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Everything posted by eight_car

  1. I WANT NEWS!!!!!!!
  2. A NON_Macross fan informed me of this today... EPIC FAIL on my part!
  3. Instead of the Macross cannon attracting the Zentradi, they state they receive offending signals in space, track it down to the Harmony Gold studios and blow THAT studio instead of the other one shown.
  4. Where do I send money to get this!
  5. "So THAT'S why you were carving those love sticks! And I thought you were really a woman!"
  6. Macross intro music is better than waiting for superman to appear!
  7. You forgot supercheesy intro music
  8. I have the whole roblowtech series (DL of course), and before you say that, listen to Reba West sing. Yes I have it, hadn't seen it since 1994/5, and I gave it another chance to make sure I wasn't unduly influenced, and if anything I liked it lot less than before. So yes, it IS the monstrocity that people make it out to be, and if you don't believe me, I will make an mp3 of Reba's singing and you can listen to THAT!
  9. Can anyone please post the translated news from the official macross site? Its in flash and I can't even do a copy paste to get a bad translation Can't wait for more NEW Macross!
  10. If I were Hikaru, I would've done Minemi when she showed up for Christmas, booted her out the door the next morning and then went with Misa!
  11. I have the macross complete CD collection, if you need me to, I can go through it and try to find the BGM for that.
  12. Well reading your post gave me an idea for a really wicked biased poll ..... Which do you hate most ... 1) Roblowtech 2) Mac7 haha I won't really make that as it was a joke that popped into my head when I read your post and wold most likely just tick people off who hadn't read this thread.
  13. I am not a fanatic of Mac7, but do like it for the most part. I was disapointed in Mac7 Miss Dynamite though after watchin Mac7. I do admit 7 could have been done better, but it is good overall. As a fan of Macross, I can't hate on ANY of them. I was disapointed in Mac7 Miss Dynamite, but the one series that has the MOST room for improvement in my mind is Mac Zero. The worst story by far. (Which is unforetunate as that was the last Macross I watched that was new to me.) But I don't hate on Zero, just disapointed.
  14. Actually Mac7 was good (except for a couple episodes where we really didn't need the extra Mylene storyline of the fan service stuff). I watched the entire series in 4 days. Too many people don't give the cred to 7 like it deserves. If you don't watch it with preconcieved notions, you will find you enjoy it (but may be afraid to admit it because you want to be cool and hate on it too) POWER TO THE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Then delete it!
  16. Nope, grew up in the sticks. No cable or nothin. And I WISH I was a kid. The life of no real responsibility ... hmmm ... That would be nice
  17. Never heard of Mazinger, sounds cheesy from your reply to my joke though. How bad WAS it?
  18. I thought the weakest arguement was ... I like Valks with breasts! LOL
  19. Yes it does, and I can prove it Mac 7 ____ Mac 0 The Mac's cancel each other out 7 > 0 Simple math!
  20. I liked the music in Macross TV Series DYRL Mac + Mac 7 Mac II Didn't like the music in Miss Dynamite Need to listen to again before I judge Mac zero
  21. Do yourself a favor and get the Animego set. It totally rocks!
  22. Mac7 is NOT trash! Granted it could have been done better (much better) , but trash is a bit harsh. If you want TRASH, there is something called roblowtech! And I still vote MacZero as the worst! Best to Worst Macross TV Series DYRL Mac Plus 4 Part OVA (I haven't seen movie, need to get my VHS back so I can) (tie) Mac 7 TV Series (tie) Mac II (Movie, never seen the 6 part OVA) Miss Dynamite Mac Zero And Miss Dynamite came close to beating out Zero, but Zero went way over the top in the story!
  23. Yeah, keep them. You may be able to get a friend interested in Macross easier if you show him/her the English ones if they are adverse to subtitling. After a while, they will see subtitles are better. (It took me a while to learn that lesson, so I can't really throw stones at the dub fans! lol )
  24. The UN Spacy probably had security checks just to get on let alone live on the island.
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