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Everything posted by eight_car

  1. The bridge bunnies were operating as a different kind of bunny inside when they weren't on the bridge ... LOL
  2. I don't really see Minmei as a whiny jerk, I think I keep her age in mind. And remember Hikaru is the same age. (So there is no Hikaru robbing the cradle - if anyone can be accused of that it would have to be Misa) Kaifun as a drunken, broken down alki, hmm... that would have been cool too.
  3. About Roy's death, you are thinking about DYRL. Roy's death in the TV series was handled much differently, with Roy getting shot up, bringing his bird in, and still making the date with Claudia at her room. He then collapses from a loss of blood and later dies in sickbay (infirmary).
  4. Well maybe I just felt sorry for Misa..... LOL And it's not a fetish, I just don't see her taking all that crap, and the worst thing she does is flip a poster upside-down????? Serioulsy, if you have EVER pissed off a woman, you would know that ANY of them would do more than roll over the way Misa did for all that time. (If you don't believe me, get married then talk to me!)
  5. On the pronunciation of Macross, I would listen to the opening song from the original TV release of Macross, and take it from that. That's just my 2 cents for what it's worth.
  6. I agree with all of this. However, that doesn't mean that Misa couldn't have gotten totally pissed off and taken a swipe at Minmei. In fact, that would've been in her character.
  7. And that's why I said he should have been ironically killed at the city where he stopped Hikaru from taking the Micloning machine.
  8. Kaifun was NOT the beter person. His pacifism was NOT genuine. He showed far too much HATRED to be a true pacifist. He was just an angry person who used the military as a scapegoat.
  9. Sorry about calling Hikaru "Rick" ... damn My brother in law downloaded for me the enitire Roblowtech series and I watched it after many a year. I then watched Macross series again (got the Animego Set - AWESEOME) and can't believe I made that slip-up.! The whole max/Milla thing is good for it being rushed if you take into account their probs they have in Mac7. (And from being in the military, I have seen rushed mariages like that)
  10. If you had input in the writing,what if anything would you have added/deleted from the original series? I am talking small details here, not major re-writing of plot/characters to the point it wouldn't resemble the series we all admire. When I watch the series I had a few thoughts about this 1) Misa is normally a strong woman, but she is a total wuss in relation to the whole Hikaru/Minmei thing. I would have liked to seen an episode/part where Misa stands up for herself to fight for Hikaru and maybe even SLAP Minmei. I'm no talking about any fan service or stuff like that here, just Misa standing up for herself and taking a stand. 2) Kaifun should have been ironically killed off by a rioting Zentradi at the city he caused the trouble with Rick. 3) Would like to have seen maybe visual archives of the Supervision Army. (I bet the Zentradi had SOME records of them) Well, Like I said nothing to majorly change the story, just a few additions/subtractions I thought about while watching.
  11. I didn't see the mearoad directly referenced in the macross Series, it just had Misa agreeing to let Minmei come aboard for when they left. My question is, where does the meagroad come from and where is it found that they all disappeared?
  12. That Animego set from RT is AWESOME!!!!!! I started to watch it saturday (first weekend day) after I recieved it and couldn't bring myself to stop until I ran through the complete show. I started watching in the afternoon and wasn't finished to the early morning. A few notes: On the opening disclaimer screen, i.e. "It is illegal to loan, copy, import, export, look at us crosseyed, etc." they do mention HG and at the bottom of that screen it says for more info visit robotech.com. So they do mention it on all the disks once in case anyone is interested Truly awesome sound and great subtitling.
  13. This poll should be redone with Mac Zero added to it. If it was there I would've voted for that instead of the neither option!
  14. Thanks!
  15. I found that entirely funny I was stationed at in texASS a few months after the Davidian thing, interesting theory you have that could very well be true as I never saw any Robotech stuff there. They could've erased all traces so that woulddn't happen again! Seriously, read my 1st post about how I feel about Robotech. But I will trash to the ends of time Minmei ROBOTECH singing!
  16. I did like the singing in RT TNG. It would be hard for me to believe that RT actually did some music BETTER THAN the anime it was taken from.
  17. Even the BB software thought Minmei's ROBOTECH singing was beyond hope! LOL
  18. I would like her to pick that chick in Mac7 Miss Dynamite! J/K Really would like her to pick Basara, Gamlin is a stick in the mud that should've stayed dead.
  19. When you say unique, what do you mean? I don't mean either good/bad, I am asking about genre. 80's rock?, Jazz? Techno? Pop? Etc.
  20. I haven't had the chance to watch VFX-2. Could you tell me where to find that???? I agree ith the Mac II singing, good except for when Ishtar suddenly starts singing in English, bad but still FAR better than that annoying Minmei ROBOTECH singing! I loved the techno music in Mac+, and most the other music in Mac +.
  21. I have seen all of Mac7, but don't remember that scene. If that was a joke that was a bad one
  22. Oh well, so much for the poll. More interested in peoples comments anyways.
  23. I Just finished watching robotech again (after a 10 year break). A few thoughts occurred to me. 1) I appreciate robotech for what it is/was to me ... A gateway to discovering Macross and anime. Good for its purpose, but a horrible hack job of good anime. 2) I still cringe when I hear Minmei's ROBOTECH music 3) Mospeada may look like a good series to watch. 4) If Southern Cross is good, Robotech did it a real disservice, will not go out of my way to check it out. 5) I liked Mac7 music FAR better than Minmei's ROBOTECH music, then again I would rather listen to nails on the chalkboard than Minmei's ROBOTECH music. 6) Minmei's DYRL music is great. Edit: First choice as Minmei's ROBOTECH singing, can't figure otu how to edit poll
  24. Placed my order Can't wait to get them
  25. Got outbid at the LAST second on the Animeigo set on eBay :( :( And i was really looking forward to it too after hearing the good things about them. Macross 9 DVD Set w/ Lenticular Card from Animeigo ~ Zaas!
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