross to the "yaargg!" gung-ho Bobby...although I guess it's a POV camera angle problem more than anything else - since obviously Kanjo is still giving the orders and all the bridge bunnies do their various tasks as well. I still don't understand why Cathy was on the ship. What were her special orders and why was she necessary? I think her presence is somewhat contrived and forced. Alto is crazy and he's a superior pilot to everyone - even Ozma (who, recall, was "shot down" and wounded in episode 3). In fact, I'm almost annoyed at Alto's talent. It's nearly super human. He never flew these things before and seems to just have a knack for it. But ok - I guess Max did too when he got behind the Valkyrie ... The "rescue Luca" plot point was overkill... In fact - Luca should have just BEEN killed. We haven't see the Vajra take any prisoners - and then all of a sudden Luca is taken prisoner and put in an Alien Cacoon....?? I get the feeling this happened only because it allowed Alto to rescue Luca just in time before the Macross blew the mother ship. Again - somewhat contrived. But I guess it's equally 'contrived' (am I even spelling that right?) as Sheryl coincidentially meeting Ranka on a street and striking up a friendship... So I shouldn't complain - since up to now none of the stuff has been "contrived." The Koning Monster's debut is just beautiful. In fact - Canary suddenly went up on my "Babe-ometer" for the simple fact that she pilots it. She's turning out to be a really sweet, silent, dependable good looking girl who happens to pilot the Monster- all traits I desire in a woman. I'm a bit confused about Ranka and Sheryl "talking" to eachother in limbo... ?? Tranplants? Telepathy? Imagination? And how is it that Alto heard her song? Through the ear-ring? Klan Klan again didn't do much. Which is too bad. She continues to be a cardboard character, a one trick pony. Although the short snipe at Mikhael indicates that the theory about their childhood was correct. Sooo.... I look forward to Klan Klan getting more development; but somehow I think she's going to remain marginal throughout the series - hopefully I'm wrong. And did Bobby say "congratulations" to Cathy as a pun - aka "oh she's not scared, just pregnant?" In any case - I hope Bandai makes us a good new Macross model That thing is really great. But I'm looking forward to episode 8. Let's get back to the personal story. This battle - all in all - was reminiscent of Macross 7. Our heroes flew in and daringly repelled the enemy and lived happily ever after. In SDFM TV, even though they were cannon fodder, you had Valkyrie getting toasted all over the place, and Hikaru was shown really feeling the sadness of war weighing down on him. Here it's like a fashion runway for Valkyrie... everybody gets their dramatic angle and POV shots and really shows their stuff... it's nice - but it's a tad weary... In Macross Zero, the fight scenes were also few and far between - but when they happened; there were accute consequences (people being killed, shot down, civilians dying etc etc) - you got the sense that this was dangerous and tragic stuff. This fight scene is a bit gratuitous - although I guess what with so much focus on the characters in the past few scenes, they figured "we need to give Mecha lovers some love" and all in all it was well structured and well executed. Just...not as thought out as it could have been. Worse episode thus far. Saving grace: Planet Dance Formation VFTF1 -
The guy with the horse is the one I'm looking to get and Daimos too VFTF1
Yuppie! My Music Label Soundwave's MiniSD card just arrived!! Soundwave has become a Fire Bomber pimp and belts out Bassara! Well... and some Minmey Where can I find an mp3 of Ranka's what bout my star?? I'm actually thinking of Custom Painting a Music Label Soundwave into A Fire Bomber groupie VFTF1
Also - in the real world; newer and better is often smaller. Lots of examples of this... VFTF1
Wow! That's really interesting - and so logical. So when gas/air is heated to a plasma state...then...then what? What is a "plasma state?" exactly and ...what does the heating of gas and air have to do with thermonuclear reactions? (thermo means like..temperature/heat... nuclear...nuclea... nucleons? ... is plasma have something to do with nucleons?) Sorry for asking what is probably a schoolyard level question - But I have no where near the expertise of an engineer and yet it sounds to interesting.... Does this mean that the Valkyrie only needs an atmosphere to fly in, and never needs to refeul? It's enough that there is gas/air going in? And then what does it run on in space? VFTF1
Yeah - Starship troopers is excellent as is. What could you possibly want "remade" in that?? You know - what they really need to do instead of remaking is just BRING THE OLD MOVIES BACK TO THE THEATER. I mean - seriously- it would be cheaper for the studios and easier on us. And who wouldn't go see Alien in the theater again, just for kicks? Heck - Lucas did it with the original Star Wars trilogy and it was good fun. Remaking a movie makes sense only if the director has a really new and interesting twist or the visual effects technology warrants it... But it's a tough call ... VFTF1
A guy in a mosquito net is your idea of safe sex? As to sci-fi stuff... I don't know anything about science - so I haven't got much to say on this point. In fact; everything I learned about science I learned in cartoons and comic books But this thread is an interesting read. VFTF1
Yeah. That's all well and good, but don't you think the VF-1 is a bit small? **WHAPP!!!*** OWW! :) Err...sorry... anyways - I would like to ask the question no one seems to be asking: Do you think this thread needs to be retconed? VFTF1
You'd be surprised how many Germans feel that they were unfairly and unjustly injured as a result of WWII There's a marginal albeit sufficiently large-to-be-important popular movement in Germany now for the acknowledgement of German victimhood as a result of the forced removal of Germans from Poland's western lands in 1945. The sad thing is - technically they are right. The forced removal and repression of the German minority in Poland after WWII was no better than what the NAZIs did to other people ... My point is that the fact that we feel like we "need" to find som stereotypical villain to be put into a movie is the terrible result of most of the trash holywood feeds us. The sad truth is that in war, no side is ever 100% right, and even if one side is theoretically superior (for instance "believes" in better stuff like freedom or democracy or whatever), then war forces all sides to basically become the same: organized mass killing machines So - I actually am a big fan of movies like Yamato or Stalingrad which show German soldiers and Japanese sailors as people engulfed in the tragedy of warfare as well. Not that there isn't heroism - only that heroism is not a one-sideed phenomena. Holywood should make more good movies- whether they're re-makes or not is beside the point. VFTF1
The head design does look - well - not bad or ... I just can't find a word...it's very different from what we've come to expect of Valkyrie. It generally has all of the features of a 1J 9 head - but is just so very different anyways... will take some getting used too. Mikhael's Valk head is pure Max though VFTF1
Red Dawn was a great movie I loved it. Of course, the premise of an invasion was a bit..well..bizzare - but then again, I'm sure that's what EVERYBODY whose country has ever been invaded first thinks when they hear "we've been invaded!"... and the movie was supposed to wake Americans up to the fact that they were not immune from the forces of history. Sure it was corny, it was cheesy, it was a B movie... but it had its' moments I'm a Red Dawn fan. Another good movie in the same vein - which SHOULD be remade - was "By Dawn's Early Light." "By Dawn's Early Light" is like the liberal Red Dawn. It shows a nuclear war breaking out between the USA and USSR by complete accident - very much like Dr. Strangelove - only this time the majority of the US government is killed when DC is nuked. The President's helicopter crashes, and the President survives and taken to a field hospital. No body believes him when he says he's the president The only surviving member of the government is the Secretary of...Agriculture or something like that - and he is "next in line" - gets manipulated by the generals and decides to launch full blown nuclear retaliation... Anyways - not to spoil the whole movie - but it's fun, it's daring, it's inteligent - and it's the 1980s and it's cheesy! It could easily be remade Although I generally agree remakes suck. VFTF1
I would have been a Minmey groupy! VFTF1
What 'bout my star? by Ranka obviously By the by - can I reactive my Rank vs Sheryll songstress/cover poll? VFTF1
I just want to note that I love it when people ask seemingly silly questions like "Should Macross be retconed" or the like, because it leads to some interesting ideas and thoughts That said - what would have happened if Macross HAD been retconed? I ask as a Transformers fan who lamments the fact that for all intents and purposes ("multiverse" theories aside), Transformers has no cannon any longer. In fact; the story has been in stand still since Beast Machines. NOTHING new - concept wise - has come out; it's all now just an never ending retcon I am soooo happy Macross has retained canonical structure. This is extremely important. The most long lasting sagas that are the most loved are the ones that are unique and not rehashed a million times. Star Wars is a good example of this, as are Alien or other similar films. Anyways - I don't want Macross retconed and "done better" - I like it as is. DYRL could - by some stretch of the imagination - be considered a "retcon" of SDFM TV, but I think the notion of it being a docu-drama within SDF-M TV continuity fits quite well... In either case - Kawamori's policy of no revisting certain aspects of past series is beneficial. VFTF1
Yeah - and I can't believe people out there actually believe that an alien rocket that crashedat roswell is the source of modern technology, when in fact it's been obvious for those of us with brains that it all came from Megatron. Thank God for Micheal Bay finally bringing truth to all people. Speaking of mixing reality with fiction... it would be utterly cool if Yoshi Fukuyama went on a world tour for peace and good will with his music. That would rock! VFTF1
Azreal wrote: Agreed. For instance this guy wrote: Now come on! Everyone knows that modern technology was reverse engineered from Megatron! duh! VFTF1
MisaForever wrote: Soooo..... The MW member who started the Klan Klan Fan Club ... thinks Klan Klan looks like a cross between a midget and a 5 year old? :) :) (just teasing!) VFTF1
Err... fellas... When Klan Klan is micloned - she does not magically lose years. She's still a grown woman. She's still "over" whatever the age limit is I think the reaction to that sweet picture just shows a bias against love. I mean - that picture is not featuring or promoting intimacy with a minor - because Klan Klan is NOT a minor. So - she looks like a minor - but so what? I think it's a sweet picture and shows that Mikhael loves her even if she looks like a midget crossed with a 5 year old. And that's just heartwarming VFTF1
Appreciate the effort, but I'm going to stick with Minmey singing "Ai Oboetai imatsuka" for my ring tone But I don have Ranka as my wallpaper VFTF1
Well - hold on a minute guys Look - in SDF Macross TV you had vending machine robots on wheels but NO cell phones! Hikaru and Minmey could never pursue their budding romance because, unlike Alto and Ranka, they couldn't just text message one another. If Minmey had been able to text message Hikaru "hey baby! Got you VIP seat at the premiere of Shao Pai Lon! Really really want you to be there! Kisses Minmey" then Hikaru would not have ended up grabbing Misa's butt and continuing to fall in love with her. Likewise, there are plenty of sci-fi or "future" novels which show the US and Soviet Union "finally" cooperating for the good of mankind. I think it's fun when "future" novels get so much stuff wrong. I don't advocate retconing - but I do advocate thinking about it After all - I'm sure that in 20 years, there will be technological gizmos that will make us go "now if only Alto had one of those then..." VFTF1
I was wondering about that too, but other than the slightly crooked gunpod, I've not heard the 19 getting complaints either. VFTF1
This sounds like you're talking about a woman! VFTF1
K9 is the ultimate technological achievement and all other Mecha pale before his alumimnum chasis and blinking Christmas light optics! VFTF1
That seems to be the opinion of the majority of Youtubers - and I agree it sounds very different - but I think it has heart and that's all that matters to me Naturally I prefer listening to Yoshiki Sempai, and I imagine the bloke who did this english version of the song does too - he just loves it enough to do it in english VFTF1