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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. Very nice Slaginpit. I also built the Victory, but don't have the core booster. Not too interested in getting it; but I do like the Victory. Not interested in the new PG kit - 1/100 is the perfect scale for me. Besides, I never liked the Strike Freedom anyways - so a 1/60 version won't change my mind :-) Pete
  2. I go away for a few months and Gubaba is already pawning off my distinct artistic style as his own. For shame... Pete
  3. I managed to acquire Macross the First 01. Is 02 and 03 already out? Dag-nab it... As for 01 - it's great. My favorite part is where Minmey takes her pants off. Minmey is, in fact, the best re-design ever. Pete
  4. I finished building Guntank a couple weeks ago. Still haven't had a chance to review the original MSG trio - but I will hopefully get around to it soon. Pete
  5. Ok - what episode is this thread up to? I recently reviewed Episode 30 on my website after downloading it by accident instead of SDFM TV 30. I'm so behind. I'm so totally behind. Just rebuilding everything - this time I'm putting all my downloads on DVDs for safety's sake. I'm almost done downloading all of SDFM TV, I have DYRL, Haruhi, I'm downloading the Ideon series... I really wanna get back into Macross 7 and need to go back and read this thread... anyways - here are my thoughts on Episode 30 with lots of screencaps. You can click the thumbnails to increase the picture size. I will slowly be reviewing the entire series - along with all other anime I love... and hopefully getting back up to speed with this topic as well!: http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=966 Pete
  6. Just wanted to share my review of the VF-19Kai on my website. I really love this bird. I need to add a couple of pictures to the review - mainly comparisson shots with some MG 1/100 Gundams. I'm very happy with Valkyrie at this scale - it makes me feel like my whole real robot collection melds together really well. And yeah...the Soundbooster would be a great addition for sure...Bomba! Here's a pic from my review: And here's the link to the review itself. You can click on the thumbnails to enlarge! http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=967 Pete
  7. No - I haven't. But all of my figures are from the original series - my SOC Spec EVAs are all based on the original, as are my revoltechs. If I go and buy 2.0, I'll be struck by a mental dysonans between the content of my toy collection vs. the content of my DVD collection. Besides, I really like the original from beginning to end and want to have it on DVD :-) Pete
  8. I've begun the cumbersome task of reviewing this epic series as well as providing select screencaps. So far, Episode 1 is done. For those interested, you can see the review here: http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=853 It's going to take forever to finish reviewing everything I want to review...but at least this is a start! Pete
  9. Thanks, but for now - in terms of DVDs - I'd like to get my hands on Neon Genesis Evangelion - NOT 2.0 but the original series :-) Pete
  10. Sweet! Those are awesome! I'm not picky about price because my experience has always been that either I'm completely broke - like now - and even if it was for sale for like 20 bucks ... I wouldn't have the money ... Or I have more than I know what to do with and don't care about the price... Hopefully one day I won't be broke any more and will be able to hunt this down If anybody has pictures of the built kit...I would be interested in taking a look! Pete
  11. Thanks Marzan @One_Klump - everything can be taken out of context :-) Pete
  12. Is this the proper thread for me to boast that I now own an original copy of Macross the First, and am very happy about this fact? :-) Pete
  13. I guess he kind of looks like he's dancing... but now I finished his gun, and also attached his shield :-) Am currently building Guncannon. Arms done... I'm dreaming of the 1/400 White Base...but alas...the one at BBTS has been bought by somebody... maybe one day I'll be able to find it AND afford it at the same time :-) Pete
  14. I bought the entire series on DVD and wrote 27 poetic aphorisms that express my love for the show, as well as putting together a huge compilation of screen caps (click on the image to make it larger). All text in english naturally :-) : http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=795 Can't wait for my Composite Ver. Gurren Lagann to arrive :-) Pete
  15. I don't think it has poor build quality. It's not floppy, but certainly the wings on the Core Fighters don't stay on when folded down, and this is a pain in the butt when trying to put the core fighter into the main body - but generally everything fits together smoothely and very well. The fingers are not articulated; rather - like HG kits - you get lots of different hand attachments (closed fist, open fist, trigger finger fists). The thumb is articulated. But I think the lack of fingur articulation is due to the size - it's 1/100 - but the V Gundam is relatively small compared to all other Gundams - so they just couldn't engineer articulated fingers at the 1/100 scale... Overall I'm pleased with him. I think the core fighters are both fantastic, and I appreciate how they transform out of the main body, incorprating the head into the transformation. I dunno...I got V Gundam 'cause it's UC and basically I've decided to get everything from UC. The only non-UC Gundam I have and will be keeping is Turn-A-Gundam...but I consider him UC anyways - he's just kind of post-UC where UC is "dark ages" ... but it's still Gundam proper as far as I'm concerned. I love the V Gundam design. Very sleek, very 90s... agile... it's ok. It's also relatively easy to build. Pete
  16. Be it ever so humble, there's nothing like Victory Gundam. Pete
  17. Not particularly; I just put Freud's books there because Ideon is, after all, based in large part on Freud's theory of the ID :-) What sold me was the anime. I'm finding as I get older, I'm becoming more particular and only getting figures and models from anime that I really really liked. Ideon was one that I really really liked (at least Ideon: Be Invoked - 'cause I haven't seen the actual series). Pete
  18. Finally, after three years I managed to afford to get the one Soul of Chogokin figure, besides the SOC Spec EVAs (all of which I have) that I REALLY wanted (as opposed to all the ones I ended up getting for my store which I never had any interest in)... Namely - the one, the only...Ideon! Pete
  19. Most definitely happy to get this. Still waiting on my Hikaru, but got Basara. Roy will be a welcome addition. Pete
  20. Finally managed to get my hands on this. I like the scale. Thus far I've just removed the fighter and put it on a stand (and put the stand on a Gundam stand...doesn't plug well, but it stays in place) ... Anyways... First impression is good. Certainly a nice effort and very happy to finally have Basara's fighter. Pete
  21. Well this is just horrible. I go away for a few weeks and suddenly everyone loves everyone and there's some rational, sane and polite Robotech fan who knows how to spell on the boards. What is the world coming to? In any event - for what it's worth Mark - I always liked the Paladium RPGs. Beyond that - the series is inferior. I couldn't bring myself to watch Robotech and Macross seperately. I like things in their original form; so I'd rather even just go watch Mospedea and Southern Cross as they were originally concieved... Pete
  22. Awesome!! It has Minmey in her polka dot dress on the box!!! Yayy!! :-) Pete
  23. All I want from this line is the VF-1D and Max, Hikaru, Roy and Kakizake. That's not a lot. Hope Bandai does it! Pete
  24. This is true. After all - remember how Alto was sure that Sheryl's boobs were artificial - like everything else (almost) on galaxy. Pete
  25. Oh my God!!!!!!!! Outside my window - RIGHT NOW - Europe - the 80s haird band - is standing the middle of the street in the center of Warsaw playing their hearts out!! It's 11:30 in the morning!! I was teaching class when suddenly a guitar ripped across the entire city!!! And there they are!! Just playing and playing!!! Rocking and Rolling like it's 1984!!! TOTAL FIRE BOMBER MOMENT!! SO PSYCHED!!! Pete
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