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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. Next chapter online : http://www.dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=1524
  2. I got FOC Grimlock, Starscream and Prime Ratchet for my BDay. Still haven't had time to play with them…
  3. Next chapter online http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=1456
  4. http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=1512
  5. I suddenly have a craving for HGUC Hy Gogg and some cheap toy boats to blow up... it's kind of like my farm diaroama dream for Turn A in a field of cows....
  6. That reminds me... I never built any aquatic Gundams... always been partial to space suits... but I should check these out! :-)
  7. I think a kiddie action line of affordable Gurren Lagann mecha would be awesome. Pokemon sized, simple. No more than two moving limbs and MAYBE a gimmick. The idea is for it to be easy to assemble an army :-)
  8. I suddenly have the urge to build the hguc g gundam, but first shenlong mg must be built.... Talgeese is ugly innblue, the regular one is fine. I need more zakus and 0079 mecha, but first sleep....
  9. What a coincidence :-) I just finished HGUC Zeta. This, the MKII and RX78 are the only ones I have both HGUC and MG for. They are so iconic to me and I need them in multiple scales for my photocomics. I still haven't tried RG. I might get some Seed mecha in that category one day..although probably not. Anyways, the picture is shoddy quality, so don't judge a book by its pixel count:-)
  10. I'm happy with my DVD set and revoltech GL with Wings. Pete (Who feels a bit like Old Simon at the end... I really need to rewatch this show)
  11. What would bug me is Hotrod being so much taller than Red Alert and Sideswipe...
  12. I would like Maxfactory, Kaiyodo, or anybody else to make Macross figures - people that is... figma, revoltech... that size... Pete
  13. I actually did panel line it, I guess the lighting and photo editing just blurred that. Painting, even flat coating, is just something I don't have time for. As for decals, Zero is one Gundam I prefer to leave without them :-) I like decals on my Zeta era Gunpla, but not on 0079 or Wing... not really sure why this is... Pete
  14. I've gotten back into Transformers thanks to FOC, which I think are great! Here's my Optimud Prime. Meanwhile, I'm waiting on G2 FOC Bruticus, hope it gets here soon. Finally can anyone tell me what they think of :-) first edition deluxe Starscream from Prime? I love the robot design and think it suits the character better than G1, but am a little weary of the kibble undercarrage in jet mode...
  15. I have added several new episodes to my fan photo comics, all of which are here: http://dyrl.pl/kategorie.html?cat_id=224 Below are the covers to the most recent chapters:
  16. Here are some pictures of my wing zero. I really like the wing gundams!:-)
  17. I just built the attached Wing Zero. Have gotten into Gundam Wing now. I Like the super robot vibe, and do prefer these designs to other series. Next on the to-do list, however, is the HGUC Hambrabi:-) Pete
  18. Kennedy also took Lincoln's famous line that "the nation cannot endure half slave and half free" and updated it during his debate with Nixon to "the world cannot endure half slave and half free", a reference to the XXth century slavery behind the Iron Curtain. Sadly, to my mind the parallels ended just about there. In any event, as a huge Lincoln fan, I am looking forward to watching this film and almost scared that it won't live up to expectations. Pete
  19. I've seen the first three or so episodes of zz and was pleasantly surprised. The visuals were dark, the setting eerily post-war grit, and the humor a bit dark, as is appropriate for the survivors of a space war... Pete
  20. In the end, I still prefer the original anime. Pete
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