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Everything posted by Escaflown4

  1. Hi guys, I have been kinda out of touch with Macross for a while, but lately a few ebay auctions caught my attention. http://cgi.ebay.com/Elintseeker-VE-1-MINT-...1QQcmdZViewItem So far I don't think this price has ever been realized for the Elintseeker in the past even though it did hit the four digits before, but $1356?? http://cgi.ebay.com/Macross-Robotech-Roy-F...1QQcmdZViewItem Is this the current going price for a 1/48 Fokker? My question is are these the actually going prices or is it just aggressive bidding from a few certain individuals?
  2. Don't worry, if he flakes out, you can always go for this ultimate SDF-1 Ultimate SDF-1 Is it colored grey or is it from the dust??!?!?!!? Well, although I am sad to see this beauty go, but I am no longer the owner of this custom. And yes the SDF-1 was colored with grey dust. j/k
  3. Don't worry, if he flakes out, you can always go for this ultimate SDF-1 Ultimate SDF-1
  4. Hehe no I didn't build it, Kisimoto did. He has such awesome skills. However I am the owner of this and proud to say that it was his very first custom. Budget has been tight lately and I have been trying to sell it. We'll see if anyone on these forums wants the job of taking care of this beauty.
  5. Hey how come the DYRL SDF-1 is not on the poll?
  6. Why are you selling it then? Welp, as said in the auction....trying to pay off my student loans asap..... For some weird reason....I'm gonna know a few years down the road that this will be one mighty mistake if it does sell.....
  7. Some of you might know about this, but to those that don't, I just listed this SDF-1 on ebay with massive amounts of new pictures. Ebay link Enjoy
  8. Here's mine. Massive pictures in this link
  9. My VB-6 just arrived today and as usual the instruction manual proves to be useless for a Yamato figure. Does anyone have a link that shows step by step transformation?
  10. Sorry, didn't get the chance to get some nice poses and pics of the SDF-1. I'll try to get them within a few days. In the meantime, here's a quick teaser pic I just took of the SDF-1 inside the custom made box.
  11. Thought we were talking about the SDF-1 here, but I wouldn't mind posting pics of my g/f that is if she doesn't try to kill me if she finds out. lol
  12. Yeah I know $450 sounds alot, but it's the price I paid for it back a few years ago and a deter for me to let it go at a loss. I think this SDF-1 is worth it tho. If you really like the it and want to discuss the price with me, you can email me at Escaflown4@earthlink.net. I'll see what I can do. I'm at my girlfriend's place right now, but I'll definitely post more pictures when I get home tomorrow.
  13. I'll be willing to let it go at the price I bought it for which is $450. This will include the custom made box and a detailed step by step transformation instruction manual book made by Kishimoto. If you need reference, I am on the straight shooter list and my ebay id is "Escaflown4". Link Here I have sold some Transformers and a bunch of comics and have received alot of positive feedbacks about how I package my items. My packaging style is pretty much bullet-proof.
  14. Hi, I found these pics half year ago, I didn't know what it is, yesterday I just remember it again, so put it up here. It's a great surprise to me. What does Kishimoto do now? Does he have a site? I haven't spoken with Kishimoto ever since I bought the custom off him a few years ago. I remember facing heavy competition with Jerry (VF1-X) to those that remember him. As far as I know, Kishimoto does not have his own site. Lately, I have been thinking of selling this SDF-1 along with some other Macross valkyries to pay off my student loan. However, the more I look at the SDF-1, the more harder it is to part with. The details are simply amazing, but if I do decide to sell this, how many of you would be interested?
  15. I forgot to mention that this also came in a well made customized box. Kishimoto did an outstanding job on this custom.
  16. I'm surprised someone brought this up, but EXO is correct that it's Kishimoto's very first custom off the taka 1/3000 scale SDF-1. I bought it off him a few years ago on ebay and flooded this site with pics if anyone remembers back during the days when I was a moderator here. Anyways I still have this in my possession and I still think it's the best representation of the DYRL SDF-1 out of all the customs Kishimoto did. I also sent these pics to the valk factory to keep for archival. Unfortunately I could not capture most of the details with the digi cam. It just comes out mostly grey after the flash.
  17. Gee look at the bidding history. The guy could have at least done his shill bidding in a less obvious way. I wouldn't have bidded on this auction in the first place since it was rigged.
  18. I agree with you that Macross is definitely much cooler then Gundam. Question is why would Bandai want to waste money mass advertising Macross around the globe. Macross still needs alot of promoting to reach those that have no clue what it's about. I doubt Bandai would want to waste their time and resources to do that since they already have an established huge fan base for Gundam.
  19. As Graham said, Bandai is a corporate company with only one thing in mind "$$". They only focus on whatever brings in the biggest source of revenue for them. The only reason they even made the reissues was the fact that the originals were selling through the roof prices on ebay. They first released Hikaru's VF-1J to test the market. The first production batch sold extremely well that they decided to release the rest of the line. That's when they literally flooded the market with VF-1 valkyries to the point of saturation. Once Bandai saw sales plummeted, they immediately pulled out. This is all business 101 here. They just wanted a slice of the market. Did they do any research prior to selling the valks? Probably not much, otherwise they would have known that the most desirable valks were the ones they didn't re-release. As far as business mind goes, Macross is something they rather stay away from since they don't any potential $$ in it. Pretty much any rumors of Bandai re-releasing the valks are just......rumors.
  20. I remember this pretty clearly as to why Bandai halt all production of the Chunky Monkeys after Max & Millia. Valkyrie pretty much nailed it. Bandai's only intent was to cash in on the high demand for 1/55 valkyries. Back 2-3 years ago, Takatoku and Bandai's original valkyries were selling at insane prices. To test the market, Bandai released Hikaru's VF-1J and it sold like hotcakes. Afterwards they decided to reissue the rest of the Takatoku line and even modified the heatshield plates. They flooded the market with the reissues and the demand died really fast. The reissues literally sat on store shelves for months collecting dust. Max & Millia were still in production when Bandai put a halt to operations. Even at a lower production run, Max & Millia did not sell well in Asia. I remember members here saying they found stores that still had them collecting dust on shelves while the folks over here in the U.S. were paying high prices for them. HG had nothing to do with this. It's not even within their rights to tell Bandai to cease production since their license only extends within the U.S.
  21. Escaflown4


    Geez I still remember they used to go for $100 before Bandai started reissueing them.
  22. Just came back from this movie. All I can say is I am terribly disappointed. It had great potential, but I think the director just bombed on this one. The only good thing about it is Kate Beckinsale. Although her acting is pretty bad in this one, but I think she looked alot better then she did in UnderWorld. I would only recommend this film if you just want to see a blind action flick with tons of CGs thrown in or you're a big fan of Beckinsale. Otherwise I suggest to just wait for the DVD and rent this one out.
  23. Saw this ebay item here. Supposedly it's not out yet, but he claims to have it on hand and ready to ship. He has pictures of the boxed item too.
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