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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. Yeah. Alto is a lot like Hikaru in this respect... Pete
  2. I really wish I could do these at the initial 1 per week rate - it's not that I planned on doing this next episode one month after doing the last one...I just don't have time any more. Anyways - now I still don't have time...but I'm also happily sick - so...can't do anything else but watch Macross and wait for medication to work :-) Here's Episode 27 Rainbow Colored Song Energy - reviewed: http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=963 And here's some Macross 7 related goodness - I've also been writing my own multi-verse fanfiction rooted in the Haruhi Suzumiya anime. Recently, Basara got a little cameo. Here's one of the images I made using my chogokin to go with the story: The story this image goes with is linked here: http://dyrl.pl/detale.html?id=1014 and for those interested, the entire saga - illustrated with toy/figure/chogokin pictures can be read from the beginning here: http://dyrl.pl/kategorie.html?cat_id=106 Enjoy! Pete
  3. Superb job. I've always been somewhat amazed by the Gundams and Gundam designs getting so much development, what with how the Gundam was initially just the prototype for the GM - technically, there have always been more GMs - but the Gundams have always been "better" - like in Char's Counter attack - the NU Gundam was clearly a more able machine than the GMs - because of the Funnels, and then later the psycho-frames... So...Gundams are prototypes...but they're always pushing the envelop - and therefore by the time a mobile suit the like the GM is being mass produced, based on the RX-78-2 -- there's already new, better Gundams being made as...as what? Prototypes for new mass production suits? Pete
  4. I got a storage room in our apartment building. It's ok - big metal doors, solid lock, and inside it's like a really really really small room. Nice to hear the shoulder problem is fixed on these. They deserve to be QC perfect because they really are great! Pete
  5. Glad to see this thread is alive. I forgot what my worse Macross moment was. 'Scuse me while I go check what I wrote... Pete
  6. Very nice collection! :-) The Sinanju looks really awesome! And is that Wing KA or regular? Pete
  7. Well - I am very happy with my version 2.0 - I picked him exactly for the reason you mention - he's anime accurate. Yes - that means he's pretty plane - but that's what he's supposed to look like :-) I had the RX-78-2 KA.. but... eghads... it looked nothing like Gundam! :-) Pete
  8. Be that as it may, I'm still gonna build the MG Nu. I like the design and want to - an HGUC Nu would be kind of pointless - no way to interact with my other Gundams or VF-100s :-) Pete
  9. Shockwave's toy certainly looks better than the wierd Soundwave toy. The movie designs are slowly growing on me too... Pete
  10. HM - the "big head" thing seems to be a staple of the 70s aesthetic - I like it. I get bothered by the puny heads on SEED combined with over-bulked proportions.. :-) I certainly like the big heads on my MSG original RX-78-2 and Guncannon :-) Pete
  11. Ugh. So ugly. So far ROTF Prime (leader) is the ONLY Movie toy that I remotely like. Pete
  12. I have gotten significantly closer when I saw the GROUND WAR sets; both the Zaku with those awesome tanks and the Gundam with the hover tanks...very very cool idea... But I'm betting those 1/144 soldiers need paint, eh? Pete
  13. I think it would be nifty if Yamato one-uped Figma and made some MACROSS poseable figures of the main cast. Pete
  14. Oh my... well...I hope you guys don't have the same view of the MG Nu Gundam...and the Re-Gz :-) Pete
  15. Hm...Metalic coating version? Interesting. Maybe it's just the pose - but it looks kind of oafish :-) oh well...we'll see... Pete
  16. Moved my response to this to the TF thread here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30862&st=2170&gopid=893529entry893529 We now return to Bandai's VF-1S 1/100 valkyrie :-) it's great. rah rah rah. Yay Bandai :-) Pete
  17. MOVED FROM THE MACROSS TOY THREADS: ae_productions wrote: I tried that. It didn't take. I used to own pretty much all the Transformers ever made up to and including the 2007 movie toys. Then I sold everything. Now I want back in - but I just can't make up my mind yet in what form. I'm thinking maybe getting Optimus Prime as a first would be a good start. Which one though? I was thinking ROTF - but we'll see... hard to decide...hard to decide... pete
  18. I dunno...I think the original wing Gundam also looks better than the KA... but then again, the wings on KA, with the "feathers" - unless I'm mistaken .... that's pretty cool :-) Pete
  19. Hm. Unicon-themed HG Gundams look worthwhile... Might just get me into building HGs! As for Gundam Wing - you know... I tried to get into that...but ultimately the colors are way to bright and there's something a tad too super-roboty about the designs... Maybe one day... For now, I'm finally aiming to build a Nu Gundam and RE-GZ from Char's Counter Attack. I'm not at all sure I want to build a Sazabi though... anybody got a Sazabi pic to inspire me? :-) Pete
  20. The pictures of those kits look great - but they are not transformable, which kind of makes me unwilling to go that route. I ultimately opted for mixed Macross love. I have some VF-100s (Roy, Hikaru, Basara and Docker) and 1/60S (VF-22S Max and Milia & VT-1 from DYRL). I also have a VF-25S Ozma in the 1:72 scale. The ony line I remained consistently dedicated to are the MG 1/100 Gundams - perfect. I like the VF-100s a lot; particularly because they are compatible with my MG Gundams - but since there aren't enough moulds/decos in the VF-100 line and Yamato are detail kings; I also keep a couple of those. Still haven't figured out what to do about TFs - I have ZERO - although I am constantly thinking what to do about that... Pete
  21. Sorry for the double post, but ... all done! Pete
  22. Thanks for checking it out, and I have to still build Red Frame's weapons. Maybe I'll do it today. I used a standard Faber-Castell PITT artist pen (S) The ink is removable, in the sense that if you rub it, it'll whipe away. This method works well for me since I sometimes make mistakes, and my Turn-A-Gundam suffers from a non-removable messed-up-in-some-spots panel lining job :-) Pete
  23. You know...I think the triangles are not a symbol per se. You can find them on the VF-1 as well. They are warning signs. Usually there is some text written in there - like "Warning: don't stand near the exhaust vents" or something like that. I don't think it's a symbol or ensignia like SMS or something from MF. Pete
  24. Are you refering to the yellow and blue triangles? Mr. March would know. He knows everything :-) Pete
  25. I'd add that the animation in this episode really is much better than in previous ones. The story is so tightly woven, however, that it's almost impossible to understand - let alone enjoy - these episodes seperately :-) Oh well...hopefully I won't be so long with reviewing episode 27 :-) Pete
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