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Everything posted by VFTF1
Well...I'm watching Zambot 3. Does that count as being high? Pete
*opens thread* Meh. I thought maybe Bandai had gone and produced a 1/100 grade Mastergrade Rex figure like they did Goku from Dragon Ball Z. It's about time Basara's Hot Blond Motorcycle riding lover got some recognition.... Pete
If I recall correctly, there is a running debate on this. When I first watch Macross 7, the impression I got was the his wife had left him for another man because he didn't spend enough time with her and the kid. He loved his airplane more than he loved her - or so she thought. Pete
Nah. Their car was destroyed too so my Mazda went out in a blaze of glory :-) It was poetic justice. Besides, they technically had the right of way - they had their siren on...but without sound...just lights which I couldn't see given the position we were in. Nobody was hurt. I got a traffic ticket and that's that. I figured if I walked away from it without killing myself or anyone else - I better not push my luck :-) Now get back to talking about Macross 7 :-) I've got a lot of downloading to do before I can catch up with you guys... :-) Pete
Here I'll reply on a more seriuos note. I basically take the view of this post - although I never saw Robotech as a kid, I read the novels and played the RPG. What's interesting here though is the question posed - the comparison of Robotech to G1 Transformers. As bad as Robotech is...I have to admit that it does have a better story than Transformers. The G1 cartoon was lots of fun, but it was hampered by always returning to the status quo, having no memorable human characters (because Spike and Sparkplug were more along the line of human stereotypes), and it's pretty certain that the plot doesn't have momentum within the span of each season. That is to say - nothing inside any particular season ever changed things and none of the characters ever developed. Optimus Prime was the same character by the last episode of season 1 that he had been in the beginning. The plot-shift really only took place once - with Transformers the Movie - but because of that it was sort of a hack job - all of the new characters which replaced the old ones didn't so much come into being through episode after episode of development - but just were tossed in haphazardly... Transformers just had better toys than Robotech - far faaar better toys. In fact, it had such a great toy marketing advantage that it even managed to bring over the VF-1 as Jetfire. I'm not trying to knock Transformers as such - I'm a big G1 Fan actually. But sure - if you're asking me to compare it to Robotech - not even to Macross - just to Robotech. Read any of the Robtech novels, or just watch Robotech - it's better as a story than Transformers. Pete
There you are Macross Pyourist because it's old news to me that u whatch 1 part and are like no. Maybe watching the hole would be better for you before you run your moth? Facts is what are mattering and nt having the true facts is not helping you. So maybe understand that what looks like your mind is not what your eyes see. Fine fine! Go back to the naked 12 years old girls that is the only reason japcrap is prefered to Robotech. The Veritech fighter is in this episode but you don't like it!? Pete
Wow. I'm so thrilled to see that this thread is 20 pages long! I'm sorry I dropped off the wagon even though I was the one who initially asked everybody t come aboard.... But, since my last post in this thread 1) My old laptop died from a virus 2) All my anime was destroyed 3) A flood whiped out a large chunk of my country 4) the President of my country died in a plane crash and all life stopped for a few weeks of national mourning. 5) a volcano exploded spewing ash and soot into the sky 6) I got sick with Angina and was on heavy anti-biotics 7) my business went under I went bankrupt 9) my oldest dog died 10) a police car ran into my car and destroyed it But... Now everything is back to normal ! :-) Relvatively speaking :-) For now, I'm downloading and BURNING SDFM TV. I will get to Macross 7 soon and maybe - if I'm lucky - I'll just back into this conversation soon. Meanwhile, I'll begin going back and reading all the previous posts that I missed - since I'm sure there's a lot of great discussion and ideas there. Anyways - thrilled to see the thread is so long and that people are apparently having fun re-watching this great anime!! Hope to be able to be fully back on topic and contribuing by the time I next post in this thread!! Thanks to everybody ! :-) Pete (who has an immense sense of humor and therefore hopes that people find the above list of horrible events a bit comedic - because that's how I felt as they happened one-after-another without stop - to the point where it was just getting ridiculous :-) )
Added the first chapter of a new fanfic that should hopefully appeal to Turn-A-Gundam and Haruhi fans :-) http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=797 Pete
I support this thread :-) Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of my all time heros! He's the John Wayne of my generation! Pete
Thanks! I would appreciate anything you would have to offer. There's plenty of room and you can either add a whole new category or contribute to a sub-category or anything you want. Pete
Hi guys, After finally closing my online shop, I'm now slowly working on turning my website www.dyrl.pl into an anime/manga fan page. I don't have the money or intention to add a forum, but I would love to invite anybody interested to contribute articles, reviews of anime, ideas, photography - whatever you want. The website is Nontraditionally Multi-Lingual. That is to say - I'm not going to bother doing a "Polish" version and an "English" version. Instead, some of the material will be in Polish, some in English ,depending on who contributes. For now, it's pretty weak and there's nothing there - just lots of blank space :-) There is a Facebook page where people can post comments on the website or post ideas or anything really - it's an Open page. I hope people volunteer with some interesting writen material or ideas! :-) I myself will try to develop, add things as time goes by - but I'm kind of busy trying to find more work now ....although I did find some teaching hours :-) anyways - hope people contribute and sign up on Facebook! Thanks! Pete
I think Wanzerfan is just saying he prefers SDFM TV designs to DYRL designs. Pete
Re: This thread - http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33105 Does anybody have confirmation that the sale was due to a C&D? BBTS still have Kaiyodo Revoltech transformable Valkyrie up for pre-order. These are not HG sanctioned products. I think that the sale had nothing to do with HG or a C&D, but was just a sale. They wanted to get rid of their Macross stock. HLJ did the same thing earlier. Nothing more IMO. Otherwise - wouldn't they have to take down the Kaiyodo preorders as well? Pete
I tried to watch the Doug Bendo clip. I managed half of it. My favorite part was the beginning - when Mr. Bendo demonstrated his ability to read. Pete
Normally I might agree with you guys who are saying that the VF-1J Hi Metal is going to be a one off... BUT... Bandai took the mold for the Fire Valkyrie and are already offering a VF-19S from Emerald force. If they made something as remote as the VF-19S because they have the Hi Metal mold for the Fire valkyrie then... What will stop them from taking advantage of the VF-1 mold for the Hi Metal line and giving us a 1S and 1A? As for 1D - technically it's a two seater - but Bandai wouldn't have to adjust things too much I think.... In any event - So far every time there's been a VF-1 figure - be it Revoltech, Yammi or Toynami - it's been milked. Why would Bandai suddenly not milk this very nice VF-1? Pete
I got rid of all my Yamato version 2.0 1/60s in anticipation of this - so it better be worth it, and there better be more than just the 1J coming down the pipeline. The ultimate reason why the Yamato 2.0 was a failure in my mind? I realized that I was scared to death to transform any of my Yammies or play with them because I feared that all their arms would fall off. When I noticed that my VF-1J had developed a should crack after 1 year.... during which time I played with it maybe like...twice... that was that. Besides - all my Mastergrade Gundams are 1/100 scale AND Bandai have made the Macross 7 VF-19 Kai and are coming out with the VF-19S from Emerald force. I like the scale. I don't mind that it's not perfect transformation. Yamato is great, but it's just too delicate. Up until this VF-1J from Bandai, nothing except the Yamato looked like it should look. The one thing I wonder... I know bandai did the VF100s for Macross Frontier and there were lots of complaints about those... Any chance Macross Frontier will make it into this Hi-Metal line? From SDFM I assume we can certainly expect the VF-1S and all the other character variants. I mean - all they need to do is change heads and paint jobs. Really hoping that these will be sturdy and have no QC issues. Pete
All they did was cut off a part of the side-covers from the legs. The knee articulation on the inner frame is very good on the mould. The problem was always the leg armor which rendered the articulation inoperable. But if you have the old kit - you could just modify it yourself by chopping off the segment of the leg armor that hinders the knee joint. The new Gundam kit uses the exact same knee joint - because it's just fine. Unless I'm horribly mistaken Pete
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I have the new Unicorn kit? That's news to me But from what I've seen it looks exactly like the old Unicorn kit + new leg armor for better knee articulation and that stand thing... Pete
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@Snail00: Thanks for the empathy. Very nice kits. Personally, I'm not inclined to use the clear parts - although I guess I sort of appreciate the gesture by Bandai... Anyways, to make myself feel better, I created this pose. Below are "front/back" pics: Pete
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Well actually; I AM 80s reality Pete
Ok - clearly the gods are toying with me. After I wrote my last post in this thread, I went back to building Victory Gundam. I was on the arms. I didn't break anything, but I wore out a hinge connecting the upper arm to the elbow. It'll break eventually. Gotta get a new kit. F@ck!! Pete
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That kind of thinking kept me away from models for a long time - but Bandai's models are really user friendly. The only way to screw them up is by being impatient. Then again, I never paint any of them, I use a technical pencil for panel lining (except on Turn-A-Gundam...and that didn't come out to well...), and I carefully apply decals and dry-sheets (or whatever those things are called). It's really pretty hard to screw up... Sometime in the next few months, I'll be getting Hasegawa's 1/72 VF-1 with Minmey decals. That'll be my first attempt at glue + paint. Toys are fun - but sometimes they are no good compared to models. Just take the VF-25. Sorry, but in the long run - the DX is a stinker compared to the 1/72 model kits. I would prefer to have toys that are durable, yet as accurate as models.... But on the other hand - Gundams are so much fun... and I think it would be difficult to replicate the MG experience in a pure toy. I mean - I love the hydraulics, the inner frames - all the little moving parts. I'm not sure it is economically feasable to make a toy that does that...? Pete
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Legioss makes a good a fair point. I too, playing the paladium role playing games and reading the novels, didn't suddenly think to myself "gee - there's this awesome thing called anime of which these Robotech shows are a part" ... Instead, I had this "feeling" that the content of Robotech was somehow ... different...from Transformers and GI Joe, which were so much more generic and which featured episodes that always returned to the status quo from the beginning so as not to disturb the premise of the show too much... Robotech felt like something of a mystery - somehow out of place. But no - it didn't lead me directly to anime. In fact - I think Harmony Gold had a financial interest NOT to lead people to anime - namely - they wanted to keep it a big secret so they could just import shows themselves and do what they wanted. If not for the development of the internet, anime would be something that a few lucky souls knew about, and the rest of us got spoon fed to with dubbing and re-tailoring for a "western" audience a la the likes of companies like HG. Pete
The past is over! The present just passed and the future is right now! In the end it doesn't matter what impact Robotech had on popularizing anime in the west - bigger or smaller - either way it doesn't justify that HG and Robotech's only significant contribution to anime now and in the future will be as a HINDERANCE. Pete