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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. That Pinneapple salad got me thinking. If only the Mafia had a great appreciation of Macross. In the Godfather, all we got was that stinking fish in paper. Wouldn't it be cool if, for example, somebody walked into a restaurant and ordered steak or something - and the waitress ominously brought him...Pinneapple salad and said "with complements from the gentlemen at table eleven." As for the prototype pics... yay - another one. But I would like to finally have something painted to look at. VFTF1
  2. The Shadow Chronicles are fun to watch in the same way that it is fun to kick an 80 year old blind woman who just had her legs amputated - and then steal her last 50 bucks and spend it on a hooker. But watch it on youtube. Don't pay for the experience. VFTF1
  3. Heh And here I was thinking "wow - an honest to gosh anti-Macross Frontier thread!" .... but no... of course not I am just finishing my download of episode 13. I appreciate the desire to watch it all in one fell swoop. That's how I watched Macross 7 and SDF M. But I must admit that I am thrilled to be able to take MF in my parts - it's like being a kid all over again and wondering what will happen next VFTF1
  4. At this point in time, my feelings on the subject of the girls are in limbo. I've gone completely Hikaru - I can't make up my mind - so one of them is going to have to do something desperate, like tell me they love me and they're going away on a space ship bond for the center of the galaxy and then run off into a blaze of missiles or something... In other words - as the series progresses, I'm slowly going back to just loving Misa Although I must admit that (other than Sara), no other Macross girls have made such an impression on me as Ranka did in Frontier. Sheryl I guess I got briefly excited about.... But seriously - I'm at a loss. Both of the girls are great. VFTF1
  5. Yeah, but Gigil died singing and in love, Kinryu died singing, and Physica died in love. All three of them died happier than they lived. SDF M was so sad precisely because Roy was taken - much like Nora in Zero - in a way that was...what were the words used by Ivanov? "Worthless?" "Senseless?" Something to that token - without honor, just gone And I still can't venture a prediction. I think it's bad luck to predict people's deaths - even anime characters VFTF1
  6. I guess this is as good a time as any to let you guys know that I am on the Board of Directors of Hanna Barbara Inc. Early on in the production stages of Macross: Frontier, our studio got wind of things and we approached Kawamorii with a proposition. After some negotiation, he agreed, saying our idea was "going to revolutionize anime" I am probably going to lose my job for revealing this, but I'm already 65 and have confirmed colone cancer - so I probably won't live to WATCH episode 19 of Macross Frontier, let alone discuss it with you...so...into the hands of Fate! Shera and He-Man are Ranka and Sheryl's parents. A Fold Dislocation brought them into the Macross Universe where they concieved two baby girls before being chased down by Skeletor and subsequently assasinated. There - cat is out of the bag. Crazy as it sounds - it is the truth. I may not live to see it...and if in fact episode 19 doesn't have this relevation - then it is probably due to a conspiracy - the REAL episode 19 where Shera and He-Man are revealed as the parents DOES EXIST. Find it Macross Fans! And never give up until you do! VFTF1
  7. I initially thought the title of this thread was: "Watch Aliens Munch Shoji" and became very interested. Then it turns out it's about Aliens. Bummer. VFTF1
  8. There was a special episode!? No body told me about this! And on the note of this thread - when I first saw it, I was frightened because a couple of local fans that congregate at a TF board I visit but also like Macross are really down on Macross: Frontier - going on and on and on about how it's just rehashing old stuff, how the characters are just carbon copies etc etc etc... In any event - I see there's no need to whip out the "forty million reasons why you are wrong" Reactive Weaponry... so I'll just add my voice to the chorus of Love for Macross Frontier. It's the perfect series. It pays honor and homage to all that is good in the franchise, while progressing the plot and moving things forward AND introducing new and amazing characters. Just like SDF Macross was the standard for animated shows in the 80s and kind of 90s as well, I think Macross: Frontier is going to be - or at least SHOULD be - the standard for how animated programs should look, and what themes, threads and motives they should follow. Also - I think it is wonderful that, in a world where there is more and more Live Action Movie Syndrome - Macross Frontier shows that some things actually do look better in animated form (despite the CGI in Frontier). I don't think this thread is pointless. It would be like saying that a 14th thread praising Nekki Bassara is pointless. Hmmm.... VFTF1
  9. I'm never any good at predicting deaths. Love affairs, yes - because that's fun - deaths no I hope none of the main characters die. We'll have a rainbow like M7 ending with love and happiness for all. VFTF1
  10. I was thinking of creating a thread for this - but decided to write it here... Has anyone ever noticed that the head design of the YF-19 is DIRECTLY based off of Hikaru Ichijo's HELMENT in SDF Macross TV? I just noticed it a couple days ago when watching and episode of SDF M where we get a shot of Hikaru with Helment from behind and bamo - it's the YF-19! This got me thinking - looking at the YF-19... does it strike anyone that the entire Battroid is basically designed to look like DYRL flight uniform? VFTF1
  11. And so Honey Suzuki gains another helpless lover... So tragic VFTF1
  12. I should add that after thoughtful consideration, I've come to the conclusion that Nanase would make the perfect wife. In fact, upon reflection, she is shaped pretty much just like my girlfriend, with the one exception being that my girlfriend doesn't wear glasses, but rather has the Sheryl complex (sunglasses as hairdband) - but she does have all of Nana's personality traits: loyal, dedicated friend, reliable. This makes me wonder about Nana's faults. Also, my girlfriend doesn't have purple hair... bummer. After all - Macross Frontier doesn't really show us anything bad about Nana. Now, you can argue that the character is two dimmensional, takes up too much screen time etc etc - but these are faults in the script and plot if anything, but not in the character. Has Nana ever done anything that angered anyone? I don't recall...really. I wonder about this because once I realized that my girlfriend has a lot of her positive traits - I naturally started wondering whether therefore Nana has any of my girlfriend's faults? So...do you think Nana is: a) Paranoid b) Pedantic c) Shy (although this one isn't necessarily a bad thing) d) Manic-Depressive This isn't a multiple choice question - it's more of a "here are some bad things about my girlfriend - do you think Nana has any of these traits. And just to be clear; I think that all "bad traits" are just mirror images of what is good in us - so paranoid translates into "loves you so much that sometimes she gets a bit too jealous," "pedantic" translates into "enjoys cleaning and doing my laundry so don't complain when she asks you to tidy something up", "shy" translates into "feminine aka attractive," and manic-depressive translates into "pensive and an interesting person to talk to about life" ... it all depends on the context. Nana hasn't really been shown in a context where she wasn't supposed to be comforting Ranka. It's almost as though nothing is going on in her life - no boyfriends, no ambitions, no worries - she's just there to worry about Ranka... But clearly there has to be SOMETHING more to her - and if we got different context, maybe we could see different traits? VFTF1 ps - elsewhere I wrote that my girlfriend looks like Misa Hayes - which is true; except that the correct combo would be Nanase's legs + Misa's thighs + Nanase or Misa's breast depending on the time of the month (they tend to inflate sometimes) + Misa's face/hair.... ergo my taking note of Nana in a positive "she reminds me a little of my girlfriend" way...just putting that in there to clarify
  13. Yes - and this is also supported by the anime. Before anybody jumps out with "but in Episode 6, Sheryl said..." Please think about this: In Episode 6, Sheryl gave her "I was a very lonely girl on Galaxy" story to Alto as a perfect cover for her true Honylicious identity. See - obviously 'Sheryl' (a fictitious person) can't have any family or childhood history, and certainly she couldn't have been from a large household or had many friends - too many coconspirators would need to be involved to make it plausible in case anyone started checking her background. So Agent G and NUNS instructed her to come up with the "lonely girl" story - and give it a "heart wrenching" twist of emotions - so that people who heard it would be very afraid to pry deeper and ask for specifics - because they would see that the whole episode is painful for her to discuss. Thus, the perfect back story cover was originated. Like I said - it all fits together. VFTF1
  14. I agree. Some of these plot theories are really not very well thought out and far fetched. That said, I've come up with a new, somewhat unique, but on balance pretty accurate and probable explanation for everything. SHERYL IS HONEY. Long ago, following the events of Macross 7, Honey was enraged at the success of the undisciplined and highly unprofessional Nekki Bassara and vowed to take the music industry back for the forces of professionalism. But he was old, and, well, he was Honey. Happily, one of his lovers was a project manager at the NUNS bio-weapons research division where the Vajra were being developed. Honey was operated on, agreeing to be the test-pallet for numerous biological experiments, in return for having his cells reverse aged and a sex change. He emerged as Sheryl Nome, appropriately naming himself the "Galactic Fairy" and set out, with the help of NUNS (who provided him with Agent G) to take back the music business and to reassert Military authority over culture - never to let culture "get out of the hands of the government" as it did under Nekki Bassara. Thus we have Sheryl who always says she is selling herself, who keeps touching her boobs as though she were amazed at the fact that she had them, and who keeps repeating that they are there for "marketing purposes." Thus also we understand why Sheryl falls for Alto. Naturally Honey would go bonkers for Alto - and he has an easier time of it thanks to the sex change operation. In the end, due to V-Virus, Sheryl will reverse mutate back into Honey - and this will happen after Alto has definitively renounced Ranka's love and dedicated himself to Sheryl... he will return home to her at night, testify his love in the dark, and suddenly find himself in bed with...Honey! Ranka will save him - but her pain will be such that she no longer can be with Alto. Thus Alto will return a shamed, broken man, and be an actor. Ranka will go on to stardom but never regain that beautiful, innocent feeling of first love... And Honey - well...Honey will live to plot again another day! Muahaahahah!! VFTF1
  15. Recently, I got a hold of more Macross MP3s and decided to wake my girlfriend up with them in the morning... she was cooperative - although sometimes I wonder whether she really enjoys them, or whether she's just listening to it to make me happy - as strange as this might sound - but this woman authentically does lots of stuff for the sole purpose of making me happy and not necessarily because she wants to - great girl...anyways... I played My Soul for You, Try Again, Todsukeki Baby (sorry for the bad spelling on that one!) and...voices (vocals). She LOVED Voices. Go figure... I like Voices too - Japanese version of course (the english translation is wierd...particularly with the "Reclining Spleen" ... ) ... ANYWAYS...err...back to the topic at hand... Sheryl's mega-popularity might have something to do with the fact that she has now officially become the underdog. Ranka's "underdog" status lasted about 2 episodes - episode 3 and episode 4.... in episode 5 she suddenly sang better than Sheryl - and it was all uphill from there. Sheryl has seen her carrier sidetracked, her home-fleet destroyed, her health take a beating... she's been upstaged by Ranka almost all the time... Face it folks -Ranka isn't the underdog - she's the lead and getting more leadish as things go...and now SHE will have memorable adventures with Alto exploring the Macross while Sheryl lies around sick with...Grace (who, let's face it, is no fun). I think this is generating a big sympathy vote for Sheryl... I dunno - in any case - it is interesting that Ranka rates so low - it's not even neck in neck - even if Ranka's numbers rise, Sheryl would have to rip her face mask off and reveal that she is Honey to plummet. Speaking of which - that's exactly what happens in episode 14. Sheryl is really HONEY! If you don't remember who that is (although how could anyone forget?) - go rewatch M7 VFTF1
  16. Wait - Shammy is the long haired sweedish girl, no? Wouldn't it be obvious that lots of guys would want to sleep with her?? VFTF1 (likes Shammy, as long as she's the long-haired sweedish girl with orange hair)
  17. Ok, time for me to step in and show just how important Nana is as a character. Behold: 1. Who do you think kept Ranka focused on her job at the Chinese restaurant? Without Nana there, Ranka would have been fired long ago, but Nana always calmed her down and reminded her to focus on her job. Ranka would have been totally intimidated by that shrieking Chinese Chef if not for the support of Nana who was always by her side at work. 2. Do you seriously think Ranka would have stayed in the wardrobe at the Miss Macross competition if Nana hadn't given her the "you're beautiful, forget about all these boobies!" speech? Sure, Sheryl's later kind words also encourage her, but it is NANA who goes with Ranka, Nana who tells her the most encouraging words - and it is NANA - not Alto - who is in the audience up until the very end. 3. If all of the above isn't enough - Nana bravely tells Ranka that she will go to jail with her friend if they are discovered violating the Environmental Acts. She does this because she values her friends' feelings and fondness for the litttle creature that comforted her above any government regulations. Nana has a big heart and lots of character - and people who say that she's just wallpaper are flat wrong. Wallpaper doesn't talk, it doesn't cheer you up, it doesn't worry about you when you've run away from your Big Brother and organize Micheal and Luca to search for you, wallpaper doesn't comfort you, wallpaper doesn't promise to go to jail with you, and wallpaper doesn't jump for joy when it sees you after a long time no see. There's a reason Nana is in the show as much as she is - it's because she's a key character - a CORE character, if you will. Nana is much more important than the bridge bunnies or Pin Point Barrier Bunnies - Now - as for the comment about less Nana and more Canalia - I like Canalia - but I think part of the nature of the character is that she doesn't talk much, she's not an extrovert - and in a show like Macross; heck - in any show - it's hard to "focus" on an introvert. But Canalia is as she is; there's not much else to show of her. She works, she's a doctor, and when she needs to - she pilots a Monster. Case closed. The girl would become interesting if she went on dates or had girlfriends to gossip with - but she doesn't. I exepct she has a husband and a nice, private, quiet life. VFTF1
  18. Vajra: I don't miss them at all. They are biological weapons who exist to kill. Ergo - they are rather boring, once you basically get the hang of fighting them. In SDF Macross, when the Zentrans would constantly swarm the Macross, at least we would also see Breetai and Exedol hatching some plan, and the Zentrans would often be executing some kind of a strategic maneuver. Ergo - it was interesting to watch. The Vajra just swarm in and kill NUNS. Big deal. Boring. Ergo - I think it was a good move on the part of the show creators to NOT have Vajra swarming all over the place every episode. You can't really sing to them like you can to the Protodevilin, and they have no character, let alone character interaction amongst themselves. GI JOE fight: Ok - I can agree with the IDEA that the two sides were holding back for the reasons given above - HOWEVER... Warfare is always chaotic. It is simply a fiction that when you have a large number of gittery guys in close range with weapons of that caliber pointed at eachother that when they begin shooting - they will only fire warning shots and make mean looking faces and nasty remarks. There is always the risk that someone will panic and go a little overboard. I guess you can argue that the Zentrans are EXTREMELY well disciplined... But then again - the whole episode was about the utterly UN-DISCIPLINED 33 Marine brigade which was so undisciplined that it was rebelling against their commanding officer... So ... sorry to say it - but they could have worked a tad harder on this aspect of the episode. But I forgive them because all of it was justified by the ends: Ranka and the Song Booster VFTF1
  19. Macross 7 is always worth watching. Macross II I have never even seen... NUNS, no matter where they may have originated, or when, are nowhere as bad as the Beaurau International Space Hostility Operations Proconsul, not to mention the Protoculture Organic Production Emissary. VFTF1
  20. I agree that the "battle" was very lame... and "GI Joe" is unfortunately how I'd also have to call it... But all in all, this is always a flaw in all animated shows to some extent - the "all powerful enemy" becoming not at all that all powerful as the episodes roll on... Still - good theorizing - I would say that Temjin is/was certainly instigating something based on his radio talk... But this leads to a question: WHY did he fight Alto with such Zentran flair? If Temjin was just manipulating the crowd towards someone's hidden agenda - why did he attack Alto as if he had believed his own propaganda? Personally I chalk part of the problem up with the subs - Lunar - my first Lunar sub - seems to have done a good job confusing me. Half the time it was really hard to grasp what the characters were talking about... but all in all I'm happy with the episode VFTF1
  21. Well - this is the wonderful thing about Macross: you're never quite sure what motivates people... I got the feeling Sheryl was HAPPY to have to talk to him again. Oh sure, driving away she was condescending, but in her bathtub she was happy at the prospect of seeing Alto again. Also, I think she immediately took a liking to the fact that Alto doesn't take sheeeeet from her VFTF1
  22. Ok, given the Vajra inflicted virus, which as yet has not had any specific results, given the connections that people are making between Aphos and the Vajra, given that the Vajra are a specifically biological weapon, and given Dr. Hasoford's Protoculture Evolutionary Theory - I have pieced together the following: In Macross Zero, it is clearly stated that human evolution took place at an unprecendented, ergo very fast, rate. This contention was made when comparing our evolution to that of other organisms, most of which have yet to develop basis sentience, let alone science and technology. This fact has led to the notion that external intervention occurred which sped up, or directed our evolution. This in turn (in keeping with Macross Zero), had to be accomplished somehow - and the Protoculture Evolutionary Theory that Aires explicates holds that a virus was introduced, infecting the human gene pool and "mutating" us into what we have become. Now, in Macross Frontier, there appears to be some sort of viral contamination tied to the Vajra. Could it be that whoever has unleashed the Vajra wishes to speed or direct human evolution towards some higher, new plane? What does everyone think? VFTF1
  23. So did anybody else catch that Ranka's hair was styled like Mylene in the birthday flight scene with Alto? I thought that was really cute - she was also wearing a helment very similar to hers... VFTF1
  24. I find it amazing this is being debated at all. It's clearly the original Macross. We'll find out soon enough how it got there. Although I do grant I'll be the first to give full props to the nay sayers if it turns out other wise.. Still - it is fitting that in a 25th anniversary series, they actually put the SDF Macross in there. I mean- we've not seen it at all since Plus, where it was nicely inserted and used... but still - Zero and Seven gave us no Macross love... so finally it's here... And I also really like the Birdman/Zero tie in - wonder who Big Green is... VFTF1
  25. I'm not at all sure of that. I think it's quite evident in episode 2, when the three of them are stuck in that airlock, that Sheryl takes a liking to Alto. VFTF1
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