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Everything posted by eight_car

  1. Oh HELL NO! Don't disrespect Independence Day with your analogy!
  2. I have the all-in-one DVD set. (Parts I, II, & III) I still watch it a lot from time to time when I don't want to marathon my SDFM box set I am thankful that that hack Macek and HG didn't get to it like they wanted to (Megazone 23 was to be butchered as an ending/continuation to roBLOWtech)
  3. Part III wasn't as good as the first two, but it was good. Shogo sure hit that every which way he could in the first two parts LOL. Loved the rebel/punk feel of the shows. The bunch of outcast bikers was done nicely in part II
  4. I beg to differ, as it is proven that you ARE a "merry man"! (Note: the you I refer to is the actor that played Picard, and not Petrov27)
  5. Sheryl is by far my favorite If we were to just base this on ONE SONG, then it would be Minmei...Ai Oboete Imasu Ka is just the BEST song ever (by Minmei, not Ranka) I do love the 80's ballad sound of Fire Bomber (Sadly, they used the Fire Bomber songs better in Frontier than they did in Macross 7) Some of the Techno sounds from Sharron Apple were great too. BTW Ranka reeks Macross II while good left off the list as it isn't cannon, and Macross Zero music was bleh
  6. "I've been dead before." - Spock Star Trek VI I prefer to think of him in the Final Frontier exploring and getting it ready for us
  7. They better keep the 80's sound! Music (other than J-POP/J-Rock & Country) has sucked since the 80's!
  8. Ripping off the superman theme song was ...ahead of its time?
  9. They were not ALL redubbed songs! Stage fright was NEVER a Macross song. They used that crap to replace Shao Pai Long which was far superior BTW the superman cheesy ripoff in Robotech was almost the same score used in the cheesy rip off of Go Lion! (Voltron)
  10. Want something SCARIER?! Look at THIS comment! Robotech music...better? The lesson here is don't let your kids drop acid while watching robotech!
  11. WWE is pure crap. When it evolves to the greatness that was seen in this anime: Wanna Be the Strongest in the World then I will watch again
  12. The story is FAR BETTER in Go Lion, and actually makes sense! Watch Voltron beginning to end and you will see inconsistencies. The alleged robots....living beings..but can't have deaths in kiddie cartoon The original member of the team DIED!, It was his BROTHER that was shown in the later part of the series That annoying maid DIES! But then again, some people prefer a hacked up sanitized mangled anime to the original. Kinda how some people like robotech better than Macross :wacko:
  13. true, but I guess in your mind that would make ...wait for it ...wait for it ...robotech better (I can't believe I had to type that phrase out to make a point, I feel sick)
  14. Who would want a VOLTRON toy? Serisouly, that's like asking for a Robotech one! I would much prefer a GO LION! toy
  15. Delta will be about some up and coming officer who decides the "Jamming Birds" were a great idea and he is in charge of making them pilot as well as sing. There will be one seasoned Valk pilot (who will somehow still be a teen) who will be assigned their pilot training. It will end up being a harem with two girls way out front thus keeping the "triangle"
  16. Must leave thread....anger...the mentioning of the blasphemy is too much!
  17. One plus one plus one plus one plus one .... GO LION!
  18. Studio Nue had some great anime Dominion Tank Police New Dominion Tank Police Patlabor Orguss 2 Dirty Pair
  19. I like that Capaldi is like Hartnell. I just wish in the tradition of Hartnell that Moffat wouldn't try some over-reaching story arc. The reset to a Hartnell type doctor should be also a reset to more stand-alone type episodes. Also the Pink character (name not the color), I just can't stand! It is like they took the worst of Rory (before he grew a set) and Mickey and merged it into Pink! Still like Clara, and I think the kid has the potential to be a great character!
  20. brevity in typing, I should have used dislike. Apologies
  21. I liked M7, so when I say this next part please keep that ni mind How in the heck can you say the characters in 7 were better than Frontier? Other than the original (and movie DYRL), MF is THE BEST! The maturity thing? When Ozma says I'm not an adult I'M A MAN! ...That was priceless! Ozma, Cathy, Pres, the douche Leon, Grace all acted mature, but they also acted like real people with real faults and humanity! Sheryl (considering her background) was mature Alto, Michael, Klan Klan, and even Lucas for their ages acted rather mature Ranka, on the other hand had some real maturity issues (crushing on a guy who loved her as a little sister, not a romantic interest) I wonder what the real reason for hating on MF is? The characters were done really well. The singing was spot on awesome (BTW I love the 80's ballad sound of Fire Bomber in M7, I could listen to it all night long!). Heck some of the best moments in MF was the use of some of the more meloncholy songs from Fire Bomber!
  22. Got better things to due with my money than a robLoWtech kickstarer 1) Burn it 2) Literally flush it down the toilet 3) Toss into a crowd and watch people fight 4) Get the big return from the prince somewhere in Africa..I keep getting these emails you see.... 5) Invest in the newspaper business 6) Invest in the pay phone business in the USA and many many other things Now should a kickstarter start up for buying out HG and getting the rights back to where they belong, I will be very quick to get on that!
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