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Everything posted by SilverValkyrie

  1. About as much as you hear someone talk about a B-1B (read: NEVER) Valkyrie
  2. /ME agrees with the previos statements. Valkyrie
  3. LMAO...leave it to a VF-4 Loser to ask such a question..... Valkyrie
  4. WTF?! Gundam sucks?! Baka....I think not.....both shows are equally good (well, depends on which series...). So keep your fanboy wierdness away. Oh, and BTW, Millia is great...but you don't need to call her a sexy bitch....she kows it. Valkyrie
  5. **wonders about Lightning's Post** Hey Light, you intentionally trying to confuse the slow guys like me? Oh, and I agree with "nuking the edit button".... Valkyrie
  6. And the fire begins to engulf all corners of the map..... Valkyrie
  7. Hey, let's lay off this song...I love those lyrics...and whoever said look at the clip is right...the song was written just for that. And it works perfectly with everything Sharon wants....to seduce Isamu, give him what she thinks he needs, etc. YK just happens to have a way fo making music that actually connects with the work...which is why she's soo good. Valkyrie
  8. This is sick and twisted..... Valkyrie
  9. Gotta be after 2051....I want to see my enhanced VF-19XA make an appearance...and also they could tie in how the Hikaru Party's descendants are found...or something tying in the "classic Macross" charas...just my stupid opinion. Valkyrie
  10. Lightning....Vostok....control your hormones....and I like the second one more....She's cute....and she reminds me of one the MS Girls! I love MS Girls....yummy! Valkyrie
  11. Come get some Fly Boy! I have an Ares that will send you to Shifted's a**hole and back Valkyrie "Protecting the Puma before Sunrise!" BUY THE UNDERWORLD OST.....FINE MUSIC ON THIS CD!
  12. This is the most beautiful thread ever....long, convoluted, and full of INTELLECTUAL debate....what more could you ask for?!!! Valkyrie
  13. Metal Siren.....I LOVE MS! and Sylvia Gina! Valkyrie
  14. That YF-19 has to be the sweetest drawing I have ever seen! Yummy.... Valkyrie
  15. Bah humbug...the VF-4 sucks..... Yeah, I said it: THE VF-4 LIGHTNING SUCKS! SUCKS COMPARED TO THE MAGNIFICENT YF-19 or EVEN THE VF-11 T-BOLT! Muahahaha Valkyrie
  16. I love ALL the Macross OSTs...all of them. Except every Minmay Song...damn that little Chinese girl! Personally, Macross Plus' OSTs were absolutely the best....just because of Yoko Kanno's compositions. Information High is my favorite Macross song of all time....CMYK and Dai + Ken=Go made that song famous. I always remember the "asteroid" drop scene from M+ when I hear that...it always pumps me up. But, those are just my 2 cents. Valkyrie
  17. <-----------frightened by the line about Guld wanting to rape Isamu Ewwww.... Valkyrie
  18. Two things to say: 1) "Dedicated to future pioneers" - the ending tags it as NON-Shakespearean tragic....although each character has a major flaw that becomes their downfall BUT unlike SST those same flaws are their salvation. We are all sitting here trying to rationalize the irrational. What Kawamori shows (and what he doesn't show) are all part of why M+ is so important: Each person who sees it further builds the story with their thoughts and interpretations resulting in discussions such as this one. That is why M+ endures...and why Isamu deserved to live. 2) Mechamaniac....I love that ending you made. Nice...YF-19-A indeed! Valkyrie PS: Why doesn't anyone talk about how Yang is a tragic hero?!!! Cuz He is!
  19. I dunno....Mac 7 is good for the comedic value...it has some nice Mecha, nice fights, and a pretty nice (but strange) reunion between Max and Millia. I kinda like it....but it can't hold a candle to Mac Plus or Mac DYRL.... That's my 2 cents Valkyrie
  20. Oh that sucks....I want my animated ava.... Valkyrie
  21. W00t! Thanks Boinger...going to hit that right now.... Valkyrie
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