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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. Thanks. But now you got my expectations way up...and then I go and watch episode 2 and...well... to quote myself: "I was totally expecting the Greenjacket to blow up, thereby killing the wounded pilot who barely managed to escape with his life – and was a bit surprised that it didn’t. It would have been so Tomino to have the Greenjacket pilot just barely escape, only to die in the Greenjacket’s explosion. But I guess Gary (the pilot) has some higher purpose in the upcoming episodes – although he might just as well be forgotten." Review of Episode 2 of Victory Gundam is online! http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=984 Pete
  2. Oops. Thanks for reminding me. I colored the text white. Highlighting it will reveal the spoiler info. Pete
  3. TO READ THE TEXT BELOW - HIGHLIGHT IT WITH YOUR MOUSE :-) [it's a spoiler!] The UN Spacey people could have at least measured her when they were holding her in that confinement gizmo (in the episode where Basar "dies") ... Pete
  4. Well...don't I feel dumb... I sat down to watch episode 25...turns out I accidentally downloaded episode 25 of...SDFM TV... :-( sorry...no review this weekend :-( Pete
  5. For those interested - I've gone and reviewed yet another Turn-A-Gundam episode - Episode 1: howling at the moon. I'll be reviewing Turn-A-Gundam consecutively now. Here's the link: http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=971 Pete
  6. So... hopefully this weekend I'll managed to download episode 25 and review that as well. Meanwhile, I need to copy and paste my reviews from the first few episodes that I put here onto my website... it IS time to watch episode 25 at the end of this week -right? :-0 pete
  7. Thanks. It's something I never noticed earlier - at least not as directly. Technically Basara's influence over the humans is primarily on dislay via how Gamlin changes his feelings about him... but yeah... I think this wouldn't be possible due to time differences, not to mention other logistical issues. Well... I don't care enough about mecha battles to be bothered by stock footage. Sure, I appreciate and love the fact that later Macross shows (and anime in general) no longer rely so much on stock footage - but ultimately it's the soap opera of M7 and the human angle that interests me. Pete
  8. Uf. Episode 24 reviewed: http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=960 Pete
  9. Uf. I managed to download episode 24 and can't find the time to watch it. But hopefully this weekend I'll manage a review! :-) Pete
  10. I open this thread during work hoping to hear drivel and instead I get an intelligent conversation that I can't read in 3 seconds!? scandal!! I'll be back Pete
  11. That IS good news! I'm dissapointed that the only Gundam series available in Poland is SEED. I'll be happy to pick Turn-A off the shelf or even get it via amazon.uk when it comes to Europe! Praise be to Bandai! Halleluya!! :-) Anyways...now I'm just hoping I can manage to download ep. 24 of M7 because by episode 3 I think I'd used up all my alotted GBs on my mobile internet for this month because I downloaded DYRL, Turn-A-Gundam (1-15) and a few other things prior... or maybe the signal is just weak again... beats me...sometimes my mobile internet is super fast, sometimes it's...well...less fast... I'm just happy to be active in the thread again! Pete
  12. I can just see my girlfriend's face as I explain to her "but honey - I was looking for a reason as to why the Gundams in this series were modeled after Japanese schoolgirls...honestly..." Anyways... Being on the cutting edge of anime as I am - I've gone and thrown up a review of the 1999 Turn-A-Gundam episode 8, Laura's Cow with screencaps: http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=978 When I initially watched the vast majority of this series, I put episode-by-episode reviews up here at MW... no body knows where those might be? Or...do I just need to search this thread? :0 Pete
  13. Canceling this line would be a pity. I was looking forward to a VF-1D or VT-1. Guess I'll have to get the Yamato 1/60 instead. Still greatful for 1/100 scale valks though - go well with my MG Gundams. Pete
  14. Ask and ye shall recieve :-) This is an old pic. Right now all my stuff is packed up as me and my Girlfriend are kind of moving soon, or at least haven't really settled down yet. Plus I need to go to Ikea or something and buy myself a collection shelf when I have some money :0 Also - I will soon be the proud owner of the 1/6 Asuka Langley from Aizu. Don't get me wrong - I don't think statues are better than poseable figures or mecha, but you have to admit there are some really beautiful sculpts out there and they are pretty rare!
  15. I'm thinking that my 1/8 and 1/5 Yoko Ritner statues (kneeling Yoko with skull-braid in mouth fixing hair and sniper yoko in trench coat) are probably my most prized posessions because statues like these are made in extremely small quantities and are extremely hard to come by once the initial production run has sold out. Pete
  16. I'm also all for going from episode 24. I'll download it now and work out a review this week. I'm unfortunately sick now, so haven't got much of a good mind for watching/reviewing...but downloading is something I can do. I've been busy downloading Turn-A-Gundam... but today I'll try to download the first 24 eps of Macross 7 to at least get caught up. Started to burn these to DVDs too so no worries that a virus or unforeseen event will destroy my anime as has been the case in the past. Will be back with a review of ep. 24 soon as I can manage. Pete
  17. Actually, from what I understand (the making of Star Wars DVD that comes with my original SW trilogy DVD set) - Lucas had 100% creative control over the first three films because he independently financed them. No studio was interested in A New Hope so he financed the project himself - and therefore had full control...unless I'm totally forgeting something?.... Pete
  18. They should have had the guy who wrote Macross II write Macross 7 - it wouldn't have been so idiotic then! Pete
  19. Actually, this is a great analogy. One of these days, I'll write up a good review of Macross Zero trying to debunk the whole "it's wishy-washy naturalism/magic/earth-god" opinion that has sprung up around it. Until then, there's my Bambo Leaf Rhapsody review :-) : http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=932 Pete
  20. Oh - how this brings back the old debates about Zero... I protest against the word "magic" when referencing events in Zero. Just because you don't understand the science behind something, doesn't make it "magic." From the point of view of pre-scientific peoples, it could be argued that cars are magic - I tend to look at the events of Zero in that way: we're dealing with super advanced bio-technology and our minds are just incapable of grasping certain things. Pete
  21. True. The former requires genuine talent. The latter does not. Pete
  22. Aside from re-watching Macross, Turn-A-Gundam and Haruhi Suzumiya, I've been trying to get all of the episodes of the Space Runaway Ideon anime reviewed. So far, I've reviewed the first five episodes. Having a little trouble finding episodes beyond 8 - but still happy to have this. Here are the reviews for episodes 1-5 with lots of screencraps: http://dyrl.pl/kategorie.html?cat_id=116 Pete
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