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Everything posted by VFTF1
You know what the REAL problem with this aspect of the issue is? It's that because of stupid Harmony Gold, we will forever be stuck talking about Macross/Robotech in the 80s and 90s and "what if" --- and we'll never live to see the day when we talk about Macross on DVD, in the west, today or next week - because it's stuck in a rut. Bandai needs to put its' money into some litigation to try to fight to get Macross Frontier to the west. And that sucks. Pete
That's just because the economy is slow. Once it picks up, this thread will too. Pete
I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment.... But I have to ask...did you throw your Action Masters away? Personally, I only ever bought one - Circuit. And he had that Powersuit thing which Transformed into body armor... After reading Furman's take on Action Masters, I kind of warmed to them...although...no much.... The concept - to this day - is utterly bizarre.... Also - what about PVCs? Particularly the MEGA PVCs. I liked those, even though they didn't transform - kind of like some Revoltech real/super robots are cool despite not transforming... Pete
I see someboday hasn't watched Turn-A-Gundam? This is a reconstruction of the scene in which Loran helps a family who have no milk for their child by giving them a cow. Granted, there's no family anywhere to be seen, but that's the idea. Loran stored the Cow in the Gundam's Missile Rack - thus why one of the silos is open on the chest I'm a sucker for sentimental slop like this Pete
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The "huge chunk of immobile robot torso shell" was not a "huge chunk of immobile robot torso shell." The Torsos on the Micromaster combiners transformed into flight-pads/attack crafts that the Micromasters could pilot. As for Multiforce inspiring the Combiner gimmick... well...yes and no. Remember that there were also Micromaster Combiners prior to Multiforce - vehicles that would split in two and turn into robots. And then the vehicles halves could be inter-connected. Energon toys worked just the opposite way - namely only the robot halves could be inter-connected. At to that the fact that while the "connecting" gimmick worked well for something as small as a Micromaster.... it wasn't particularly good looking on a deluxe.... Anyways - the point is that you'd think that over the course of 20 years, technology would allow for some advances in Combiner design. Instead, we're seeing Combiners where the individual limbs don't even transform AND there are no fists/feet to speak of. That is a step backwards. Pete
Meanwhile I thought about it - and I guess I'll build Victory Gundam after all. Why not. Whatever. Meanwhile, I've been fiddling with Turn-A-Gundam, who, I decided, shouldn't be standing around all weaponed up, but instead, should be doing this: Pete
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I definitely agree with that sentiment.... for instance - Zendradi Rebellion, which took place on the heels of the Macross Saga, was actually pretty good. I felt like it was a plausible direct continuation - aside from the wierd part about the SDF-2 and yes - the thinking caps were lame...But the general theme of a group of Meltrans rebelling in the Amazon jungles and the rising political tensions between North & South etc etc were spot on and interesting. The other two novels I have are less interesting, sadly. Masters Gambit is just a boring story. The computer hackers and their techno-polis world just want to make me snore.... I can't say anything about the plot really since I wasn't able to read the book through cover to cover - instead I randomly fell asleep, flipped through the pages in hopes of finding something interesting, and then gave up. Planet Killers on the other hand.... I read that cover-to-cover - but mainly for the perverse pleasure it gave me to laugh at the melodramatic poo-fest that this story was. The horrible dialogue, the pathos.... for everything that seemed interesting about the Sentinals based on Robotech Art III ... if this was meant to be the grand conclusion of the Sentinels.... jeezus....it's like a cosmic farce.... Ok - maybe re-issuing the novels isn't such a swell idea after all Pete
I don't see the problem. It's a Robotech PERFECT Collection VF-1J - ergo - it's perfect. Why are you complaining about something that's perfect? So it fell apart. If it's perfect, and it falls apart, then falling apart is clearly part of being perfect. Case in point: human beings are imperfect. Have YOU woken up recently without a couple of limbs? Have your fingers been spontaneously coming off? Probably not. Why? Because you're not perfect. If you were perfect, you'd break. So just leave it be - it's perfect. Pete
I'll take the Sweet tinged with Sadness. Maybe if this guy is so famous and this studio is so good at international distribution, then I'll be able to find the DVD here in Poland. But... Is there any merchandise associated with this anime? Any cute moe figures to collecto, transforming robots or anything of the sort? Pete
So, in a word - it's Exo's fault (again) that Resin kits are hard. Plus ca Change.... Pete
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I was fiddling around with my Tsuyara Figma and got out the Emily head.... I put it on the Mikuru body but it looked out of place and didn't really fit well.... I then went and put it on the Tsuyara body... Anyways.... Looking at Emily's face... is SHE Tsuyara with a whig??? Pete
Is he the guy that made that one anime about the trees that came alive and started walking around, busting up some village? I saw that on Cartoon network like 10 years ago and thought it was awesome... But ok ok... give me some titles and I'll try to check out his stuff :-) Pete
And hence me - an "anime fan" - never having heard of either of them before Pete
I think I know what you're talking about - the latest resin kit is the Victory Gundam, and to my knowledge it is fixed pose. Detail wise it looks ok, but durability wise...it'll probably be ok if you leave it on your shelf and never touch it again but don't take it from me...I'm just going off of vague memories based on something I saw somewhere on the web some time ago... Personally I'm happy with the Mastergrades and will stick with them. Pete
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What I would really like is a re-release of all the Novels - preferably in either the form of an e-book (fat chance) or a large "collected series." Given that Harmony Gold hasn't produced anything worthwhile Robotech-wise since the 80s - they could at least re-issue the stuff was was worthwhile back then. Pete
When you think about the fact that, almost 2 decades ago, Takara managed to produce Multiforce.... not to mention the Micromaster combiners.... You know what the problem is? It's this damn "make them look alien" BS. It's totally DESTROYED the aesthetic of Transformers. "Feet" and "hands" are anthropomorphic. Aliens have "tenticles" and "claws." Of course -what is neatly ignored is the fact that in the quest to make Transformers "look alien" - the designers are using a grossly stereotypical HUMAN reference point for what ALIEN is. I mean - notice how wonderfully Alien Yuki Nagato is from Haruhi Suzumiya - that's a very interesting take on being alien IMO. But in TFs - they're ironically trading one anthropomorphism (humanoid traits) for another (human stereotypes about bug eyed aliens with claws and tenticals). What this really translates into is letting the design team do a half assed job with these figures... I know, I know - they're not movie figures per se .... but still .... the influence - at least on the getsalt limbs - is there.... Pity... Pete
Scratch my last some what enthusiastic comment, as I have now discovered that the limbs on the new combiners have no individual robot modes... Pete
That's sort of what they've been doing - at least if the merchandise end of things is any indication. I might be wrong, but I get the feeling that 60% of the anime-related goods that producers have announced for 2010 were all hentai/moe/erotic goods. Now - I am NOT saying this to suggest that moe is evil or hentai is bad. I am in many ways a fan of moe, since I love Ranka and love the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. But - then again - Ranka from Macross Frontier and the Haruhi gang might be 'moe' - but they are also so very much more than that. Meanwhile, something like Strike Witches seems to be just primarily moe oriented - with nothing beyond "hot hot young girl in panties with guns" going for it... Prior to this year, there were a lot more offerings that were not necessarily erotically oriented. The point I'm making is that the "anime industry" (to run with that term even though it's not necessarily the best out there) seems to have retreated into the "sex sells" foxhole, where they are fighting to hold their ground.... But I actually agree with Marzan - in the long run, someone will come along and say "damn it - it's time for something really awesome! HERE!" and it'll be a revolution like Gundam was towards the Super Robot animes and like Evangelion was towards the anime of its' day. I think part of the problem here is just bad timing. Macross Frontier, Haruhi Suzumiya, Gurren Lagann - IMO these are excellent anime. And apparently the EVA 2.0 movies have been doing well too -- but they all came about approximately when the economy tanked - and so it's really hard to say...is anime failing...or is it just that anime is having the same trouble as everyone else... Right now - everyone is scared of investing in new production-value...they will prefer to repaint, reboot, re-issue or in some cases just wait things out I think... As to the downloading problem: Eventually they are just going to have to get smart and think globally. These companies themselves should be using the internet much like they use TV. When you turn on the TV in Japan to watch Macross Frontier - you as the consumer don't pay a penny. It's "free" because the advertisers pay for it. Why do they do that? Because they HOPE that the show will boost sales for their products. In reality - it doesn't have to. But clearly advertising DOES work since otherwise advertisers wouldn't sponsor shows. Well... Just take that model and use it - but with the internet. Put the damn anime on the internet with official subs - let people download it. With one caveat - namely have your downloading website full of advertisements... Just like some fan sites have sponsors advertising ... why not get advertisers to sponsor your on-line downloads? I dunno - if that's a crummy idea- then homogenize your distribution schedule. Make sure a DVD hits the shelves in every country AT THE SAME TIME - not frickin' 5 years after the anime came out. I dunno... Ultimately - I have a sneaking suspicion though that the internationl market is REALLY marginal for Japanese anime - and that the problem is domestic. I mean, I think they focus on the Japanese market and make a good profit there - and then whatever comes from the international market is just added dividends.... Beats me.... Of course - we COULD also entertain the possibility that anime as such is dying.. but... I almost don't want to believe that. Anime will change - but die out? Like - completely? No way... Pete
Sweet, although personally I always prefered the....umm...those other ones...to the Z'Gok...the ones with the much longer arms... dag nab it...forgot what they're called... but yeah... Victory Gundam is pointless. For me - there's only one GUNDAM - and the rest are just mobile suits - albeit cool ones. I really like my Gouf and Zaku II... I'm gonna get myself a Guntank and Guncannon... and also I'd like to get White Base too. Pete
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Here's another point that I think is worth considering: Is it even possible to talk about the "anime industry" at ALL? What do I mean? Well - there seem to be lots and lots of shows out there - and I would wager that while all of us might say we're "anime fans" - many of us think different things when we say that. I love Macross, Mobile Suite Gundam (original series), Haruhi Suzumiya and Gurren Lagann....Evangelion... I LIKE Ideon. A lot. But beyond that - I pretty much don't care. I liked what I saw of Zambot 3 - true.... But then again...it's not like I went ape over it... I haven't really been very into anything else beyond the above - I sampled some stuff, tried it out and found it wanting... Other people might be fans of other things... Is it really possible to generalize and say that ALL anime experiences the same fluctuations in supply and demand? (I'm abstracting from the "the economy in general sucks" point here).... This is the part where it's important to be careful when discussing a whole industry. Many individual fans could care less is particular anime that they don't like fail or succeeds - they care about the anime that THEY personally enjoy... I dunno.... I guess I'm just wondering about how it's possible to homogenize "anime fans" and the "anime community" when it seems that there are some major differences within the anime genre itself that deserve attention.... I mean... I'm not trying to put down anybody's favorite anime - I'm not saying that if it's not on my list then it's "not" anime -- but surely all of these shows don't do EQUALLY well or EQUALLY poorly? And surely the anime that is unique and thoughtful is quite possibly few and far between? I dunno.... I'm just never sure about such generalizations... Pete
Just for saying that, or probably something very similar, the Gods have designated you a Nuker of gay unborn space whales. But I guess it's a fate that awaits all of us ... .... As for Seto's Robotech project- I hereby announce that I SUPPORT it. Why? Because it's time to take our childhoods back from the DOOFUS BRIGADE!! I loved playing the Paladium Role Playing Games as a kid, and I appreciate that Robotech introduced me to the world of anime - even if I didn't really know it back then. And I have fond memories of my childhood and it's a disgrace that people like Bendover are the primary sort associated with that part of our childhoods that is Robotech. So I say - good for you Seto and I'll support you - in fact - if your website will have a forum or something - I'd be really REALLY interested in playing the Robotech roll playing game with anybody else who wants to. I don't have any of the books anymore, but maybe it's possible to get scans. I just have some really fond memories of the whole thing. I'm sick and tired of pointing out the obvious - that Bendover and most of the Robotech.com denzins are dumb and that Harmony Gold made a crapy production in the Shadow Chronicles and have been lying and spinning all along. But there's no point in just continuing on about that. Yes - Macross is better - as a story, as an anime, as merchandise, as music - as everything. But nostalgia isn't about what is better TODAY. Nostalgia is about celebrating what was good back when we were little kids. And back then, for me, Robotech was part of something special. Not as big as Transformers, but it was there for me. Like Ghostbusters - I loved the Ghosbusters gear and would love to buy it and then go hunting for ghosts with my friends and try to catch them. Like NES which I loved playing and prefer to modern video games. It's about celebrating our childhood and if Seto can make a website that does justice to that nostalgic aspect -then cool. In fact- I would think that it's a far better way to use his knowledge than in arguing with peons on Robotech.com or some place else. So - I'm for it Seto. Make it happen. I'll happily sign up! Pete
Does anybody know whether Hasbro plans to bring out MORE Combiners like the new Arialbots and Combaticons - and also have them be in the G1 vein...like will we get Protectobots, Monstercons (a BIG dream)...etc? The Combiners remind me a little bit of the Multiforce combiners from Transformers Victory- they really have a BIG appeal to me precisely because they are cheap and look like crap rather than trying to look fancy. In fact - I'm liking a lot of what I'm seeing for 2010. Enough so that I'm thinking of getting the Generations, the Combiners --- and even the Powercore Combiners - not just because of Huffer... but... Because ALL of them have a really nice vibe to them. Animated designs were just too kiddy, but I'm also not really into the "realistic" movie designs - mainly because the realism is "moulded on" ... I dunno if that makes sense.. but it's kind of like...for instance - Bumblebee's crotch... the license plate - that's great.... but the transformation doesn't do that...so they just mold the license plate onto his toy crotch even though in the toy it ends up on his legs... well...then why the design... it's dissapointing... Um...anyways...liking Hubcap... Any pictures of Megatron from Generations? Pete
F@CK IT!!! I CHANGED MY MIND AND PRE-ORDERED THE BLOODY COMPOSITE VERSION KA!!! Look at that big bad drill! Who cares if it can't pose - at least it won't fall apart like a Yamato or be made of bendy rubbery plastic and require me to wear out the hole in each limb sticking it into the revolver joint every time I want to crazy pose it! It'll likely be sturdy and solid and that's fine. Besides - he has removable glasses, and comes with TWO glasses that he can use as weapons and extra drills as well. I'm throwing caution to the wind! I'm annoyed with the Revoltech Gurren Lagann figures despite what I wrote above because for all their poseability, they're made of crappy playdo plastic like most everything Revoltech. In fact - the more I think about it, the more I'm coming to realize that ONLY Bandai makes quality stuff [And Maxfactory does a better job with anime girl figures than Kaiyodo]. So I'm going to trust them on this Gurren Lagann. Besides - it's like the FIRST AND ONLY serious sturdy Gurren Lagann figure EVER MADE except for those old ones from Kodokawa or whoever made those big expensive ones. It's not like there's 50 figures in this line to buy. It's ONE damn figure. I'm getting it! Screw the tatoos!! I'll just tell myself that this is the post-anime Gurren Lagann - the tatoos will have some back story. Maybe Simon started seeing them in his mind, and maybe Megatron wants what's in his mind so Simon has to go to Egypt but then he first has to go to a museum before he goes to egypt where he neeeds to take his pants off and get tazed but then he goes to school before that happens where he betrays Nia with a beaitiful girl that turns out to be the Terminator but Nia saves him (for a change) and then they go to Egypt. Pete
That's all swell - but I'll pass. I'm going to focus on building stuff from only the original MSG... still need to get around to the new Guntank! thanks guys Pete
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