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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hi guys, I have been kinda out of touch with Macross for a while, but lately a few ebay auctions caught my attention. http://cgi.ebay.com/Elintseeker-VE-1-MINT-...1QQcmdZViewItem So far I don't think this price has ever been realized for the Elintseeker in the past even though it did hit the four digits before, but $1356?? http://cgi.ebay.com/Macross-Robotech-Roy-F...1QQcmdZViewItem Is this the current going price for a 1/48 Fokker? My question is are these the actually going prices or is it just aggressive bidding from a few certain individuals?
  2. Don't worry, if he flakes out, you can always go for this ultimate SDF-1 Ultimate SDF-1 Is it colored grey or is it from the dust??!?!?!!? Well, although I am sad to see this beauty go, but I am no longer the owner of this custom. And yes the SDF-1 was colored with grey dust. j/k
  3. Don't worry, if he flakes out, you can always go for this ultimate SDF-1 Ultimate SDF-1
  4. Hehe no I didn't build it, Kisimoto did. He has such awesome skills. However I am the owner of this and proud to say that it was his very first custom. Budget has been tight lately and I have been trying to sell it. We'll see if anyone on these forums wants the job of taking care of this beauty.
  5. Hey how come the DYRL SDF-1 is not on the poll?
  6. Why are you selling it then? Welp, as said in the auction....trying to pay off my student loans asap..... For some weird reason....I'm gonna know a few years down the road that this will be one mighty mistake if it does sell.....
  7. Some of you might know about this, but to those that don't, I just listed this SDF-1 on ebay with massive amounts of new pictures. Ebay link Enjoy
  8. Here's mine. Massive pictures in this link
  9. My VB-6 just arrived today and as usual the instruction manual proves to be useless for a Yamato figure. Does anyone have a link that shows step by step transformation?
  10. Sorry, didn't get the chance to get some nice poses and pics of the SDF-1. I'll try to get them within a few days. In the meantime, here's a quick teaser pic I just took of the SDF-1 inside the custom made box.
  11. Thought we were talking about the SDF-1 here, but I wouldn't mind posting pics of my g/f that is if she doesn't try to kill me if she finds out. lol
  12. Yeah I know $450 sounds alot, but it's the price I paid for it back a few years ago and a deter for me to let it go at a loss. I think this SDF-1 is worth it tho. If you really like the it and want to discuss the price with me, you can email me at Escaflown4@earthlink.net. I'll see what I can do. I'm at my girlfriend's place right now, but I'll definitely post more pictures when I get home tomorrow.
  13. I'll be willing to let it go at the price I bought it for which is $450. This will include the custom made box and a detailed step by step transformation instruction manual book made by Kishimoto. If you need reference, I am on the straight shooter list and my ebay id is "Escaflown4". Link Here I have sold some Transformers and a bunch of comics and have received alot of positive feedbacks about how I package my items. My packaging style is pretty much bullet-proof.
  14. Hi, I found these pics half year ago, I didn't know what it is, yesterday I just remember it again, so put it up here. It's a great surprise to me. What does Kishimoto do now? Does he have a site? I haven't spoken with Kishimoto ever since I bought the custom off him a few years ago. I remember facing heavy competition with Jerry (VF1-X) to those that remember him. As far as I know, Kishimoto does not have his own site. Lately, I have been thinking of selling this SDF-1 along with some other Macross valkyries to pay off my student loan. However, the more I look at the SDF-1, the more harder it is to part with. The details are simply amazing, but if I do decide to sell this, how many of you would be interested?
  15. I forgot to mention that this also came in a well made customized box. Kishimoto did an outstanding job on this custom.
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